Kalamazoo County Early/Middle College Open House Set for Feb. 5

PLEASE NOTE: This news article was posted on January 2, 2020 and may have outdated information.

Kalamazoo County Early/Middle College Open House Set for Feb. 5

Did you know it’s possible to earn college credit while still in high school?

Motivated college-bound students can earn college credit for little or no cost while in high school through the Early/Middle College program at Kalamazoo Valley. Participants can earn up to an associate degree while still in high school!To find out more, contact your high school counselor and plan to attend the FREE Kalamazoo County Early/Middle College Open House, sponsored by Kalamazoo RESA Education for Employment, Education for the Arts and Kalamazoo Valley’s Early/Middle College program on Wednesday Feb. 5 at the Air Zoo on Portage Road from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
