College Closed January 22nd
The college is closed for business January 22nd. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.

College Will Reopen in Phases

PLEASE NOTE: This news article was posted on July 1, 2020 and may have outdated information.

College Will Reopen in Phases

Enrollment for summer semester has been strong. I am very pleased that so many students have accepted our invitation to continue their education at Kalamazoo Valley.

Our efforts are increasingly focused on fall semester and the phased-in reopening of campus buildings. I remind you that your health and well-being and the well-being of the communities we serve are our top priorities. In May, I assembled a Post Pandemic Task Force which is serving as an important part of our future planning efforts. The task force includes academic and student support services leaders, faculty leaders and cabinet members. Our plans for providing an engaging experience for our students in the classroom and online are complemented by our many efforts related to the health and safety of our students and employees.

Our efforts have been guided by a set of principles which support the college mission statement: We are committed to enriching the lives of our students and communities through quality educational programs and services.

We also plan to protect the values that the college has long championed (53 years):

Caring and Respect
Excellence and Quality
Humor and Well-being
Teamwork and Stewardship

Following is a summary of some of the precautions we are implementing to keep you safe as you return to campus.

Personal Protective Equipment
As COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is primarily spread through respiratory droplets, the college will require that all faculty, staff, students and visitors wear face coverings or masks while on campus.

Work spaces, classrooms, labs, offices, common spaces and the Kalamazoo Valley Museum have been deep cleaned and sanitized.
Hand-sanitizing stations and cleaning kiosks have been installed in all college buildings.
Participation in a “Return to Campus” training, which includes information about a daily health-screen questionnaire, is required for all who will be entering our buildings.
“No Touch” tools will be made available for all and face masks and shields will be provided to those who do not have their own.

Following is a summary of fall semester academic, student services and operational details.

Fall Semester Academic Programs And Student Services

The fall class schedule has been significantly updated to provide a mix of online/remote learning and on campus instruction. The revised fall class schedule is available online.
Relocation of the TTC Computer Lab to facilitate compliance with social distancing protocol.
Conversion to Canvas LMS including Integrated Learning Platform for Banner integration.
Student services, including financial aid and advising and counseling will be offered online and on campus by appointment.
Planning is underway to provide for possible in-person, drop-in advising and counseling and other student services.
The pay station is piloting on campus assistance for students during July in addition to offering online tuition payment and other services.

Business, Accounting, CIS, Industrial Trades and Public Service
All Business, Accounting, LEN and CIS courses will be delivered remotely.
CIS will be primarily offered online.
Industrial Trades and Fire Sciences will be offered both on campus and in blended formats.
Auto, EDMT, ELT, HVAC and WELD classes will be hybrid.

WPE, Early/Middle College, and Dual Enrollment, Internships and Apprenticeships
Most fall WPE courses will have some on campus components.
Internships are planned to follow normal formatting.
The apprenticeship office will work closely with employers and academic areas to register students.

Math and Sciences
All Math courses will be offered through remote instruction.
Some Science courses will be offered through remote instruction and others will be blended with lab sessions held on campus.

Health Careers and Sustainable Food Systems/Culinary and Brewing
Courses to be taught online or blended.
On campus or simulated learning activities including Dental Hygiene Clinic are being planned.

Virtual KVAAP Connect sessions being planned.
Services will be offered remotely and in person at Arcadia and Texas Township campuses via scheduled appointments and drop-in hours.

Faculty Success Center
Services and support will continue to be offered remotely or on college campus locations.

Occupancy And Operations
We are adjusting classroom and office spaces which will allow for safe distancing. Classes held on campus will be scheduled in spaces which provide the maximum opportunity for social distancing.

Computer Labs, Libraries, Testing and Tutoring, Bookstores
Plans are underway for the controlled openings of these areas.

As of this time the college is in discussions regarding the plan to offer cafeteria services in our buildings. Vending machines will continue to be available in all of our locations.

Daily Cleaning and Sanitation
Across all campuses, we are increasing cleaning of high-traffic areas and high-touch surfaces such as handrails, benches, tables, handles, restrooms and more.
All surfaces will be wiped and disinfected using products approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at a minimum of once a day. We are using Electrostatic Victory sprayers and backpack sprayers to clean and disinfect large areas.
Additional emphasis is being placed on high-touch areas in restrooms.

Personal accountability is key to keeping our campuses healthy and welcoming. We must be responsible for ourselves and for one another. We want to help ensure that everyone who visits our buildings has peace of mind.

Post Pandemic Return To Work Schedule
The return to work plan continues to be adjusted to comply with Executive Orders from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, MI Safe Start Guidelines, Kalamazoo County Health and Community Services and our own campus readiness. Many employees have been called back to campus buildings. All employees should continue to work from home until contacted by their supervisors.

Phase 1 – Through July 13, 2020
Department/Location - Tentative Re-opening Date
Public Safety/Security - Operational
Physical Plant – Facilities Sanitized and Cleaned - April 28
Police Academy - May 18
Food Innovation Center - May 19
Bookstore - curbside - May 26
Emergency Medical Services - May 26
Human Resources - May 26
Library – Curbside - May 26
Information Technology - June 1
Parking lot WIFI - June 1
Pay Station - June 1
Telephone Switchboard - June 1
Wind Turbine Tech Academy - June 1
Valley Food Share- June 8
Industrial Trades - Automotive - June 15
Industrial Trades - EDMT - June 15
Industrial Trades - HVAC - June 15
Copy Center - July 2
Dental Hygiene - July 2
Medical Assistant Technology - July 2
IT Support – Network, Media & Computer Lab - July 6
Respiratory Care Practitioner - July 6
Marketing/Communications/Foundation - July 6
Institutional Research - July 13
Instructional Deans Offices - July 13

Phase 2 – Reopening Date TBD following July 13, 2020
Advising/Counseling/Student Success
Financial Aid
Enrollment Management
Academic Departments
Strategic Planning
Institutional Research
Learning Center/Tutoring
IT Support – Administrative Computing, Web, Application Support
Conference & Catering
Early/Middle College
Career Services
Student Employment
Museum Veteran Services
Kalamazoo Promise Services
Testing Services
Event Services

During this crisis, we will continue to lead our community in re-imagining and reinventing essential education, along with economic and social paradigms which will help ensure that we do not under serve the under served. We will continue to listen to our students, alumni, employers, community collaborators and you as we expand our impact to support the economic recovery of the region.

I’m proud of the many innovative ways we are working together to re-imagine and reinvent teaching and learning. These unprecedented times require that we continue to act courageously to ensure that Kalamazoo Valley is a great place for every student to learn and be successful. I look forward to seeing you back on campus.

L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D.