Center for New Media Art Exhibits
Schedule: September 2021 to June 2022
Center for New Media & Arcus Gallery
September 3, 2021, Community Photography Exhibit
The first exhibit of the fall semester will feature a selection of photographs from the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts' permanent collection as well as those submitted by local photographers. The show is open to all Center for New Media students and local community members. Work should be framed and ready for hanging. In addition, a digital copy should be emailed to Cindy Parks at and Jordan Wilson at .
The deadline to enter this show is August 27, 2021.
Call for Entries | Exhibition Loan Agreement | Gallery Requirements

October 1, 2021, Mangled Hopes For Bridges, Paintings By Natalya Critchley
Her exhibition became an immersive installation with a map of South America painted on the floor framing and contextualizing the paintings that emerged during the isolation of the quarantine - images of Venezuelans fleeing the country, and then returning as the pandemic tumbled their humble beginnings in other Latin American countries.
November 5, 2021, Abstract Painting - Mark Olson
Olson taught himself to paint by researching artists such as Pollack, Rothko, Kline and Richter. His work is inspired by nature, mathematics and what he calls mindscape. "From nature and mathematics come colors, structure and order; and from mindscapes come layers and arrangements of chaos and randomness," he explained.December 3, 2021, Connecting Students to Community
The December 3, 2021 Art Hop exhibition will showcase a selection of designs from five years of active work in our community - Kalamazoo Valley Community College students working for non-profits in ANM 282 Design Crew. The service-learning, merit-based course course is open to all advanced students in art and design. In this capstone experience, students get real world experience by working on visual communication projects for local non-profits. This win-win situation sees benefits for students who gain real world work experience and enhance their portfolios while non-profits benefit through service and the visual communication media that is provided.January 2022
The December show carries over for the month of January.February 4, 2022, 3rd Annual Black Arts Virtual Exhibit
In collaboration with community partners, Kalamazoo Valley's Center for New Media will be hosting its 3RD Annual Black Arts Exhibit in observance of Black History Month. This online show will highlight the works of local black artists and provide a shared connection to the rich black cultural heritage in the Kalamazoo area. The CNM and other art hop venues will not be open for in person viewing on Feb. 4, but physical works will be displayed in the gallery. The entry deadline is Jan. 28.Call for Entries | Gallery Requirements | Loan Agreement

March 2022, Collaborative Photography Show
Collaborative photography show by Larry Sandt and Amanda Byrd. Amanda Byrd is primarily inspired by the natural world and enjoys working with subjects that pertain to the environment and humanity. Her favorite muse is her son, whom she lives and breathes for.Byrd is a natural visual communicator and has always demonstrated interest and ability in art and design. Born in Detroit Michigan Byrds family moved to the Kalamazoo region as a youth. Byrd continued to enjoy creative exploration into her rebellious, extroverted teenage years with drawing, painting and cartooning. In her high school years Byrd enrolled in photography and fine art classes at the nearest community college and quickly fell in love with the medium, photography.
Byrd went on to pursue an associate's degree in Graphic Communication from The Center of New Media at Kalamazoo Community College. Amanda exhibited during these years at Kalamazoo Community College, Kalamazoo Institute of the Arts Kalamazoo Color Lab, Inc., The Arts Council of the Greater Kalamazoo Area Artist Art Hops and the Three Rivers Carnegie Center for the Arts.
Larry Sandt first discovered photography when he was with the United States Army Parachute Team, the Golden Knights. He would not only take free-fall pictures, but also drive around the backwoods of North Carolina taking pictures of just about anything that caught his eye. Shortly after moving to Michigan, he began taking photo classes at Kalamazoo Valley. Four years after graduating, he started teaching part-time courses to include Graphic Design, Black and White Photography and Digital Photography.
Today you can find him riding his Harley just about anywhere and taking photos with either his Nikon DSLR or his iPhone. He says photography seems to be one the passions that will always stick with him.
April 1, 2022, Student Fine Art Show
This juried exhibition of Kalamazoo Valley student work displays a variety of traditional mediums that include painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, and ceramics. Submissions for this show are due by 4 p.m. on March 25.Call for Entries | Loan Agreement
May 6, 2022, end of the year exhibit for ART & ANM students
June 3, 2022, Alumni + Art Exhibit
An annual juried exhibition of visual artwork created by Kalamazoo Valley alumni. Entries for this show will be accepted until May 20, 2021.