June 13, 2022
Greetings Students,
Summer is here and I hope that you are finding time to enjoy all that the season has to offer. At the same time, I encourage you to focus on your studies. If you need assistance to complete the semester successfully, there are services available to help. For example, If you need assistance with math and writing, I encourage you to access the drop-in tutoring services provided. Please use the following link to visit the Virtual Math Center. Please use the following link to visit the Virtual Writing Center.
Course specific tutoring is available in biology, chemistry, physics, geosciences, Spanish, economics and computer classes. To schedule an appointment, please email learningcenter@kvcc.edu or call 269.488.4397. For more information about tutoring, click here.
We are delighted that you have chosen Kalamazoo Valley Community College for your summer course work. We continue to be dedicated to your success and are standing by to do our part to help you achieve your goals.

L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D.

Summer 2022 Registration, Refund & Withdrawal Deadlines
As communicated earlier, the college has been a victim of a security incident related to our network systems affecting the college website, voicemail, Canvas and email. We continue to work to understand and address the full extent of the situation with college staff, outside third-party experts and the authorities.
Due to this disruption, a number of dates in the college's academic calendar have changed. Please see the chart below. Updated dates are highlighted yellow.
Course Dates
Deadline to:
Part of
Course Begins
No. of
with refund
no refund
May 9
Jun 3
1st 4
May 6
May 11
May 11
May 31
May 9
Jun 30
1st 7
May 6
May 15
May 15
Jun 16
May 9
Aug 8
1st 12
May 6
May 15
May 31
Jul 25
May 9
Aug 22
May 6
May 15
May 31
Aug 8
May 31
Aug 22
2nd 12
May 6
Jun 6
Jun 8
Aug 8
Jun 6
Jul 1
2nd 4
May 6
Jun 8
Jun 8
Jun 17
Jul 5
Aug 22
2nd 7
May 6
Jul 11
Jul 11
Aug 8
*Seats are on a first-come, first-served basis between May 7 and the deadline to register.
If you have any questions, contact the Admissions, Registration and Records office at 269.488.4281 or arr@kvcc.edu.
New to Kalamazoo Valley? Get Your Valley ID Card Now
As a new student, you need to get a Valley ID card. A Valley ID card is needed to use many student services, including parking validation, testing and door access at our downtown campuses. We are happy to produce your student ID card virtually using the Student Information Center. Here's what you need to do:
- Take a clear, front-facing, head and shoulders photo of yourself
- Upload your photo and required information here
(you'll need to log into your MyValley account)
Once we verify your ID, we'll link your photo to class rosters and send your ID in the mail. It may take up to two weeks for you to receive your Valley ID in the mail, so upload your photo today. You must be signed up for classes for the summer semester and tuition must be paid before you will receive your ID. IDs for the fall semester will be issued in August. If you need assistance using our Virtual ID station, please call 269.488.4100 (TTC) or 269.373.7800 (ACC).

Lady Cougar Named to Women's Basketball Coaches Association All-Star Team
Congratulations to award-winning Cougar women's basketball phenom and scholar Abigail Long, 20, on being selected to participate in the National Junior College Athletic Association's (NJCAA) Annual Women's Basketball Coaches Association All-Star Weekend in Atlanta! Only 40 student-athletes were chosen nationwide.
Long, a returning sophomore from Portage, edged out competition from all of the country's community colleges based on her stats on the court at Kalamazoo Valley, where she has maintained a 4.0 grade point average throughout her academic career.
"Abigail has proven herself time and time again on the court this past year with outstanding performance," said Russ Panico, athletic director, noting that it is "pretty rare" to even get to play at this event, which takes place from July 20-23. "She exemplifies that hard work and perseverance can lead to success on the court and as a leader with her peers. The college administration is pleased that Abigail will be representing the school at this national event and wish her much success."
This is just the latest accolade for Abigail Long, whose coach is Felecia Thomas. Long was recently recognized by the coaches of the NJCAA Region 12 and the Michigan Community College Athletic Association for outstanding athletic performance during the 2021-22 season. Her awards included All-Region, All-MCCAA, First Team All-Conference, All-Defensive Team, All-Freshman Team, Western Conference Player of the Year and Freshman of the Year.
It is the second time in the All-Star Weekend's 14-year history that this honor was bestowed upon a Kalamazoo Valley student-athlete. The first time was in 2016 when Ka-Leah Ryan was selected.
Valley Athletes Place in National Academic Award Program
A total of 17 of Kalamazoo Valley's student-athletes were honored by the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) for their achievement in the classroom this last year. Congratulations to all!
NJCAA requires honorees to:
- Have completed two full-time semesters or three full-time quarters of college work
- Have participated in at least one season at the varsity level at the college from which he/she is nominated
- Have a minimum of 24 semester hours completed in the current academic year
- Possess a minimum 3.6 grade-point average on a 4-point scale
- NJCAA All-Academic First Team: 4.0 GPA
- NJCAA All-Academic Second Team: 3.80 to 3.99 GPA
- NJCAA All-Academic Third Team: 3.60 to 3.79 GPA
The players and their awards are as follows:
*Camille Wadley, All-Academic First Team
Madelyn Bellinger,All-Academic Second Team
Kennedy Pilger, All-Academic Third Team
Hannah Callaway, All-Academic Third Team
Women's Basketball
Abigail Long, All-Academic First Team
Lauren Tuin, All-Academic Third Team
Men's Basketball
Justin Bushu, All-Academic Second Team
Jaxsen Callaway, All-Academic Third Team
Parker Neel, All-Academic Second Team
David VanBuren, All-Academic Third Team
Holden Kellogg, All-Academic Third Team
Alexander Schmidt, All-Academic Third Team
Robert Burns, All-Academic Third Team
*Camille Wadley, All-Academic First Team
Shelby Bennett, All-Academic Second Team
Kenna Gilbert, All-Academic Second Team
Annemarie Mansfield, All-Academic Second Team
Mykenzie Domeier, All-Academic Second Team
Carrigan Carpenter, All-Academic Third Team
*Indicates Dual-Sport Participant
Need Help with Your Schedule?
Advisors and counselors are available at both the Texas Township and Arcadia Commons campuses to help you select classes. To schedule an appointment, call 269.488.4040 or email success@kvcc.edu. No appointments are necessary on Tuesdays from 8:30 a.m.- 7 p.m. (last sign in at 6 p.m.). Stop in for an in-person meeting or call 269.488.4040 to get in a virtual line.

Payment Deadlines Reinstated
Effective June 1, summer classes that are not paid for, on a payment plan, covered by financial aid, or covered by a third-party will be dropped after five business days of registration. This policy was paused when the college's network systems were down due to a security incident. If you have questions, contact paystation@kvcc.edu.

Financial Help is Available
Need help paying for college? There are several options available through the Financial Aid office.
- Apply now for Fall 2022 Foundation sponsored scholarships. Priority awarding deadline is July 1!
- Work study positions are available for summer and fall semesters. Email finaid@kvcc.edu for more information.
- ?If you're 25 years or older, APPLY NOW for the Michigan Reconnect Scholarship at www.kvcc.edu/reconnect/

Looking for Work or Volunteer Opportunities?
Student Employment Services assists students with job searching, resume writing and practice interviewing. Visit Career Coach to see if there is something that interests you. If you are looking for a job that is not listed, we can help. Call 269.488.4040 or email careercenter@kvcc.edu to schedule an appointment. Below are some of the jobs currently posted on Career Coach.
ITAD Technician - Workforce Strategies, Inc
Quality Document Systems Administrator - Humphrey Products
Customer Service Assistant - SafeHarbor Management Group
Administrative Assistant - Friendship Village
Career Navigator/Administrative Assistant - KRESA
Retirement Specialist - SafeHarbor Management
Quality Document Systems Administrator - Humphrey Products
Dishwasher - Three Blondes Brewing
Line Cook/Prep Cook - Three Blondes Brewing
Line Cooks - Fieldstone Grill (Millennium Restaurant Group)
Evening Line Cook - Cove Lakeside Bistro (Millennium Restaurant Group)
Cultural Climate Support Specialist - KRESA
Career Coach (multiple positions) - KRESA
Head Start/GSRP Lead Teacher - KRESA
Head Start Associate Teacher - KRESA
Career Navigator/Administrative Assistant - KRESA
Health Careers
Direct Support Professional - WMU Adult Wellness Programs
Personal Care Assistant - Park Village Pines
RN Case Manager - Senior Services, Inc.
Nurse - Friendship Village
Care Assistant - Heritage Community of Kalamazoo
Dental Hygienist - Vicksburg Family Dentistry
Dental Hygienist - InterCare
Thermoforming Machine Operator - Easypak, LLC
Automotive Technician - Bridgestone Retail Operations
Automotive Technician - Michael's Auto Service

Work Out While on Campus
The Wellness and Fitness Center at the Texas Township campus is open Monday through Thursday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Students can use the center for free with a valid Kalamazoo Valley ID. First-time users will be required to complete a brief orientation prior to use. Call the fitness center front desk at 488.4184 for more information.
The pool will reopen soon. Lifeguard positions are available. Learn more here.
Bookstore Closed June 29 - 30 and July 4 Week
The Texas Township Bookstore will be closed June 29 and 30 to conduct inventory, and July 5, 6 and 7 to install a new point-of-sale system. Remember, you can shop online anytime at bookstore.kvcc.edu and items can be shipped to homes. Orders placed by June 28 can still be picked-up while the store is closed for inventory and software installation.

PTK Walk to Raise Money for Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes
Current and former PTK members are invited to participate in the inaugural PTK Charity Walk. Bring your friends and family and help us raise money for Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes on Aug. 11 at 6:30 p.m. on the Texas Township Campus. Register for just $20 at www.kvcc.edu/ptk. Registration (before June 30) includes a commemorative t-shirt.
Get Involved on Campus
The Office for Student Life and Engagement is here to connect you with a number of events in our new virtual space. From meeting with transfer colleges and making a budget to learning about your strengths, our office offers learning opportunities outside the classroom. Meet new people and connect with campus contacts to make your college experience more meaningful. For more information, contact Coty Dunten or Ezra Bell.
Upcoming events include:
June 14 | Kalamazoo Promise Services Zoom Pop Up: Finishing Your Homework Isn't Studying | 5 p.m.
Zoom Pop Ups are presentations focused on development of skills needed to be successful in college and life. Presentations are led by Kalamazoo Promise Services staff, Kalamazoo Valley faculty and community educators. Click here to join.
June 16 | Valley Food Share | 2 - 4 p.m.
Valley Food Share is an initiative designed to meet the immediate food needs of Kalamazoo Valley students. Through the program, currently enrolled students can pick up a bag, or a "share" which includes food grown locally and sourced through our own Food Innovation Center as well as nonperishable items from Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes, to take home. Valley Food Share distribution is currently a drive-thru service alternating between the Food Innovation Center and the Texas Township Campus. For more information visit kvcc.edu/foodshare.
For a complete list of activities, check the college calendar.
Student Organizations
Did you know Kalamazoo Valley has a number of student clubs and organizations? From dance club to anime, there is something for everyone. Clubs are a great way to meet people! Check out the complete list here. Want to start your own club? Contact Coty Dunten.
College Social Media
Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn for all of the latest campus news. And every Tuesday, you can check us out on TikTok!
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries:
Pride Display, New Books, Research and Citation Help and Course Reserves
The Kalamazoo Valley Libraries at the Texas Township Campus and at Anna Whitten Hall are open and available to support you this summer. We are offering a mix of in-person and online services including reserve materials and reference assistance.
Pride Display
It's Pride Month, and the TTC library is celebrating with a new book display featuring books by, for, or about the LBGTQ community. Browse these highlights from our collection of print books which honor and explore Queer history, identity, culture and experience.
New Books
If you are looking for something fresh and new, the Libraries keep recently purchased books on a single display for easy browsing. Drop in and ask our friendly staff where the new book display is located, or check out our virtual display.
Research & Citation Help
If you are looking for help finding or citing sources for class projects, the Libraries have multiple ways to assist you. Visit us in person to talk to one of our Reference Librarians. From off campus, you can call or email us. Zoom appointments are available on request. For assistance during non-business hours, the Ask a Librarian 24/7 Chat is always available.
Course Reserves
Textbooks and other course materials are placed on reserve each semester at the request of faculty and students. Check the Course Reserve Guide to see if we have books for your class available. Most reserve items may be checked out for up to three hours.
We look forward to connecting with you!
Visit us online
Call 269.488.4328
Email: libraries@kvcc.edu)
Chat with a college librarian 24/7: https://www.kvcc.edu/library/asklib.html
Zoom by appointment, please email
Follow us on Instagram (@kalamazoovalleylibraries)
Juneteenth Black Film Festival Coming June 18
Meet local Black filmmakers and get a sneak preview of the films they are currently creating at the Celebration of Freedom Black Film Festival. The free event will be held June 18 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum, 230 N. Rose St. in downtown Kalamazoo. It is organized by Soul Artistry LLC and sponsored by the museum. Advance registration is not required. For more details and a listing of other area Juneteenth programming, visit kalamazoomuseum.org.
SAVE THE DATE: 'Forgotten Fighters' Film on Sept. 10
Come celebrate the famed Kalamazoo Boxing Academy on Saturday, Sept. 10 at 1:30 p.m. with a free reception at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum, featuring guest speakers and a documentary screening about the history of the academy, whose roster included big names in boxing during its heyday. The museum has been hosting "The Forgotten Fighters of the Kalamazoo Boxing Academy" exhibit since February. It runs through Sept. 18. For more details about the documentary, exhibit and hours, visit kalamazoomuseum.org.

Center for New Media Hosted Three Career Events
Student Employment Services coordinated three separate networking events in April for art and new media students to meet with employers in the industry. Each event had good turnout and students came prepared with excellent questions to ask employers.
Innovative Media Group (IMG), a full-service video production company and media agency specializing in television commercials, training videos and social media content creation, visited on April 19. One of the students who visited IMG was able to set up a job shadowing experience.
On April 20, the college hosted Kzoom, a digital marketing agency comprised of videographers, photographers, designers and digital strategy experts, and LKF Marketing, a full-service advertising, marketing, public relations and website design/development company. Both companies had a representative with an associate of applied science in graphic design from Kalamazoo Valley; the two employees were also students of the Design Crew Merit course.
Newhall Klein, a brand development, marketing and design company, and Overneath Creative video and animation storytellers visited on April 26.
"These events were a great experience for both students and the companies who attended," said Tom Hamann, director for the Center for New Media. "We will be working with these companies to create possible internship opportunities in the future."
International Students Experience Lake Michigan
International students from Kalamazoo Valley and Jackson College recently enjoyed a trip together to South Haven to experience Lake Michigan during the summer months. The group enjoyed time at the beach, exploring the town and dinner at a local restaurant.