Kalamazoo Valley Receives Silver LEED Certification

PLEASE NOTE: This news article was posted on September 5, 2012 and may have outdated information.

Kalamazoo Valley Receives Silver LEED Certification

Kalamazoo Valley Community College has received silver Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification for its newest addition, the Student Services wing at the Texas Township Campus.

The LEED rating system was developed by the U.S. Green Building Council in 2000. LEED is an internationally recognized mark of excellence, providing building owners and operators with a framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions.

LEED certification is awarded to buildings that meet specified levels of energy efficiency and environmental friendly standards.

Kalamazoo Valley’s Student Services wing, which opened in the fall of 2010 and houses Admissions/Records and Registration, Financial Aid, Institutional Advancement and the Student Success Center, includes a green roof that is covered in plants that reduce and filter rain run-off and help to lower heating and cooling costs. Green roofs also help filter air pollutants and insulate the building for sound. In addition, sun screening over the building's glass curtain walls help control solar heat gain.

Dan Maley, Director of Facilities and Construction Management for KVCC, said, “The College works hard to minimize its impact on the environment and the silver LEED designation reinforces our commitment to sustainability.”