The Financial Aid Office at Kalamazoo Valley processes numerous scholarships each year. Funding for
scholarships is provided by Federal, State, Institution, private sources, and the Kalamazoo Valley
Community College Foundation.
Applications for scholarships listed below will be accepted only when funds are available and
during the application period. The application period for the scholarships located in the
Kalamazoo Valley Scholarship Brochure are usually promoted in April/October for the fall and winter
semesters. An email will be sent to all registered students once the Financial Aid Office is actually
promoting these scholarships.
Kalamazoo Valley Foundation Sponsored Scholarships
Alyssa Sanford Endowed Nursing Scholarship ▼
Applicants must be enrolled at least 6 credit hours in the Nursing Program
Kalamazoo Valley. Students must have at least 3.0 GPA. Must be in good academic standing and
Anna Whitten Humanitarian Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be a resident of Kalamazoo or Port Huron,
Michigan. Must have completed at least 24 credit hours at Kalamazoo Valley with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Applicant must summarize and provide their community and/or volunteer service. Documented need
Carl Rasmussen Vocational Technical Scholarship ▼
This endowed scholarship is funded by Kalsec, Inc. Eligible applicants must
be pursing an AAS degree in one of the following careers: Business, Human and Public Service,
Health, or Technical and Industrial. Eligible applicants must be in-district and be enrolled
full-time, have completed a minimum of 24 credits at Kalamazoo Valley, and have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Applicants must submit an employment resume and two letters of recommendation (letter from a faculty
member and another non-family member).
The Carroll F. and Luna P. Marquard Memorial Nursing Endowed Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be in their second year of the Kalamazoo Valley
Nursing program. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident. Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and
demonstrate superior clinical skills and consistency in providing compassionate care for
Char And Tom Brouwer Memorial Scholarship ▼
A scholarship named in memory of a Kalamazoo Valley employee and her
husband. This scholarship is funded annually by friends and loved ones in their memory. Eligible
applicants must be Michigan residents and admitted to the second year nursing program. Applicants
must be enrolled for at least three credit hours and have a minimum 2.0 GPA. Applicants must
document current community/volunteer activities, including the dates of activities. Financial need
must be described on the scholarship application. Documented need required.
Charles W. And Marjorie Ewald Smith Endowed Scholarship ▼
This endowed scholarship was established by Charles W. and Marjorie Ewald
Smith in memory of Donald Francis Smith. Eligible applicants must be enrolled in one of the
following programs: Business, Health Careers, Human and Public Services Careers, Technical and
Industrial Careers or Elementary Education. Applicants must be enrolled at least half-time (six
credit hours) and have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours at Kalamazoo Valley with a minimum 2.0
GPA. Preference will be given to Van Buren County residents. Documented need required.
Connie And Gene Phipps Endowment Fund ▼
Eligible applicants must be enrolled in the LPN or RN nursing program in
the fall. Applicants must show compassion and sensitivity, and are truly dedicated to the nursing
profession. Preference will be given to students whose GPA is 3.5 or below. Documented need
Construction Financial Management Association Of SW Michigan ▼
Eligible applicants must be pursuing a program related to the construction
trades and have a minimum 2.8 GPA.
David and Jeanne Long Scholarship ▼
Dixie Thomas Memorial Scholarship ▼
This scholarship is designed to assist students in a health-related program
with books and supplies.
Dr. Calvin Peters Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be pursuing a program of study in one of the
following areas: Human Services, Social Work, Teaching, Health Careers. Applicants must have
completed at least 24 credit hours at Kalamazoo Valley with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Preference given to
students pursuing a bachelor's or higher degree. Documented need required.
Dr. Terence R. Comar Memorial Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be enrolled in the dental
hygiene program as a second-year student and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Documented need required.
Edward And Claudia Blahnik Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must not be "Kalamazoo Promise" eligible. Must be
enrolled in a drafting or technology-related program. Must be enrolled at least half-time (minimum
of six credit hours) and have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Must have successfully completed the first semester
of their program.
Edward And Virginia Vandalson Scholarship Endowment Fund ▼
Eligible applicants must have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours at
Kalamazoo Valley with a minimum 3.5 GPA. Must be currently enrolled in at least six credit hours.
Documented need required.
Fred And Velma Reynolds Scholarship ▼
This award recognizes a student interested in improving self, who was
unable to enroll in college without community college-related services (assessments, tutoring,
counseling, developmental courses, etc.), and who is determined and committed to complete his/her
program. Eligible applicants must have completed a minimum 24 credit hours at Kalamazoo Valley, be
enrolled in a transfer program. A letter from a Kalamazoo Valley official verifying need and use of
community college services is required. Documented need required.
Gary Sisters Foundation Scholarship ▼
This scholarship is funded by a bequest from three sisters who were
concerned about education in Kalamazoo. Eligible applicants must have a minimum 2.0 GPA.
Non-traditional students and students with special circumstances are encouraged to apply.
Gene Haas Manufacturing Scholarship ▼
Gil And Sylvia Golde Art Scholarship ▼
Current Kalamazoo Valley students must be enrolled in the certificate or
associate degree in Illustration or Animation programs. High school students must have intention of
enrolling in the Kalamazoo Valley Illustration or Animation program and must provide a letter of
recommendation from their high school art instructor. All applicants must upload a digital portfolio
consisting of six to12 pieces of art. Applicants must also submit a 750 word or less essay answering
these questions: What are your goals? What is your inspiration? Why are you following the
Illustration, Animation or Fine Arts for your transfer path? Kalamazoo Promise students are not
eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Harry And Rhoda Mohler Memorial Scholarship ▼
An endowed scholarship funded in memory of Harry and Rhoda Mohler by their
family. Recipient must be pursuing a health-related field. Documented need required.
H. Lorraine And Sharon K. Zimmerman Memorial Fund ▼
Eligible applicants must be in their first year of the nursing program, and
have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours at Kalamazoo Valley with a 3.0 GPA. Must be currently
enrolled for a minimum of six credit hours. Documented
need required.
Homer Engert Memorial Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be enrolled full time in the Respiratory Care
Program and must be in the last semester of the program. Student must have completed 12 credit hours
with a 3.0 GPA and meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress. Student must demonstrate leadership and
volunteerism. Preference given to greatest need.
Industrial Trades Scholarship ▼
This scholarship is provided by an anonymous donor. Applicants must be enrolled at least 6 credit hours in an Industrial Trades
Program at Kalamazoo Valley. Student can not be Kalamazoo Promise Eligible. Documented need required.
Preference iven to in-district students.
James WM Taylor Respiratory Care Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be enrolled full-time in the Respiratory Care
Practitioner Program. Must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours at Kalamazoo Valley and have
a minimum 3.0 GPA. Documented need required.
Janis Scott Crandall Dental Hygiene Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must have successfully completed the first year of the
Dental Hygiene Program, have
a minimum 3.0 GPA and demonstrate financial need.
Joann Nemecek Memorial Nursing Scholarship ▼
A scholarship for students who have successfully completed the first
semester of the nursing program.
John Lasotta Memorial Scholarship ▼
Funded by memorial gifts from family, students and colleagues in honor of
John LaSotta, former Dean of General Studies. Eligible applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
need required.
Kalamazoo Antique Auto Restorers Club Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be enrolled in the Kalamazoo Valley Automotive
Technology program. Must have a 2.5 or higher GPA. Must have at least 12 credit hours in the
Automotive Technology program completed and be enrolled in at least one automotive class for the
Kalamazoo Valley Foundation Student Assistance Grant ▼
The Kalamazoo Valley Foundation established this fund to provide financial
assistance to students.
Kalsec Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants can pursue any program of study, be enrolled in at
least 9
credit hours (not including summer) and be in district. Applicant must have participated in
Community in
Schools and meet SAP and demonstrate need.
Kathryn And Oliver Shields Endowed Scholarship ▼
A scholarship to benefit students demonstrating financial need in the
career-vocational programs.
Katie And Fred Oppel Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be a learning different student and must
self-report the learning difference and provide official documentation of the learning difference.
Applicant must provide a brief biography identifying their learning difference and include
strategies and accommodations they have used in the past to help them succeed and what makes them a
candidate for this award. Student should have a minimum 2.0 GPA. Preference will be given to a
student athlete first, and then preference to student with financial need.
Kim Kavanaugh Memorial Fund ▼
Eligible applicants must be enrolled in the Culinary Arts & Sustainable
Food Systems program. Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA. High school students are also encouraged to
apply. Applicants must summarize why they are enrolled in this program and any obstacles or
challenges they may be facing while enrolled. Documented need required.
Leonard L. Bridge Memorial Endowed Scholarship ▼
A scholarship named in memory of a former Kalamazoo Valley coach and
faculty member to support an athlete at Kalamazoo Valley.
Lynch Scholarship ▼
Eligible Applicants must be enrolled in the Industrial Trades/Engineering, Design & Manufacturing Technology Program. Must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours at KVCC and meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress. Applicants must submit an 500 word or less essay stating why you chose the trades program.
Marion M. and Leo F. Werner Endowed Nursing Scholarship ▼
This award established in honor of Marion M. Werner, is made available to
assist eligible nursing students with the semester cost of books and supplies.
Maple Hill's Wyatt Taylor Trade Scholarship ▼
Marlin Gerber Endowed Scholarship ▼
Marshall Beachler Industrial/Professional Trades Scholarship ▼
Applicants must be enrolled in at least 6 credit
hours in an Industrial/Professional Trades program. May be in-district or out-of- district. Must have
completed 12 credit hours at Kalamazoo Valley with a minimum 2.5 GPA. Documented need required.
The Maxey Family Industrial Trades Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must have selected an Industrial Trades program of
study at KVCC. Minimum 2.0 GPA for current KVCC students. Preference will be given to incoming high
school graduates and preference to in-district students. Documented need required.
Miller-Davis Company Endowed Engineering Technology Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants may be pursuing any program of study, but consideration
will be given to students taking engineering technology programs and/or planning to transfer to
Western Michigan University's Civil Engineering or Construction Engineering programs. Must be a
Michigan resident and have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours at Kalamazoo Valley and have a
minimum 3.0 GPA. Must be enrolled full-time. Documented need required.
Mol-son, LLC & Western Diversified Plastics, LLC Scholarship ▼
A scholarship funded annually by the two companies for a student in a
Technical and Industrial Career program (CAD Design, CAD-CAM Design, Machine Tool Automation or
Mechanical Engineering Technology). Must be a Michigan resident who has completed at least 21 credit
hours at Kalamazoo Valley and be enrolled for a minimum of nine credit hours for the semester.
Preference is given to non-traditional students currently working full or part time. Documented need
required. Recipients of this scholarship are required to set up a company visit.
NBRC Respiratory Care Scholarship ▼
This Scholarship is for a current Respiratory Therapy Student that exhibits traits of an exemplary respiratory therapist, such as integrity, professionalism, empathy, humility, and self-awareness.
The Nova Star Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be non-traditional students, at least 24 years old
and enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours. Must have completed at least 6 credit hours at Kalamazoo
Valley and have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Documented need required. Recipients are encouraged to excel and re-
apply. Priority given to prior year recipients.
Oshtemo Rotary Club Scholarship ▼
This scholarship is funded by the Oshtemo Rotary Club. Eligible applicants
must be enrolled at least half-time and must have completed at least 12 credit hours at Kalamazoo
Valley and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Must also be a resident of Oshtemo Charter Township. Documented
need required.
Patchell Family Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be enrolled in an Education program of study
(Elementary, Secondary or Special Education). Must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours at
Kalamazoo Valley and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Documented need required.
Paul And Mary Jackson Achievement Award ▼
The family of Paul D. and Mary G. Jackson have established this award for
their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents in recognition of Mr. Jackson's long affiliation
with Kalamazoo Valley as a founder and original board member.
Paul And Mary Jackson Endowed Scholarship ▼
This scholarship is named after Paul D. Jackson who is one of the founders
of Kalamazoo Valley and served as treasurer on the original Board of Directors at the College. His
two children gifted the scholarship funds donated by family and friends as a 50th year wedding gift
to their parents.
Perkey Intern Scholarship ▼
This scholarship was established to assist students with expenses while
participating in internships at Kalamazoo Valley. Eligible applicants must be currently enrolled in
an internship course through Kalamazoo Valley. Applicant must have completed at least 42 credit
hours at Kalamazoo Valley with a minimum 2.5 GPA and be enrolled in at least six credit hours.
PJ Mielke Wind Turbine Scholarship ▼
PNC Culinary School Endowed Scholarship ▼
This scholarship is available to eligible applicants who are enrolled in
the Culinary School program. Applicants must submit a 300 word or less essay summarizing why they
are enrolled in this program, and the obstacles or challenges facing them while enrolled.
Police Academy Emergency Fund ▼
Police Academy Scholarship Assistance Fund ▼
Raymond E. Battilana Endowed Scholarship ▼
Funded by and named for Raymond E. Battilana, a trustee of the Kalamazoo
Valley Community College Foundation from 1990 to 1999.
Rene (Bill) Penny Memorial Nursing Scholarship ▼
This scholarship is available to students enrolled in the second year of
the Nursing Program.
Richard A. Olivanti Endowed Scholarship ▼
A scholarship named and funded in honor of the retirement of the Vice
President for College Relations by friends, family and business associates.
Richard Barron Marketing Endowed Scholarship ▼
A scholarship funded by Nona and Dick Barron for business students studying
marketing. Mr. Barron is a retired faculty member of Kalamazoo Valley.
Richard Margelis Memorial Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be enrolled in a Science or Health-related
Program. Must be enrolled full-time and have completed at least 12 credit hours at Kalamazoo Valley
and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Documented need required.
Richard M. Eustice Family Educational Fund ▼
Eligible applicants must be enrolled in a health-related program. Must have
completed at least 24 credit hours at Kalamazoo Valley and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Must be a Portage
Public School graduate with preference given to Portage Northern.
Richard Vanvranken Memorial Endowed Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be Galesburg-Augusta High School graduates,
enrolled at least half-time for the fall semester. Applicants must have completed a minimum of 12
credit hours at Kalamazoo Valley with a minimum 3.2 GPA. Preference will be given to students
currently employed a minimum of 15 hours a week. Documented need required.
Riley-Shurte Endowed Scholarship ▼
An endowed scholarship funded by the estate of Patricia Riley. This
scholarship is available to students enrolled at least half-time and have at least a minimum 2.0
R.M. And John Collins Endowed Nursing Scholarship ▼
Funded by the family to establish an endowed nursing scholarship in memory
of Rena Marceil Collins. Eligible applicants must be enrolled in the Nursing program and have
completed at least 12 credit hours at Kalamazoo Valley with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Must be currently
enrolled in a minimum of six credit hours. Documented need required.
Robert and Rhea Corrion Endowed Scholarship ▼
Robert M. Livingston Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be enrolled in a Business, Chemical Technology or
Chemical/Physical Sciences, AS degree program of study. Applicant must have completed 12 credit
hours at KVCC and be enrolled full-time with an overall 3.0 GPA. Must be an in-district, U.S.
citizen and be meeting satisfactory academic progress.
Ron Young Business Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must have completed at least 15 credit hours at KVCC,
with a minimum 3.5 GPA. Must be enrolled for fall or winter in at least 9 credit hours. Must be
pursuing one of the following programs: Accounting, Administrative Assistant, Business
Administration (also the transfer Business Administration program) or General Marketing. Must be an
in-district or out-of-district residency student. Preference may be given to students who have
participated in outside activities.
Schlack Student Assistance Endowment Fund ▼
Stoner/Schmiege Wind Turbine Technology Academy ▼
Eligible applicants must be enrolled in the Wind Turbine Technology
Academy. Student must be highly motivated and show early dedication and commitment to the program.
Student must submit a 100 word or less essay summarizing why they are enrolled in this program, and
the obstacles or challenges facing them while enrolled in the academy. Documented need required.
Student Cafe And Restaurant Culinary Scholarship ▼
This scholarship was established by the Culinary AAS program and students
operating the Havirmill Cafe and 418 Restaurant. Eligible applicants must be enrolled in the
Culinary Arts and Sustainable Food Systems Program and have completed a minimum of 20 credit hours
at Kalamazoo Valley and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Documented need required.
Susan McKinney Memorial Scholarship ▼
This Scholarship is established in honor of Susan McKinney for qualifying students in the Accounting program.
Terry And Cynthia Stewart Family Endowed Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be at least 24 years of age at time of application
and be an in-district, U.S. citizen. Applicants must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours at
Kalamazoo Valley with a minimum 2.0 GPA, and be currently enrolled for a minimum of 6 credit hours.
Documented need required.
Theresa Hollowell And Friends Dental Hygiene Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be enrolled in the Dental Hygiene program and have
successfully completed 16 credit hours at Kalamazoo Valley. Applicants must provide an essay of 500
words or less as to what the award would mean to them. Documented need required.
Thomas Oberlink Memorial Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be in-district students pursuing a Liberal Arts
Degree and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants must have completed at least 12 credit hours at
Kalamazoo Valley, and be currently enrolled full-time. Documented need required.
TowerPinkster Architects/Engineers Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours -
includes transfer credits. Must be enrolled full time and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Preference given
to in-district students and preference to those students enrolled in the following programs:
Architecture Associate of Science, Engineering Associate of Science, CAD Specialist Certificate,
Computer-Aided Design Associate of Applied science or Engineering Technology Associate of Applied
Science. Documented need required.
Tracy EMS Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be enrolled in the EMS Health Services program in
at least 6 credit hours. Must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours at Kalamazoo Valley and
have at least a 3.0 GPA. Applicant must submit essay of 100 words or less addressing prior
experience as a healthcare provider and how they want to make a difference in emergency settings as
a healthcare provider. Preference will be given to those with prior experience as a healthcare
Washington Make a Difference Endowment ▼
Weber Specialties Company Scholarship ▼
Eligible applicants must be in a Welding or Machine Tool program and have a
minimum 2.0 GPA. Applicants must also indicate if they have a parent employed at Weber
Willett Memorial Endowed Scholarship ▼
This endowed scholarship was established by a family member to honor her
brother who was visually impaired. This scholarship is available to students who are enrolled at
least half-time and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Preference will be given to students who are visually
impaired and have demonstrated financial need.
William Cronenwett Jr. Memorial Scholarship ▼
William F. And Jean E. Reeves Endowed Scholarship ▼
An endowed scholarship funded in honor of his parents, by Frederick Reeves,
a Trustee of the Kalamazoo Valley Community College Foundation.
Merit Scholarship
High school seniors may apply for this scholarship from October 2, 2024 - May 31, 2025. Awards are based on students’ academic achievement.
Merit Scholarship Application
Scholarship Details
Scholarship in the amount of $2,000 can be used toward educational expenses for two consecutive semesters at $1,000 per semester. To be eligible for consideration the following is required:
- Minimum high school GPA of 3.25
- Applies to Fall 2025 and Winter 2026 semesters
- Must be a current high school senior (2025 high school graduating class)
- Must be receiving a high school diploma or GED with a 2025 high school graduating class
- Must have applied and been accepted to Kalamazoo Valley Community College
- Must complete New Student Orientation
- Must enroll in a minimum of 6 credits for the Fall 2025 and Winter 2026 semesters
- Must have completed a minimum of 12 credits by the conclusion of the first academic year
- Scholarship may be combined with TIP, Michigan Competitive Scholarship, Kalamazoo Promise, and other federal grants and loans, including the Pell Grant
- Scholarship may also be combined with the Kalamazoo Valley Trustee High School Award, Kalamazoo Valley Trustee EFE Award, KVCC Trustee Athletic Award, and Kalamazoo Valley Honors Scholarship
- Early College students are not eligible
- Renewable for a second year (Fall 2026 and Winter 2027) for students who complete 12 credits in their first year and are in good academic standing
- Must submit a fully completed virtual scholarship application by May 31, 2025
- If you have any questions, please contact the Recruitment and Outreach Office at 269.488.4303 or
Maintaining Eligibility
- Applied and accepted to Kalamazoo Valley Community College
- Complete New Student Orientation
- Enroll in a minimum of 6 credits for Fall 2024 semester
- Enroll in a minimum of 6 credits for the Winter 2025 semester
- Students will lose their right to renew their scholarship the following year if: They fail to remain
in good academic standing and/or fail to complete 12 credit hours their first year by the beginning
of their second fall semester
Other Merit Based Aid For New Students
Trustee Achievement Award For Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Awarded to graduating seniors who participated in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course through
Trustee Achievement Award For High School/Adult Education Graduates
Students are nominated by their high school counselor, principal, or instructor. Awarded to graduating
high school seniors or adult education students from an in-district high school or adult education
Trustee Athletic Scholarship
Funds are available to selected athletes participating in intercollegiate athletic events scheduled by
the college.
Trustee Honors Program Scholarship
Awarded annually to students selected for the Honors Program who are working toward an associate degree
in any field. For more information about paying for college, call 269.488.4340,
email or
Kalamazoo Valley Accelerated Associate Program (KVAAP)
The Kalamazoo Valley Accelerated Associate Program (KVAAP) covers the cost of tuition, fees, books and
required supplies for its participants. The program ensures that students stay on track to obtain their
associate degree at an accelerated pace by attending school full time. In addition to financial
assistance, KVAAP students benefit from advising, personalized support, career development and
educational pathway assistance.