College Closed January 21st
The college is closed for business January 21st. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.
Definition of KVCC's Model of Governance

Definition of KVCC's Model of Governance

The Kalamazoo Valley Community College District follows John Carver's concept of Policy Governance, emphasizing vision, values, and empowerment of the both the Board of Trustees and people who work at the Institution. This model of governance allows the Board to focus on the real business of governance: creating, sustaining, and fulfilling the vision of the Institution, while setting broad parameters for the chief executive officer under which to operate.

Board Ends' Policies

The board has defined which goals are to be met and measured throughout the year. These goals are identified as the Ends policies of the Board. The means by which to fulfill these Ends policies are left up to the chief executive officer.

Executive Limitation Policies

These policies articulate the boundaries of acceptability that the chief executive officer (the President) can operate and run the institution.

Board-Staff (President) Linkage Policies

The staff-board linkage policies define the relationship of the Board to the President as well as the President to the Board. These policies include the delegation of specific authority from the Board to the President, the Board's role in evaluating the President, and establishing the job description of the President.

Board Governance Process

These policies clearly spell out the role of the Board and how the Board will conduct its business. They define its governing style, job description (has a whole and for the officers of the Board), and how they will operate, including setting standards of conduct to ensure there is no conflict of interest in all operations and decisions.