Kalamazoo Valley is a co-sponsor of April 14 Respecting Differences Event

PLEASE NOTE: This news article was posted on April 6, 2021 and may have outdated information.

Kalamazoo Valley is a co-sponsor of April 14 Respecting Differences Event

Kalamazoo Valley Community College is a co-sponsor of an annual, citywide Respecting Differences event set for 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 14. Valarie Cunningham, MSW, LMS, will present, "Racial Trauma and Working Together for Healing." Racial trauma is an ongoing health crisis that has generational impact. This presentation will cover the historical context of privilege and power, systemic racial disparities, and adverse community experiences.

Participants will explore effective ways to leverage their collective energy, power and privilege to bring transformative and radical healing to our communities.

Each presentation will last an hour and will be followed by a Q and A session.

For more information or the link to participate, contact Director of Diversity and Inclusion Trice Batson, tbatson@kvcc.edu.