March is Women's History Month. For educators and students, the month provides an important opportunity to explore women's contributions to our lives.
Kalamazoo Valley Community College has been well served by amazing female leaders and educators during its 53-year history. Kalamazoo leader and activist Anna Whitten joined the Kalamazoo Valley Board of Trustees when the college opened in 1968 and served as secretary until she died in 2016. College trustees named Anna Whitten Hall after her in 2005 in honor of her years of service.
Marilyn J. Schlack, after whom the Culinary and Allied Health building was named, was the first woman president of a community college when she became the second president of Kalamazoo Valley in 1982. She retired in 2019.
The current chairperson of the college Board of Trustees in Lucinda M. Stinson, a long-time Kalamazoo administrator, leader and educator. In addition to others, she is joined by three other female trustees Mary T. Gustus, Dawn M. DeLuca and Julia C. Buck.
The college continues to benefit from the leadership and skills of dozens and dozens of dedicated and talented female faculty members, administrators and staff. The efforts of these talented women together with the dedication of the entire college community, past and present, have helped to create the respected reputation of Kalamazoo Valley Community College.
The college will celebrate women's achievements throughout the month with a number of events and activities.
Throughout the month, I plan to communicate with many of the women who have made an impact on my life and thank them for their influence. I hope that you will consider doing this as well.

L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D.

Summer Class Schedule Now Online
Start planning your summer schedule now! The class schedule is available online, with registration for the summer semester beginning the week of March 8. To ensure that you are registering for the correct courses, make an appointment with an advisor or counselor by calling 269.488.4040. If you see an advisor or counselor in the Office for Student Access, please call 269.488.4397. You can also self-schedule through your MyValley account.

Black History Month Workshop TOMORROW
Kalamazoo Valley's office of Diversity and Inclusion welcomes Dr. Tonya Bailey for "The Dismantling of Othering," a Black History month workshop tomorrow, Feb. 23 from 12:30 - 1:45 p.m. This workshop will explore Dr. King's legacy, connecting it to our inter-relatedness and what it means in 2021 to "Do"! The interactive keynote is designed to engage participants in the Tonya Bailey Experience and emphasize Dr. King's words and theme of this year's community-wide celebration "None of us is free until all of us are free." Attendees will walk away with tools on how to dismantle othering and achieve educational equity, racial healing and celebrate oneness. Contact Diversity and Inclusion Director Trice Batson at for the link to participate.
For the full list of Black History months events, including virtual art exhibits hosted by the Kalamazoo Valley Museum and Center for New Media, click here.
Get Involved on Campus (Virtually)
The Office for Student Life and Engagement is here to connect you with a number of events in our new virtual space. From meeting with transfer colleges, to making a budget, to learning about your strengths - our office offers learning opportunities outside the classroom. Meet new people and connect with campus contacts to make your college experience count. Upcoming events include:
Feb. 23 | S2B | 3 - 5 p.m.
S2B events are for students looking to network, discover, and develop leadership skills. This month both sessions will be an introduction to the Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) experience. Both dates will be facilitated by HBCU alumni who live and work in the Kalamazoo community. RSVP to get the Zoom link.
Feb. 24 | WMU On-Site Admissions
Are you interested in attending Western Michigan University? Connect with advisors and admission representatives from the Office of Admissions from Western Michigan University. Email Ezra Bell at for details.
March 2 | Transfer Tuesday: Eastern Michigan University | 9 -10 a.m.
Are you interested in transferring to Eastern Michigan University after goal completion at Kalamazoo Valley? Meet with admission representatives to learn more about the transfer process. RSVP to get the Zoom link.
March 2 | Transfer Tuesday: Eastern Michigan University | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Are you interested in transferring to Eastern Michigan University after goal completion at Kalamazoo Valley? Meet with admission representatives to learn more about the transfer process. RSVP to get the Zoom link.
March 2 | Transfer Tuesday: University of Michigan | 1 - 2 p.m.
Are you interested in transferring to the University of Michigan after goal completion at Kalamazoo Valley? Meet with admission representatives to learn more about the transfer process. Click here for the Zoom link.
College Social Media
Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on both Instagram and Twitter for all of the latest campus news. Check out the college calendar for a complete list of upcoming events and activities at the college and in the community.
Signs You Might be Neglecting Your Mental Health
- You put everyone else's needs first.
- You overwork to get to the "finish line" quickly and burn yourself out in the process.
- You lean on unhealthy habits to mask your emotions, or numb them, instead of feeling and processing them.
- You always commit to things without checking in with your own emotions and considering whether you'd like to do them.
- You criticize yourself in moments where compassion would be more beneficial.
- You have a difficult time saying "no" to people.
- You can feel easily triggered to anger and/or feel agitated.
Choosing to address your mental health is just as important as addressing your physical health. Reach out to Student Success Services at 269.488.4040 to make an appointment with a counselor. Crisis counselors can also be contacted by texting 741741, or by calling 211.

Mollie Babbitt is a third year student at Kalamazoo Valley who started out taking prerequisites before she was accepted into the respiratory care practitioner program. She just started her second semester in the RCP program. In addition to being a full-time student, she works as a general medical unit clerk at Bronson Hospital in Kalamazoo.
Kalamazoo Valley was the best choice for her, the 2018 Allegan High School graduate said. "Back when I was deciding where to go to college, I knew I wanted to start out local and pursue something in the health care field, but I knew nursing wasn't for me," she explained. The impressive reputation of Kalamazoo Valley's respiratory care program and high employment rate among program graduates were big selling points.

Student Survey Closing Soon
If you haven't yet completed the Excellence in Academic Advising survey you were emailed last week, please complete it by March 3. Your feedback will help evaluate and improve academic advising at the college. We thank you in advance for your participation and will be randomly awarding gift cards to students who participate. If you have questions, please contact Laura Cosby at

Kalamazoo Valley Libraries: Providing Your Technology Needs and More
Wondering where to get the equipment you need to connect with your instructors and do your course work? Kalamazoo Valley Libraries can help.
How can I get a laptop?
First, fill out the online laptop loan application. Once you have received approval by email, you may borrow a laptop from either library location-Texas Township or Arcadia Commons. You may keep your laptop for the whole semester.
What if I do not have internet access?
No worries. You can fill out a mobile wi-fi hotspot application to receive email approval and borrow the necessary hardware for the semester. The hotspot will allow you to access the internet wherever you are, wirelessly.
Can I borrow a calculator from the library, too?
Yes, you can! Scientific and graphing calculators are available for semester-long checkout at either library location--no pre-approval required.
Do you have other questions?
The library offers much more than hardware! We can provide you access to instructor course reserves, help answer tough research questions, assist you with complex databases, and search library systems to put that much-needed resource in your hands. We are standing by virtually and in-person this semester to help you.
Also, explore our new How-To Video research guide!
Brief and informative, these How-To videos quickly answer frequently-asked questions about using Microsoft Word and Google Docs, performing general computer tasks, and utilizing library resources. Browse this unique research guide here.
Virtual Hours:
Monday - Thursday | 7:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Friday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday | 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Chat with a college librarian 24/7
Library Open Hours:
Texas Township Campus Library (TTC)
Monday - Friday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Arcadia Commons Campus Library (ACC) (located in Anna Whitten Hall, Room 321)
Monday - Friday | 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Curbside Assistance:
Texas Township Campus Library (TTC)
Monday - Friday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Need Food? Valley Food Share Can Help
Valley Food Share is an initiative designed to meet the immediate food needs of Kalamazoo Valley students. Through the program, currently enrolled students can pick up a box, or a "share" which includes food grown locally and sourced through our own Food Innovation Center as well as nonperishable items from Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes, to take home. The college has provided students with shares once a week for the last year.
Valley Food Share distribution is currently a drive-thru service on Thursdays between 2 - 4 p.m. alternating between the Food Innovation Center and the Texas Township Campus. You will receive an email each Thursday afternoon with a link to sign up for a box of food for the next week. If you come by car, we ask that you remain in your vehicle and the share will be placed in your trunk by college employees. If you come on foot or on a bicycle, please wear a face mask.
If you have any questions, please email

New Scholarship for Adult Learners now Available
Are you 25 years or older and pursing a degree or certificate at Kalamazoo Valley? If you are, you may be eligible for free tuition through the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Development's new program called Michigan Reconnect. Michigan Reconnect is a scholarship designed specifically for eligible adults who want to pursue an associate degree at a Michigan community college or a skills certificate at a training school. Michigan Reconnect pays the remaining balance of in-district tuition and mandatory fees after other state and federal financial aid have been applied. Students who attend out-of-district community colleges will receive a large tuition discount.
Who's Eligible? Adults age 25 years and older at the time of application who have lived in Michigan for a year or more, have a high school diploma or GED, are not in default on a federal student loan and have not yet completed an associate or bachelor's degree.
Apply today!
For more information about Reconnect at Kalamazoo Valley, call 269.488.4303 or visit
Need Assistance? Student Services can Help!
Students who need assistance should contact the departments below to schedule:
- Virtual appointments
- In-person appointments (by appointment only)
Call or email for an appointment so that we can best serve you. You can also self-schedule your appointment through MyValley. Click on "Schedule an Appointment with Student Services" under My Links.
Student Services Contact List
Admissions, Registration and Records: or 269.488.4281
Advising and Counseling: or 269.488.4040
- In-person appointments available
- Virtual drop-ins - no appointment necessary on Tuesdays from 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Simply call to get in a virtual line and wait for a call from an advisor or counselor.
Apprenticeships: or 269.488.4873
Financial Aid: or 269.488.4340
Internships: or 269.488.4635
IT (Computer) Help Desk: or 269.488.4250
- Texas Township Campus Computer Lab
8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Monday - Thursday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday
- Arcadia Commons Computer Lab
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday
- Phone and Email Support
During lab hours (as indicated above)
10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
Kalamazoo Promise Services: or 269.488.4515
KVAAP: or 269.373.7946
Life Resources: or 269.488.4040
Office for Student Access: or 269.488.4397
Office of Early/Middle College and Dual Enrollment: or 269.488.4509
Pay Station: or 269.488.4162 (open for in-person payments)
- Make payments online 24/7. Log into MyValley and select the Pay Tuition Bill option under My Links to be directed to the payment portal
- Payment plans are still available for the winter semester. Log into MyValley account and select Payment Plan under My Links to enroll today.
Prior Learning: or 269.488.4873
Student Employment Relations: or 269.488.4040
Student Strengths Development: or 269.488.4040
Student Success Services: or 269.488.4040
Transfer Resource Services: or or 269.488.4040
Testing Center
(TTC): or 269.488.4235
- In-person testing by appointment only
- Some remote services available
- 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Monday - Thursday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday
- In-person testing by appointment only
- Some remote services available
- 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Monday - Thursday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday
Tutoring: or 269.488.4397
- Tutoring for math and writing will be available by drop-in remotely
- Remote appointments will also be available for other course offerings.
Veteran Services: or 269.488.4040
All students and guests who schedule in-person appointments are required to adhere to strict safety measures.
- Face coverings must be worn properly at all times.
- When possible, proper social distancing of a minimum of six feet must be observed.
- Frequent hand washing along with the use of hand sanitizer.
- Completion of a daily health assessment prior to arriving on campus.
Kalamazoo Valley Community College follows the guidance of the Kalamazoo County Public Health Department related to COVID-19 testing. Access the most up-to-date information about testing locations and appointments on its website.