Kalamazoo Valley IRB
The Kalamazoo Valley Community College Institutional Review Board's (IRB) purpose is to ensure research study requests are ethical and comply with federal and institutional regulations. Requests must be submitted for IRB review and be approved by the college prior to conducting any research involving human subjects.
IRB procedures are initiated within 7-10 business days after a research request is submitted. Requests from external entities as well as internal employees (staff, faculty and administrators) are subject to IRB review.
To read more about the role of an IRB, visit https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/education-and-outreach/online-education/human-research-protection-training/lesson-3-what-are-irbs/
Kalamazoo Valley IRB Principles
Kalamazoo Valley recognizes the importance of continuous and innovative research practices instituted by organizations across the world. The IRB exists to safeguard Kalamazoo Valley students, faculty, staff and other college patrons. The endorsement of research involving these parties occurs only when research requests:
- Carefully consider and minimize associated risks and clearly communicate potential risks to participants;
- Have well-defined plans, objectives and timeline(s);
- Utilize reasonable, ethical and safe research practices;
- Outline procedures to ensure the confidentiality of participants;
- Are promoted as voluntary to all potential subjects and integrate a process to collect informed consent; and
- Comply with federal and institutional regulations.
IRB Authority
Kalamazoo Valley's IRB is grounded in the principles and requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations, title 45, part 46 (Protection of Human Subjects).
- The IRB has authority to approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or disapprove all research activities.
- When warranted, the IRB may require that specific information be provided to research subjects.
- The IRB will notify investigators and the institution in writing of its decision to approve or disapprove a proposed research activity, or of modifications required to secure IRB approval of the research activity. If denied, a statement of the reasons for its decision will be provided.
- The IRB may rightfully suspend or terminate research projects that are reported to IRB members as having strayed from the approved request, increased risk or unintended risks that warrant investigation or are found to be noncompliant with institutional, state or federal regulations. Suspended research projects will be promptly investigated with a written decision of reinstatement or termination provided within a reasonable* amount of time.
Informed Consent
Code of Federal Regulations, title 45, part 46, section 46.116 (General requirements for informed consent) should be reviewed and understood prior to the submission of a research request. A copy of the consent form to be completed by research subjects should be provided alongside other required documentation for IRB review.
The following information should be included on the consent form provided to each subject:
- An overview of the research, including but not limited to:
- The purposes of the research
- The anticipated duration of the subject's participation,
- A description of procedures to be carried out, including an indication of any procedures considered to be experimental
- A description of any reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts to the subject
- Potential benefits to the subject or to others which may reasonably be expected from the research
- A statement of confidentiality, describing how identifiable information will be retained, maintained or destroyed
- A statement indicating that participation is voluntary
- A statement indicating the right to withdraw or discontinue participation at any time
- Contact information for those directly involved in conducting the research those supervising the research and a Kalamazoo Valley IRB point of contact
- A signature line for verifying legal consent to participate
Standard Procedure
Research requests must be formally submitted in writing, using the Kalamazoo Valley IRB Request form, linked here: https://kalamazoovalley.tfaforms.net/f/IRB
- Individuals conducting research under the supervision of another college or university must provide final IRB application(s) and host institution approval before requests will be assessed.
- Individuals conducting research without formal review and approval by a host institution must complete the remaining components of the IRB request form, to be assessed by Kalamazoo Valley's IRB.
IRB Frequently Asked Questions
Nizora Haitova
Director of Institutional Research
Possibly. All surveys implemented at the college should be funneled through the Institutional Research department. They can assist in determining if IRB review is necessary.
No, however it is recommended that you request informed consent from the individual or organization facilitating the survey. This will ensure you have an understanding as to how data will be utilized, distributed and/or stored.
Yes, the individual requesting your participation and/or the individual leading the research project must follow the college's IRB procedure.
No, however you should consult with your supervisor and/or human resources if your research requires the use of Kalamazoo Valley facilities, tools, other equipment or property.