KalamazooVALLEY Posting Procedures
Kalamazoo Valley Community College is committed to respecting and encouraging the promotion of ideas, events, and awareness campaigns. These procedures set forth parameters regarding the posting of physical material(s) at Kalamazoo Valley Community College. These procedures do not apply to posting of digital content. The policy is not intended to censor the expression of ideas; rather it sets forth reasonable restrictions on the time, place, and manner of postings. These procedures are established to ensure posting is done in a way that appropriately and safely utilizes available space, prevents defacement of college property, and reduces unnecessary expenditures of college resources used to create materials and repair and/or replace college property.
These procedures apply to all individuals, to include students, recognized student organizations, employees of the college, and guests or visitors.
- Definitions
- College affiliate - to include recognized student organizations, students and employees posting materials as part of their class, activity, or work at the institution as well as college affiliates posting external materials due to partnership/collaborative effort or alignment with work at the institution.
- External - to include guests/visitors posting materials as well as recognized student organizations, students and employees posting materials of a personal connection that is not directly connected to a class, activity, or work at the institution.
- Lawn Displays - shall include but are not limited to sandwich boards, A-frames, free-standing signs, artistic displays, temporary structures, etc.
- Printed materials - shall include but are not limited to posters, flyers, pamphlets, leaflets, six-up handout, rack cards, brochure, and postcards.
- Posting Area - cork strip, cork board, magnetic board, etc. typically identified with signage for either internal (college affiliate use) or external users.
- Posting - for the purpose of these procedures, "posting" shall be defined as any method of distribution of information in physical form and will include any other methods the institution deems subject to these procedures.
- College Affiliate Posting
- These procedures shall not apply to faculty and staff offices or faculty office posting areas.
- College affiliates shall submit a proposal of the materials to Marketing for design review and approval through WorkZone, unless prior approval is granted.
- All printed materials will include college branding.
- For events materials will include the event name and date. Time, location, and contact/registration information will either be in print or through another method of delivery (I.E., QR code, event webpage link) on the posting. Event date on material will serve as the expiration date.
- For awareness campaigns, an expiration date will be included on the materials.
- Materials promoting multi-date events shall be considered awareness campaigns.
- A maximum of 30 copies of flyers or posters may be posted across all campuses at any one time.
- To ensure equity of information, all campuses should be included in distribution/posting.
- College affiliates shall use the following as timelines for posting
- for events, should generally be posted no more than 30 days prior to the first event occurring and be removed 7 days after the event has concluded;
- for awareness campaigns, generally should be removed 60 days after the initial posting date.
- College affiliates are responsible for the posting and removal of their own materials in posting areas
- External Posting
- There are 4 external posting areas across all campuses, one in each of the following locations:
- Anna Whitten Hall, first floor lobby
- Marilyn J. Schlack Culinary and Allied Health Building, second floor by offices
- Groves Campus, first floor conference center
- Texas Township Campus, first floor student commons adjacent to the cafeteria
- Organizations interested in posting about job opportunities should create an account on our job board, Career Coach, at https://employers.emsicc.com/kvcc/signup
- Individuals or organizations requesting to post materials on campus should submit the Posting Request Form. Allow up to five business days for processing of your request.
- No display of political materials, such as posters, notices, handbills, and banners, shall be permitted by external parties.
- If submitting the form electronically, an electronic copy of the posting must be included.
- The form and physical copy of material to post may be dropped off in person to Student Development Services at the
- Texas Township Campus in Room 9300
- Anna Whitten Hall Reception Area in Room 109
- If approved, you will be notified via email and will then be able to have materials stamped by the college to be able to post at approved locations.
- Emailed approval is valid for up to 30 days.
- Materials can be posted for up to ten business days from the date stamped on the material(s).
- Materials must be removed from external posting areas within five business days of date stamped on the material(s).
- Printed materials for external posting areas should be no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches.
- There are 4 external posting areas across all campuses, one in each of the following locations:
- General Provisions
- No posting may damage or deface college property or that of any individual on campus. Anyone responsible for posting materials that cause damage to the college is financially responsible for the damage.
- Printed materials should uphold the college values. Materials with indecent or obscene imagery or language including but not limited to expression that incites violence, slurs or denigration of any cultural group or individuals, sexually suggestive language or graphics may not be permitted. No display of political materials, such as posters, notices, handbills, and banners, shall be permitted unless authorized by the Office of Government Relations. No materials shall have language directing to insight or produce imminent violence or violation of college policies or law.
- Printed materials may not cover any other existing posting, regardless of whether or not the event or awareness campaign has expired.
- Materials not designed and approved by the Kalamazoo Valley Marketing Department may not include design work that closely aligns with college branding (I.E., font style, color, branding style) or indicate endorsement by the college unless approval is granted.
- Posting of materials is limited to posting areas.
- Only one printed material is permitted about a particular event or awareness campaign per posting area at any given time.
- Printed materials may only be attached using supplied materials at the posting area. Thumb tacks, T pins, mounting putty, tape, staples, etc. are not permitted.
- Materials may not cover any vents/grates.
- Postcards and six-up handouts may be placed on tables.
- Posting is prohibited in the following areas:
- On any vehicle parked on college property
- On vending machines and telephones
- Light posts
- Trees and plants
- Walkway and staircase hand railings
- Ledges
- Windows and walls
- Trash cans
- Public signs
- Exterior of buildings
- Postings that are torn, damaged, etc. may be removed by the college.
- The college reserves the right to remove any postings that do not comply with this procedure or cause a hazard/risk. If any of the procedures for posting are violated, restrictions may be put in place on the ability to post materials in the future.
- Chalking
- Chalking on campus may only be requested by college employees for college-sanctioned events or awareness campaigns.
- Chalking is permitted only on concrete-paved sidewalks that are exposed to the weather and not covered by an overhang or roof.
- Type of chalk to be used must be approved in advance by Facilities Services. Only chalk that is non-toxic, water-soluble, and environmentally friendly will be considered for approval.
- To protect the interior spaces, chalking must be done at least 20 feet from any exterior entrance or exit.
- Free-Standing Signs
- Placement of temporary free-standing signs and lawn displays is permitted for promotion of events or activities in consultation with Event Services as part of the event planning process.
- Departments should coordinate with the Marketing department and the Facility and Events Manager prior to purchasing any free-standing signs for use in general areas of the institution. Director of Facilities or designee shall determine if free-standing signs may be placed in any location in accordance with terms in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- Banners
- Requests to order banners should be submitted to the Marketing Department.
- The placement of banners must be approved in advance by the Director of Facilities or designee.