Feb. 3, 2025
Greetings students!
February is always a busy month! I know that many of you are juggling jobs and the care of family members along with the demands of your work at the college. I get it.
Part of our busyness is associated with trying to keep up with the information that bombards us daily. For the most up-to-date information about what is happening at the college, I encourage you to check the college calendar and news postings on the homepage of the college website daily. This newsletter will also provide you with useful information.
Remember to check your Canvas notes, and if you need assistance, please talk with your instructors or schedule an appointment with a Student Development Services team member.
We are doing our part to keep you informed. Please do your part to access and act upon the information we provide.

L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D.
Upcoming Event: We All Love KVAAP
Join us for this fun event on Tuesday, Feb. 11 from 3 - 5 p.m. in Anna Whitten Hall, Room 128. We’ll have card games, video games, crafts and free food! Prospective students will also have an opportunity to learn about KVAAP and fill out an application. All students, faculty and staff are welcome! Sign up here.
KVAAP Info Sessions
- Tuesday, Feb. 4 | 5 p.m.
- Wednesday, Feb. 12 | 10 a.m.
Attending a KVAAP Info Session is a required part of the application process. Interested students can register here.

News from the Library
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- Citing sources in MLA or APA
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Ask a friendly librarian for help at the Reference Desk during our open hours.
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- Receive live 24/7 chat assistance from an academic librarian
- Visit our Ask a Librarian webpage to start a chat session today!
Hours and Contact Information
PTK Hosting Virtual Open House
Kalamazoo Valley Community College's chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), the international honor society for two-year colleges, is hosting a virtual open house Thursday, Feb. 6 from 3 - 3:30 p.m. for prospective members interested in learning more about PTK. A link to join the event was included in new member invitation emails. Those who accept are invited to participate in an optional induction ceremony at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 20 in the Texas Township Campus Theater, Room 4240. For more information, email ptk@kvcc.edu.
What's for Lunch at the Texas Township Campus?
There are some delicious food options at the Cougar Cafe next week! From Feb. 3 - 6, warm up with some broccoli cheddar soup. On Monday, Feb. 3, enjoy a pineapple pulled pork sandwich. Tuesday, Feb. 4, stop by for Taco Tuesday. On Wednesday, Feb. 5, grab some chicken souvlaki. Thursday, Feb. 6, finish the week strong with shepherd’s pie.
From Feb. 10 - 13, enjoy some vegetable soup. Monday, Feb. 10, stop by for chicken enchiladas. Tuesday, Feb. 11, kick off Taco Tuesday with a taco salad. Wednesday, Feb. 12, snack on a winter Cobb salad. Thursday, Feb. 13, get hearty with a wing bar.
The Cougar Cafe is open Monday - Thursday from 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Lunch Options at the Bronson Healthy Living Campus

Time to Get Swagged Out at the Bookstore!
Classes are now in full swing! What a great time to pick up some new Cougar Swag to wear at home games, or at college and community events! From T-shirts to hoodies, decals to water bottles, the Texas Township Campus Bookstore has tons of cool Cougar items! Come on in and show off your Cougar spirit, or shop our online store at bookstore.kvcc.edu.

Electronic Textbooks and Courseware Available for Classes
STOP! Read this before buying any textbooks this winter. Students, did you know you automatically get electronic versions of textbooks and other course materials for your classes? It's called Ready Day One! The cost is charged to your tuition bill. E-books tend to be at least 50 percent cheaper than hardcover and paperback textbooks. Please note that electronic materials are ONLY available in classes where the instructor selected the option for the course and many do!
What you need to know:
- Within 24 hours of registering for a class with the electronic materials option, Kalamazoo Valley Community College’s Texas Township Campus Bookstore sends an email indicating that you are enrolled in Ready Day One and that e-course materials will be available in your Canvas account on the first day of class. It’s important to watch for the email.
- If you wish to opt out and remove the Ready Day One charge from your bill (it will be itemized there), you must act within two weeks from the first day of class. You have three options for doing so: Complete the transaction via your Canvas account, email the

Save the Date for Feb. 25 Black History Month Film Screening
Join us for a film screening followed by a discussion on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 1 - 3 p.m., in Room 4240 on the Texas Township Campus to honor Black History Month. “Pullman and the Railroad Rebellion” is a documentary exploring how a group of African Americans helped pave the way for the Black middle class and a civil rights movement that forever changed the course of American history. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and Maids, the first Black union to receive a charter in the American Federation of Labor. The national theme for Black History Month 2025 is “African Americans and Labor.”
Valley Men’s Basketball Player Reaches 1,000-point Milestone
Congratulations to men's basketball player Joey Liedel, No. 1, for recently hitting the very rare career college milestone of 1,000 points. Liedel achieved the feat Jan. 4 during a home game against Macomb Community College. This is the second time that the sophomore guard has made Cougar basketball history. Liedel shattered the Kalamazoo Valley's record of most points scored by a player in a single game on Dec. 4, 2023. He scored 51 points in a non-Conference home game against Albion College, breaking the previous record of 49 points in Dec. 14, 1979.

Basketball Players Helped Block out the Stigma
Kalamazoo Valley’s women’s and men’s basketball players warmed up in Block out the Stigma T-shirts at their Jan. 27 home games. Through a partnership between Kalamazoo Valley Community College’s Student Development Services and Gryphon Place, the shirts were sold at the game to normalize seeking help about well-being issues. Gryphon Place had an information table in front of the gym, and a public service announcement about the national 9-8-8 crisis hotline was broadcast at both games. Click here to buy your shirt. Proceeds benefit Gryphon Place.
See the Valley Basketball Teams in Action – for FREE!
It’s always fun to cheer on the women’s and men’s basketball teams! Remember, home games are always free in the main gym at Kalamazoo Valley Community College's Texas Township Campus. Below are home games in February. Find the full season schedule at athletics.kvcc.edu.
- Wednesday | Feb. 5 | 5:30 p.m. (vs. Lake Michigan College)
- Saturday | Feb. 8 | 1 p.m. (vs. Lansing Community College)
- Saturday | Feb. 22 | 1 p.m. (vs. Grand Rapids Community College)
- Wednesday | Feb. 5 | 7:30 p.m. (vs. Lake Michigan College)
- Saturday | Feb. 8 | 3 p.m. (vs. Lansing Community College)
- Saturday | Feb. 22 | 3 p.m. (vs. Grand Rapids Community College)
New Exhibit Showcasing Special-Effects Filmmaker Now Open
Special-effects superstar Ray Harryhausen inspired a generation of filmmakers with his films "King Kong," "The 7th Voyage of Sinbad," "Clash of the Titans," "Jason and the Argonauts" and many others. Now he’s the subject of a free traveling exhibit, “Ray Harryhausen: Miniature Models of the Silver Screen,” on display now through April 25 at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum.
Two New Fun Exhibits Highlight Items from the Museum’s Archives
“Colorful Collections” and “The Art of Advertising” open Feb. 1 and Feb. 8, respectively, and will be on display through Aug. 31. “Colorful Collections” features items from the permanent collection of the Kalamazoo Valley Museum displayed in a rainbow of hues. Delve into the color spectrum like never before as you enjoy some of the brightest and boldest examples from the KVM's collection. “The Art of Advertising” showcases nostalgic signs and advertisements from local businesses from the museum’s archives, offering up an eclectic mix of advertising paraphernalia from bygone eras. Both exhibits are free.
Local Black History Shared in Two Mini-Exhibits
Learn interesting local Black history facts from two mini-exhibits at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum, on display now through March 2. The “One Family's Legacy: The Williams-Johnson Family” mini-exhibit features photos and mementos representing over 100 years of Black history in Kalamazoo, curated with the assistance of community leader Jacob Mabry Pinney-Johnson. Pinney-Johnson is a fourth-generation Kalamazoo resident whose family members were important to the history of Southwest Michigan. The second mini-exhibit, "Collecting Black History: Murphy Darden's Legacy,” showcases items collected by late Kalamazoo historian and artist Murphy Darden, including artifacts, images and historic documents chronicling the achievements of African Americans, as well as his artwork. Admission is free.