New Class focuses on Urban Homesteading

PLEASE NOTE: This news article was posted on January 3, 2018 and may have outdated information.

New Class focuses on Urban Homesteading

Kalamazoo Valley Food Innovation Center (FIC) instructor Lee Arbogast moved from an organic farm in Bangor to Kalamazoo three years ago. He’s teaching an urban homesteading class this spring to encourage students to use small scale farming and food preservation techniques – no matter where they live. “Part of me wants to renew my own commitment to urban homesteading,” he said. “I want to refresh my own habits in the context of urban production in general.”

The class, “Urban Homesteading: At Home Production for Health, Community and a New American Ecology,” runs from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursdays from March 22 to May 10 at the FIC. Although he’ll tailor his class sessions to his students’ interests, Arbogast plans to offer instruction on a variety of topics including growing mushrooms, composting, gardening, foraging for wild edibles, and caring for livestock.

“The resources here are perfect because they’re adaptable for home use and students will be able to see the processes in play,” Arbogast said of the FIC. “We’ll have ongoing demonstrations and every class will include something to take home.”

Arbogast said two of his goals for class participants are self-empowerment and self-care. “It’s all about learning new things and learning how to master self-confidence and take care of yourself even when you don’t know what you’re doing yet,” Arbogast said. “For some of the instruction, I’ll be a co-learning leader. It’s an opportunity for all of us to perfect our techniques.”

Arbogast will demonstrate indoor mushroom and sprout growing and hydroponic techniques. Participants will leave class with plants to transplant into their own gardens. He expects the class to appeal to all ages. “You just need a willingness to learn and move your body,” he said. The course fee is $140 and registration is open now.

For more information or to register, go to or contact program coordinator Melody Woods at or call 269.353.1290.