College Closed January 21st
The college is closed for business January 21st. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.

Foundation Board of Directors

Todd Sanford Portrait

Todd Sanford


Stacie Ferschweiler Portrait

Stacie Ferschweiler


Krieg Lee Portrait

Krieg Lee


Cody Allkins Portrait

Cody Allkins

Tyler Alvord Portrait

Tyler Alvord

Fred Corbus Portrait

Fred Corbus

Grant Fletcher Portrait

Grant Fletcher

Patrese Griffin Portrait

Patrese Griffin

Justin Hatfield Portrait

Justin Hatfield

Sonya Bernard Hollins Portrait

Sonya Bernard Hollins

Bobby J. Hopewell Portrait

Bobby J. Hopewell

Aimee Kornowicz Portrait

Aimee Kornowicz

Clarence Lloyd Portrait

Clarence Lloyd

Steve Ott Portrait

Steve Ott

Jeff Patton Portrait

Jeff Patton

Lisa Rodriguez Portrait

Lisa Rodriguez

Leigh Schultz Portrait

Leigh Schultz

Consuelo Shank Portrait

Consuelo Shank

Mike Shields Portrait

Mike Shields

Carrie Yunker Portrait

Carrie Yunker