Black Artists Exhibit Opens on Friday, Feb. 7

PLEASE NOTE: This news article was posted on January 30, 2020 and may have outdated information.

Black Artists Exhibit Opens on Friday, Feb. 7

In collaboration with the Black Arts and Cultural Center, The Metropolitan Branch of the NAACP and the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, Kalamazoo Valley Community College’s Center for New Media will host an exhibition of works by local black artists in February 2020.

“We have wanted to present a show like this for some time,” said Center for New Media Director Tom Hamann. “The community’s great response to the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts Black Refractions: Highlights from The Studio Museum in Harlem proved that there was a large and enthusiastic regional audience for this type of programming and exhibition.”

The exhibition is part of the college’s celebration of Black History Month. Artwork will be exhibited in the Center for New Media and its Arcus Gallery throughout the month of February. The exhibit’s opening will coincide with the city of Kalamazoo’s Feb. 7 Art Hop.

The evening will include readings from selected black authors by local leaders including Kalamazoo Valley President L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D.; Wendy Fields, President, Metropolitan Branch of the NAACP; Charles Peterson, Local Artist; Rehema Barber, Chief Curator, Kalamazoo Institute of Arts; Tanisha Prior, Kalamazoo Institute of Arts; and Denise Miller, Kalamazoo Valley Faculty Member.

The Center for New Media is located on Kalamazoo Valley’s Arcadia Commons Campus in downtown Kalamazoo.