Feb. 17, 2025
Greetings students!
Winter in Michigan is always an exciting time of year and winter semester provides its own joys and challenges. Whether you are joining us remotely, taking classes on campus or both, thank you for investing in your future by choosing Kalamazoo Valley.
We’ve reached the middle of the semester. How are you doing? Remember that humor and well-being are key values at Kalamazoo Valley. If winter has left you feeling drained, the college has activities to help you feel healthy in your mind, body and spirit. Did you know that as an enrolled student you have access to the Wellness and Fitness Center’s extensive equipment, pool and yoga room? If you are looking to experience something new, our museum exhibits and campuswide events can help you feel refreshed. Additionally, many college clubs and organizations are holding regular meetings. You might learn something new at a club or even make new friends. A calendar of activities is available on the homepage of the college website. I hope that you will take advantage of all that the college has to offer.
As I walk through our campuses and see you in the hallways, I continue to be amazed by your determination as you complete your education. Please remain resilient and positive. If you need assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to your faculty members or to Student Development Services. We are here to help you achieve your goals.

L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D.
What To Do in a Medical Emergency
In the case of a medical emergency, here are some steps you can take:
- Call for help by calling 4911 from any college phone or dialing 911.
- Check for pulse and responsiveness of the patient.
- Locate and remove AED from white cabinet and follow prompts.
- Perform CPR as needed.
- Stay with the victim until Kalamazoo Valley Public Safety arrives.
For more information, please refer to the yellow safety book located in all classrooms.
KVAAP Student Highlight: Jaleesa Campbell
Meet Jaleesa Campbell, current first semester nursing student. She juggles school, work and family life, while remaining active in KVAAP. She works in the finance industry while raising four children and attending nursing classes. She plans to complete her BSN at Davenport University and then begin working in the healthcare industry.
When asked about her experience in KVAAP, Campbell said, “I wouldn't be where I am today without KVAAP. I am incredibly grateful to be part of such an amazing program. The staff is exceptional, always ready to support you with whatever you need to succeed. They greet you with a smile and open arms, making you feel truly welcome. Ana is amazing, her knowledge and kindness have been extremely valuable, and I appreciate her so much.”
KVAAP Info Sessions:
- Tuesday, Feb. 18 | 5 p.m.
- Wednesday, Feb. 26 | 10 a.m.
Attending a KVAAP Info Session is a required part of the application process. Interested students can register here.

Explore Black History in the Libraries
Search our online catalog or browse our displays to find print and electronic books about African American history. Or, delve into these online databases:
- American Mosaic: The African American Experience: Includes hundreds of primary source documents, in addition to historical images.
- Ethnic NewsWatch: Contains newspaper, magazine and journal articles from ethnic and minority press, from 1959 to the present.
- JSTOR: Explores the humanities and social sciences with deep coverage of African and African American studies.
Ask a Librarian
Did you know that librarians can help with research and citation? Evaluating information? Or finding a book on a topic of interest? Ask a Librarian!
What's for Lunch at the Texas Township Campus?
There are a lot of tasty options to look forward to at the Cougar Cafe! From Feb. 17 - 20, warm up with some corn chowder. Monday, Feb. 17, enjoy our baked potato bar. Tuesday, Feb. 18, keep your day moving with a walking taco. Wednesday, Feb. 19, get some midweek energy with some meatloaf. Thursday, Feb. 20, finish strong with some chicken tenders.
Feb. 24 - 27 we will be serving chicken noodle soup. Monday, Feb. 24, get cozy with some chicken pot pie. Tuesday, Feb. 25, enjoy a wet burrito. Wednesday, Feb. 26, snack on some Asiago chicken. Thursday, Feb. 27, finish the week off strong with some beef stew. We look forward to serving you!
The Cougar Cafe is open Monday - Thursday from 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Lunch Options at the Bronson Healthy Living Campus

Get in the School Spirit at the Bookstore!
Classes are now in full swing! What a great time to pick up some new Cougar Swag to wear at home games, or at college and community events! From T-shirts to hoodies, decals to water bottles, the Texas Township Campus Bookstore has tons of cool Cougar items! Come on in and show off your Cougar spirit, or shop our online store at bookstore.kvcc.edu.

Save the Date: Women’s History Month Event to Honor Anna Whitten
Mark your calendars for “A Life of Service: Anna Whitten Tribute Luncheon,” a Women’s History Month event hosted by Kalamazoo Valley Community College. It will be held Wednesday, March 12, from noon to 1:30 p.m., in Room 128 at Anna Whitten Hall. The program will celebrate the legacy of Whitten, a longtime board member after whom the college’s Anna Whitten Hall is named. The afternoon will include a dedication of the newly installed interactive display in the Anna Whitten lobby about Whitten’s accomplishments at the college and in the community. She served on the Board of Trustees from 1968 until her death in 2016. Guests are encouraged to wear red in support of Equal Pay Day. The event is free, and RSVPs are not required. Heavy hors d'oeuvres will be served.

Don’t Miss the Last Home Basketball Games of the Season!
Saturday, Feb. 22 is the last home basketball games of the season for the Cougars. Show some love and cheer on the women’s basketball team and men’s basketball team when they play Grand Rapids Community College that day at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., respectively! All home games are played in the main gym at Kalamazoo Valley Community College's Texas Township Campus. Admission is free. Find the full season schedule at athletics.kvcc.edu.

Softball Team Helps Out at Night to Shine Prom Experience
It takes many volunteers to make the Tim Tebow Foundation’s Night to Shine Kalamazoo prom experience happen annually for people with special needs, ages 14 and older. Cougar softball players were honored to be among them at this year’s event held on Friday, Feb. 7 at Southridge Church in Kalamazoo.

Men’s Baseball Team Volunteers at Food Pantry
Kalamazoo Valley men’s baseball players volunteered at the Twelve Baskets Food Pantry in Portage on Saturday, Feb. 8. The pantry, now celebrating 10 years, is located at 10332 Portage Road. It provides free perishable and non-perishable groceries to about 400 families weekly during four distribution days held monthly on alternating Fridays and Saturdays.

Women’s Basketball Team Marks National Girls & Women in Sports Day
In recognition of National Girls & Women in Sports Day, Valley’s women’s basketball players worked with the Junior Pro Youth Basketball Program, coached by Health Campbell from Marcellus. The group joined them for some meet-and-greet fun during their recent Conference win against Kellogg Community College. The Lady Cougars say they are proud of the girls because they dominated with a 6 -1 record despite being the smallest team in their program. Each year, National Girls & Women in Sports Day honors achievements like this of females in sports.
See Three Iconic Stop-Motion Animation Movies for Free
Celebrate the legendary artistry of Ray Harryhausen, the master of stop-motion animation, at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum! Enjoy an enchanting series of FREE movie screenings featuring some of his iconic films. These screenings tie in with the traveling exhibit “Ray Harryhausen: Miniature Models of the Silver Screen,” currently on view at the museum through April 27. While there is no cost to see the films, tickets will only be available at noon on the day of each show at the front desk, or online. Due to limited seating, it is first come, first served. Here’s the lineup: Sunday, March 30, “The 7th Voyage of Sinbad”; Sunday, April 6, “Jason and the Argonauts”; and Sunday, April 13, “Clash of the Titans.” All showtimes are at 1 p.m. Guests are invited to return for a special in-depth panel discussion exploring Harryhausen’s enduring legacy led by Connor Heaney, curator for the Harryhausen Foundation, at 1 p.m. April 27.

Film About Fretboard Festival’s 20-Year History Screened March 2
Learn the 20-year story of Kalamazoo's Fretboard Festival through a documentary commissioned by the Kalamazoo Valley Museum. It will be shown for FREE on Sunday, March 2 at 1 p.m. at the museum. Hear from local area musicians and those in the music community who have been a part of the Fretboard Festival's celebration of the history, heritage and music of fretted instruments, along with the people who make and play them. This film will last 45 minutes. Tickets will be available on the day of the film screening at the museum's front desk. Return later in the month for this year’s Fretboard Festival on Friday, March 21, and all day on Saturday, March 22. Visit kalamazoomuseum.org for details.
Two New Fun Exhibits Highlight Items from the Museum’s Archives
“Colorful Collections” and “The Art of Advertising” opened Feb. 1 and Feb. 8, respectively, and will be on display through Aug. 31. “Colorful Collections” features items from the permanent collection of the Kalamazoo Valley Museum displayed in a rainbow of hues. Delve into the color spectrum like never before as you enjoy some of the brightest and boldest examples from the KVM's collection. “The Art of Advertising” showcases nostalgic signs and advertisements from local businesses from the museum’s archives, offering up an eclectic mix of advertising paraphernalia from bygone eras.
Local Black History Shared in Two Mini-Exhibits
Learn interesting local Black history facts from two mini-exhibits at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum, on display now through March 2. The “One Family's Legacy: The Williams-Johnson Family” mini-exhibit features photos and mementos representing over 100 years of Black history in Kalamazoo, curated with the assistance of community leader Jacob Mabry Pinney-Johnson. Pinney-Johnson is a fourth-generation Kalamazoo resident whose family members were important to the history of Southwest Michigan. The second mini-exhibit, "Collecting Black History: Murphy Darden's Legacy,” showcases items collected by late Kalamazoo historian and artist Murphy Darden, including artifacts, images and historic documents chronicling the achievements of African Americans, as well as his artwork. Admission is free.