College Closed January 22nd
The college is closed for business January 22nd. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.
Kalamazoo Valley Community College

InFocus: News for Kalamazoo Valley Community College Students

Kalamazoo Valley Community College creates innovative and equitable
opportunities that empower all to learn, grow and thrive.

April is community college month

April 18, 2023

Greetings Students!

On April 30, we will celebrate the success of your fellow students during commencement ceremonies. Many of you have friends and family who will be participating in this important event and I am so proud of their accomplishments!

Many of you are on track to celebrate your own success in an upcoming graduation ceremony. My advice to you in the coming month is to keep after your goals. Do not let anyone or anything stand in your way of achieving your dreams.  In fact, if your schedule allows, consider taking at least one summer semester class to keep you moving toward degree completion. 

If you need encouragement, watch stories from others who continue to benefit from their Kalamazoo Valley Community College experience. Visit the college's YouTube channel to learn more.

Our celebration of Community College Month continues; visit the home page of the college website for a list of events and activities. Be sure to wear your college-branded apparel during April. This a great way to show your support for the college and for the future!


L. Marshall Washington

L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D.
admissions, registration, and records
Pick Up Commencement Tickets Next Week

Candidates for graduation who are participating in the April 30 commencement ceremony can pick up their tickets in Room 9140 at the Texas Township Campus between April 19 and noon on April 28. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  For those who indicated on their RSVP that they prefer to pick them up at Anna Whitten Hall, a representative from the office of Admissions, Registration and Records will be on hand with tickets from 1 to 4 p.m. on April 25 and 26. To change your pick-up location, contact
cougar bookstore
A photo of Kalamazoo Valley Commencement supplies in the kalamazoo valley bookstore

Last Call to Buy Commencement Caps, Gowns, Honors Regalia

Graduating in April? You can buy commencement regalia up until 5 p.m. Friday, April 28 at the Bookstore on the Texas Township Campus. Also for sale are diploma frames, graduation yard signs and mortarboard graphics. The graduation ceremony is Sunday, April 30 at 2 p.m. at Miller Auditorium at Western Michigan University.

Bookstore Discounts for Community College Month!
Throughout the month of April for Community College Month, the Texas Township Campus Bookstore is offering a great deal! Get 25 percent off ANY college-branded item, everything from clothing, mugs and more! Stock up and wear college apparel throughout the month! Visit the bookstore Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. or shop online at No promo code needed.
faculty instructional awards
Nominate Your Instructor Today
All students are invited to participate in the 13th Annual Faculty Instructional Awards nomination process. The awards are designed to recognize those instructors who actively encourage students' intellectual curiosity, engage them in the enterprise of learning and have a lifelong impact.
What's on your plate? Pizza for credits event. Dates: April 18, 11am to 1:30 pm and April 19, 11am to 1:30 pm in TTC Student Commons Lower level and April 20, 12:30 to 3:30 pm in Anna Whitten Hall Room 128. Register for summer and fall classes, enjoy some pizza and good times. Giveaways: Kalamazoo Valley apparel, textbook allowance (must register for at least 6 credits to be eligibl)
Join the KVAAP program showcase. Thursday, April 20, 12:30 to 3:30 pm in Anna Whitten Hall, room 128. Business, sociology, medical assisting, culinary arts, brewing, art and new media, horticulture, communication, liberal arts, MiLEAP, counseling.

Student Life and engagment at Kalamazoo Valley

Get Involved on Campus

The Office for Student Life and Engagement is here to connect you with a number of events on campus. From meeting with transfer colleges and making a budget to learning about your strengths, our office offers learning opportunities outside the classroom. Meet new people and connect with campus contacts to make your college experience more meaningful. For more information, contact Ezra Bell.

April 19 | Born 2 Succeed | 3 p.m.
Are you a male student looking to connect with others pursuing a degree? Are you interested in networking with successful individuals from within the community? If so, you are encouraged to join the Born 2 Succeed (B2S) program. B2S provides mentoring, leadership development, career exploration, strength/talent identification, peer support, tutoring, workshops and chill nights for male students. Join us on Wednesday, April 19 from 3 - 5 p.m. at Anna Whitten Hall in Room 128. For more information, contact Ezra Bell.
April 24 | Employer On-Campus Recruitment Visit: Fox Motors | 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Employer on Campus Recruitment Visits are interactive events where students can learn about local area employers and job opportunities. Join us at the Texas Township Campus Cafeteria on April 24 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Our special guest will be a representative from Fox Motors.
April 27 | Valley Food Share | 2 - 4 p.m.
Valley Food Share is an initiative designed to meet the immediate food needs of Kalamazoo Valley students. Through the program, currently enrolled students can pick up a bag, or a "share," which includes food grown locally and sourced through our own Food Innovation Center as well as non-perishable items from Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes. For more information, visit

Check the college calendar for other upcoming opportunities.
Student Organizations
Did you know Kalamazoo Valley has a number of student clubs and organizations? From dance club to anime, there is something for everyone. Clubs are a great way to meet people! Check out the complete list here.
College Social Media
Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on InstagramTwitter and LinkedIn for all of the latest campus news. And every Tuesday, you can check us out on TikTok!

office of the provost

Reminder! Input Needed
Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) Survey
As a Kalamazoo Valley student, your opinion is important to us. Your experiences help shape the programs and services we offer. Kalamazoo Valley frequently participates in the national Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) to collect valuable information on the experiences of our students, both inside and outside of the classroom. CCSSE results provide us with insight into areas of strength and opportunities to improve the quality of our programs and services. Your participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. There are no penalties for choosing not to participate or for stopping at any time. You may skip any items you do not wish to answer. To access the survey, please click here and enter your Kalamazoo Valley username in the access code window. Your username is comprised of your first name initial, last name (up to 10 characters) and the last four digits of your Valley ID. For example: jdoe7342.

Institutional Learning Outcomes

As an institution of higher education,  Kalamazoo Valley is ultimately concerned with our student's learning and development in and outside of the classroom. Kalamazoo Valley's Institutional learning outcomes give a direction as to what you should gain in your time here at Kalamazoo Valley.

With the change to the Kalamazoo Valley Mission Statement, now is an opportune time to review the institutional learning outcomes to determine if they are still relevant and accurately represent the goals of our diverse student body. This survey is the first step in the process to reviewing the institutional learning outcomes. We would greatly appreciate your input in this process!

Please take the time to complete this short survey. The survey asks, "Five to ten years after you graduate from Kalamazoo Valley Community College, what are the three most important things that you would like to have learned and retained from your experiences at Kalamazoo Valley?"

The survey will close April 25. 

information technology
Important Update to Text Messaging
The college will be collecting and maintaining a database of short message service (SMS)/text message opt-in preferences for all current, returning, prospective and new students. Opting in to operational SMS campaigns will ensure you stay up-to-date on college activities, events and opportunities to aid in your success. Emergency notifications will continue to be sent regardless of operational message opt-in preferences. The College will collect this information via a pop-up notification within MyValley in the upcoming weeks.
auto lab open house
Automotive Department Hosts April 21 Open House The Automotive Department at Kalamazoo Valley will host an open house on Friday, April 21 from noon to 6:30 p.m. at the Kalamazoo Valley Texas Township Campus behind the auto labs. Cars, bikes and motorcycles will be on display. Attendees will be able to meet some of the future professionals of the automotive community, have lunch, tour the labs and meet with prospective employers. more
save a life. give blood. tuesday, april 25, 10am to 3:45pm. Kalamazoo Valley Community College, texas township campus, student commons. For an appointment, visit and enter sponsor code 'kvcc' or call 1-800-RED CROSS
College, PTK and American Red Cross Collaborate for Blood Drive Kalamazoo Valley Community College and its chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), the international honor society for two-year colleges, is collaborating with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive at the Texas Township Campus on April 25. The event will be held in the Student Commons with incremental appointments available from 10 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. more
Commencement Celegration Sunday, April 30, at 2PM
Ramiro Rodriguez, the student speaker during Kalamazoo Valley's 88th Commencement ceremony
Graduation Speaker Overcame Many Obstacles Ramiro Rodriguez, the student speaker during Kalamazoo Valley's 88th Commencement ceremony on April 30, plans to transfer to Western Michigan University to study law enforcement. "I started out not knowing what I wanted to do after high school. I decided that rather than jumping into a bigger university, I'd go to Valley because it gives me more leeway if I change my mind," Rodriguez said. He toured the campus as a junior in high school and was impressed. more
Wellness and Fitness center
WFC Updates
Pool: The pool will be closed beginning May 1. If you are interested or know of anyone interested in being a lifeguard, please contact Renea Peruski at or 269.488.4177.
Fitness Center: Starting Monday May 1, the Fitness Center will be closing at 6 p.m. for the summer.

Year end student celebration exhibit, may 5, 2023, 5:30-8pm, center for new media. Entries due tthursday, april 27 by 4pm. The 2023 year end student celebration exhibit will open during the May Art Hop on friday, May 5 at 5:30pm and will showcase art and design works created by students from the Studio Arts, Animation and ganme art, illustration, graphic design, multimedia and web design, and development programs. The entry deadline is thursday, april 27 by 4pm. A physical and digital representation of student pieces must be submitted. Student must prepare, finalize, and deliver their work on their own and in conjunction with all other guideline requirements. Find all submission guidelin requirements

Annual Essay Contest Deadline is May 5

Students are invited to turn their prose into profit and get published. Enter your essays in the Kalamazoo Valley Community College annual essay contest to be eligible to compete for cash awards and publication in the 2022-2023 edition of Winning Essays. This publication becomes part of the Kalamazoo Valley library's permanent collection. Entries should be essays written in English 098, 099, 110, 111, 160 and in any 200-level English literature class. Winners will be notified by mail during the summer of 2023, as soon as the judges have made their decisions. 

The Ron Miazga Memorial Award for Descriptive Writing, a category introduced in the 2012-2013 essay contest, will be part of this year's competition as well. The $150 award for this category's winner will recognize the essay or short fiction piece that best captures a sense of place. The winner should demonstrate effective descriptive writing, which includes such elements as specific detail, figurative language and an appeal to multiple senses. Freshness, vividness and inventiveness in language that put the reader in the place the writer has experienced or imagined is critical to this effort. Essays entered in this category should have been written in English 110, 111, 160 or 220 during the summer and fall of 2022 and the winter of 2023. See the entry form here.

Transportation, Childcare Assistance Available
Are you or do you know of someone who is experiencing barriers to completing their education or getting employment? If so, you may be able to take advantage of Mi-LEAP funding to pay for training, credit programs and receive supportive services such as transportation, childcare and other assistance that may lead to job placement. To learn more, reach out to Adam Westhouse, Program Navigator at
Join us for the second annual PTK Charity walk to support kalamazoo loaves and fishes. may 11, 4 to 5 pm at the texas township campus. Bring your friends and family and help us raise money for Kalamazoo loaves and fishes. Register at by april 30. Fee: $20. Registration includes commenorative t-shirt.
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries:
Exam Treats, Study Spaces, Returns and Library Nature Walk

Research and Citation Help
It's time to buckle down on that research paper. Do you need some help getting started, finding appropriate research, or formatting citations? Visit us in person to talk to one of our reference librarians. From off campus, you can call or email us. Zoom appointments are available on request. For assistance during non-business hours, the Ask a Librarian 24/7 Chat is always available.

You can also check out our How-To Videos or our Citation Research Guide. Our collection of How-To Videos includes information about the basics of library searches and formatting, while the Citation Research Guide will show you why, when and how to cite as well as provide links and instructions for other resources such as Zotero, a free online reference manager and citation generator.

Exam Treats
Exam time schedules can be brutal. It can be easy to overlook simple necessities such as nourishment. If you find yourself hungry between tests, the Libraries have you covered. Stop in to either location for a selection of free chewy granola bars and other munchies. And while you're here, why not study while you snack?

Study Spaces
Both libraries feature quiet, cozy and convenient study spaces in unique environments. We have tables, computers, comfy armchairs and isolated study cubicles with plenty of room to situate yourself and your belongings. The Texas Township library has closed study rooms for extra privacy-ask about availability. The Anna Whitten Hall library features a unique scenic lookout over downtown Kalamazoo, and the TTC library offers a panoramic two-story view of the surrounding nature preserve. Did we mention that we have free snacks?

In all the end-of-the-semester hustle, don't forget that it is time to return borrowed library materials. Please return any items that are due and contact the library if you would like to request a renewal. To return books and media, please drop off materials at any book drop or library service desk. A convenient 24/7 book drop is located outside the tower entrance at the Texas Township Campus. Laptops and hotspots should be returned to the circulation desk at either library location.

Library Nature Walk: Wednesday, April 19 at noon
If you're looking for a study break, take a nature break! On Wednesday, April 19, students, faculty and staff can join Sara Tanis, Ph.D., director of the horticulture and sustainable landscaping program, and librarian Amy Brandt on a guided nature walk in the woods behind the TTC Library. Learn more about the trees and wildlife outside the windows and the benefits of our nearby nature. Dress for the weather and meet in the lower level of the TTC Library at noon.

Visit us online at
Call 269.488.4328 
Email us
Chat with a college librarian 24/7
Zoom by appointment, please email
Follow us on Instagram (@kalamazoovalleylibraries)

earth day

Kalamazoo Valley Community College is celebrating Earth Day with our community on Saturday, April 22! There are several opportunities to get involved.

Join us:
  • EPS (Styrofoam) Recycling at Mayor's Riverfront Park; EPS and Electronics recycling at the Texas Township Campus in the front parking lot at 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
    • In partnership with the City of Kalamazoo and Schupan.
  • Earth Day Community Celebration at Upjohn Park, Woods Lake Park and Davis Park 
    • Come see Kalamazoo Valley at the Upjohn Park event and join us for a public tour of the Food Innovation Center at noon.
  • On Earth Day and every day, stop by for earth science-based kids and family activities all day at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum, such as viewing a planetarium show and exploring the outdoor rain garden exhibits in front of the museum. You can also visit the KVM website for related information on the rain garden, including virtual exploration.
  • Our sciences faculty and their students celebrated with a garlic mustard pull at our Texas Township Campus earlier in April. Garlic mustard is invasive and hand-pulling it before it flowers and goes to seed is the best way to slow its spread.

Registration Underway for 2023 Cougars Youth Sports Camps
Registration is now underway for our summer sports camps in boys and girls basketball, volleyball and softball at the Texas Township Campus. We love helping sixth through 12th graders develop to be the best in their respective sport by emphasizing individual skills, teamwork, self-discipline and sportsmanship.

Register your athlete here.

Camp Dates

  • Volleyball | June 19 - 22
  • Girls Basketball | June 26 - 29
  • Boys Basketball 1 | July 10 -1 3
  • Boys Basketball 2 | July 17 - 20
  • Softball | July 24-27
Enjoy Free Baseball & Softball Games!
Softball and baseball season is underway at Kalamazoo Valley Community College! You're invited to drop in at any time at the home games, which are always free at the college's Texas Township Campus. Here's the remaining home games through the end of the season in May.
  • 2 p.m. & 4:30 p.m. | Thursday, APRIL 20 vs. Lansing Community College
  • 1 p.m. & 3:30 p.m. | Saturday, APRIL 29 vs. Glen Oaks Community College
  • 1 p.m. & 3:30 p.m. | Saturday, MAY 6 vs. Marian University's Ancilla College
  • 3 p.m. & 5 p.m. | Friday, APRIL 28 vs. Marian University's Ancilla College
  • 3 p.m. & 5 p.m. | Friday, MAY 5 vs. Lake Michigan College
  • 1 p.m. & 3 p.m. | Saturday, MAY 6 vs. Lansing Community College.
For the full and updated season schedule, click here.
Kalamazoo Valley Museum

photos from the exhibit 50 Years of Service, Scholarship, Sisterhood & Social Action: The Kalamazoo Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta
Mini-Exhibit Opens Showcasing Sorority's 50 Years of Local Service

You are invited to a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Sunday, April 23, from 1-3 p.m., for the Kalamazoo Valley Museum's pop-up mini-exhibit that celebrates a half century of contributions in the area by the local chapter of national women's service organization Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, which was founded 110 years ago at Howard University in Washington, D.C., a historically Black college. Visitors to the public event will learn about the chapter's history in the Kalamazoo community and its plans for the future. The "50 Years of Service, Scholarship, Sisterhood & Social Action: The Kalamazoo Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta" exhibit will be open through June 25. "The museum is so pleased to hold this celebration of Delta Sigma Theta's 50 years of service to the community," said Lexie Kobb, assistant museum director. "Celebrating significant community milestones is an important part of our mission to document and share the stories of our area and the people who live here." Admission is free to the exhibit and to the museum.
Statewide Astronomy
Enjoy Free Planetarium Shows at Statewide Astronomy Night on April 29
Learn more about the amazing telescopes of today with free planetarium shows and speakers when Statewide Astronomy Night comes to the Kalamazoo Valley Museum on Friday, April 29 from 5 - 8:30 p.m., in a program suitable for adults and teens. Telescope designer and expert Kevin Iott will deliver the keynote address at 7 p.m. Find more information at Admission is free to the event and to the museum.

In addition to activities on the ground floor, there will be presentations in the planetarium. At 5:15 p.m., take in a live tour of noteworthy stars and constellations visible in the evening in early May. At 6 p.m., the Fiske Planetarium of Colorado will premiere "5000 Eyes: Mapping the Universe with DESI," which discusses how astronomers are using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) at Kitt Peak, Arizona, to map the distribution of galaxies and structure of the universe.

Wrapping up the evening at 8 p.m., Eric Schreur, the museum's retired planetarium coordinator, longtime amateur astronomer and lifetime member of the Kalamazoo Astronomical Society, will host a remote observation in the planetarium. He will connect via live video from his Sternegarten Observatory with a "tour" of his observatory, telescope, camera system and control room. Following this 10-minute introduction, he will direct his telescope to observe and identify features found on the moon.

Save the Date for the Mental Health Fair on May 20
SAVE THE DATE! Good mental health is an important aspect of everyone's life, so the Kalamazoo Valley Museum invites everyone to check out its Mental Health Fair on Saturday, May 20 from 1 to 3 p.m. on its first floor and Mary Jane Stryker Theater. Hear speakers and visit the informational tables of eight to 10 local agencies to learn about resources promoting mental health and well-being, such as Gryphon Place, Be Smart, Western Michigan University Therapy Dog Clinic, Disability Network Southwest Michigan and more. The free event is directly tied to the goals of the museum's current "Mental Health: Mind Matters" exhibit. Be sure to check out the exhibit while at the event.

The Kalamazoo Valley Museum is owned by Kalamazoo Valley Community College and governed by its Board of Trustees.

Kalamazoo Cycle Show
Join us for a community bike celebration May 13 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. The event at 200 S. Rose St., will feature cool bikes from throughout the decades. Like a car show, but for bikes! There will be live music, food trucks and information on biking activities in Kalamazoo. The first 100 attendees will get a free ice cream from the Red Tricycle Ice Cream Company.


Texas Township Campus
6767 West O Avenue
PO Box 4070
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070