Faculty Success Center

Faculty Resources Related to Student Success Events

Closing the Gap

Closing the gap between college access and college completion for all students is the number one priority of higher education for this decade.  Post-secondary institutions are facing significant challenges to achieving this goal.  Colleges are enrolling a larger and more diverse population that is less prepared.  The diversity of our student populations has increased with underrepresented minorities, first generation students, students with disabilities, and immigrant students seeking college degrees at higher rates but completing with less success.  

Many of these students come from backgrounds that make college more challenging on many levels and completion is less successful.  The demand for college education to compete in current and future labor markets has spread to all segments of our society while public budgetary support for higher education has declined.  This year’s conference brings together experts and practitioners to focus on how we can close the gap and provide all students with the opportunity for social mobility through education.


Other/Further Information:

16 Ways to Set Up Your Student for Success