Let's Talk About It!
Office of Diversity and Inclusion to Host Jan. 21 Racial Justice Session

PLEASE NOTE: This news article was posted on January 20, 2021 and may have outdated information.

Let's Talk About It!
Office of Diversity and Inclusion to Host Jan. 21 Racial Justice Session

The images of the violence and destruction that occurred during the Jan. 6 attack by citizens on the nation’s Capital are etched into our minds forever. How are these images processed, differently or not, when we use the lens of diversity, equity and inclusion?

How do we compare and contrast our feelings about the recent events in Washington, D.C. with calls for social and racial justice related to the Black Lives Matter movement?

Are these comparisons valid, helpful or instructive? Can we as citizens - find ways to verbalize, empathize and move forward more united than we were before? Kalamazoo Valley Community College’s Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Trice Batson and Stacey Ledbetter, CEO, Black & Blue Networking & Consulting, LLC, will facilitate a 90-minute zoom session on Thursday, Jan. 21 from 1–2:30 p.m. exploring these topics. They will assist participants in navigating these issues and provide a space for reflection and conversation. Register by emailing tbatson@kvcc.edu. This session will be available to the first 30 participants who respond.

Participants will be emailed a Zoom link the morning of the event. The session is open to faculty, staff and students.