Returning Student

If you started your educational journey at Kalamazoo Valley or another institution and left before finishing your degree, we're excited to have you back. It's never too late to earn your degree!
Record Update
If you attended Kalamazoo Valley in the past two years, your account is still active. You will only need to submit a Personal Information Update form if you have moved or changed your name since last attending. Complete an application online if you have not attended in the past two years. This will update your information and reactivate your account. You must have your record updated before proceeding to the next step.
Financial Aid
If you are pursuing a degree or certificate and plan to apply for financial aid, it is important that you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa.gov as soon as possible to start the financial aid process for the appropriate award year. Kalamazoo Valley’s federal school code is 006949. Financial aid options include grants, scholarships, work opportunities and loans for qualified students. If you received aid before, be sure to log into MyValley to check your status and consult with an advisor.
Apply for FAFSAOrientation
To complete online orientation, log into MyValley. Your account information is provided in your acceptance letter. Go to My Links and select New Student Online Orientation. Then select Adult, Transfer and Returning Student Orientation from My Dashboard. In this short presentation, you will be reintroduced to the Kalamazoo Valley campuses and the services available to you.
Sign up for OrientationTransfer
To receive transfer credit toward a degree at Kalamazoo Valley, electronically send official transcripts to or forward official, unopened college transcripts for evaluation to Degree Auditor, Kalamazoo Valley Community College, PO Box 4070, Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070.
If you need help selecting courses or a program of study, advisors and counselors are available to assist you. Contact Student Development Services at 269.488.4040 to schedule an appointment.
Schedule AppointmentRegistration
Register for classes online in MyValley or by coming on campus during posted registration hours. Registration begins in March for summer, in April for fall, and October for winter and continues through the start of classes. Students attending college for the first time must be registered prior to the first week of class.
Register NowPayment
Tuition bills are available online in MyValley. Pay for your classes online, on campus, or by mail during deferred payment periods. Payment plan options are available. If you have applied for financial aid or a third-party is paying, check your account to make sure your payment is in place and pay any remaining balance by the deadline.
More InformationStudent ID
To request a Valley ID Card, upload your photograph and accompanying information. Your virtual ID Card will be loaded into our system following verification and your photograph will be linked to course rosters. Allow up to two weeks to receive your ID card in the mail. Returning students do not need to renew Kalamazoo Valley ID cards. Your Kalamazoo Valley ID card will remain active for as long you are enrolled at Valley.
You must be signed up for classes for the current semester and tuition must be paid before you receive your new ID. A Valley ID card is needed to use many student services, including parking validation and door access at our downtown campuses.
Note: During campus closure, or for our Online Business program, Valley ID cards will be sent to students via mail.