April 23 and 30 Virtual Employer of the Day Events

PLEASE NOTE: This news article was posted on April 19, 2021 and may have outdated information.

April 23 and 30 Virtual Employer of the Day Events

Friday Virtual Employer of the Day Events for ANM and ART Students are meant to give students an opportunity to listen to presentations about Art and New Media and Art career paths from local employers.

On April 23 at 1 p.m., students are invited to a virtual presentation by Landscape Forms. To learn more about the company, click here. Join the Zoom meeting at https://zoom.us/j/95475366919?pwd=THFKaVg5RGxCMEdnVUttWmh6R2t6Zz09

On April 30, also at 1 p.m., students are invited to learn about Overneath Creative. See the company website at http://overneath.com/

Join the Zoom meeting at https://zoom.us/j/94538215489?pwd=NEFZTmlCdUEyYld6NUpwdlhsbEpMZz09.