College Closed January 22nd
The college is closed for business January 22nd. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.
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June 14, 2021

Greetings Students,

Summer is here and I hope that you are finding time to enjoy all that the season has to offer.  At the same time, I encourage you to focus on your studies and if you need assistance to complete the semester successfully, there are services available to help. If you need assistance with math and writing, I encourage you to access the drop-in tutoring services provided. Please use the following link to visit the Virtual Math Center. Please use the following link to visit the Virtual Writing Center.

Course specific tutoring is available in biology, chemistry, physics, geosciences, Spanish, economics and computer classes. To schedule an appointment, please email or call 269.488.4397. For more information about tutoring, click here.

We are delighted that you have chosen Kalamazoo Valley Community College for your summer course work. We continue to be dedicated to your success and are standing by to do our part to help you achieve your goals.


Signature: L. Marshall Washington
L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D.

Admissions, Registrations, and Records
Fall Semester Registration is Now Open
Fall semester begins Sept. 8 and registration is now open. The college will again be offering a combination of in-person, online and hybrid classes - with nearly 60 percent of fall semester classes having some sort of in-person component. Register now! Not sure what classes to take? Make an appointment with an advisor or counselor by calling 269.488.4040 or self-schedule through your MyValley account.

Advising and Counseling
No Drop-In Advising June 22
Due to staff training, there will be no drop-in virtual advising on Tuesday, June 22. Drop-in advising will be available Wednesday, June 23 beginning at 8:30 a.m., with the last sign in at 4 p.m. Call 269.488.4040 to get in a virtual line and wait for a call from an advisor or counselor.

Business and Finance Office
Need Help Paying Your Tuition? Sign Up for a Payment Plan
Do you know that you have the option of enrolling in a payment plan to pay your tuition? Payment plans allow you to make a series of smaller tuition payments instead of paying the whole bill at once. Payments are automatically deducted from your bank account or charged to a credit card, eliminating the possibility of forgetting a payment or making a late payment. To learn more and to enroll, go to your MyValley account and click on Payment Plan.

As a reminder, fall semester tuition is due by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 13.

Financial Aid

Professional Judgement

Kalamazoo Valley understands that the pandemic provided economic disruption and changes to many families. If your family is experiencing a significant reduction of income or expenses related to child care, please attend the Professional Judgement/Financial Aid Eligibility Information session on June 22nd at 5 p.m. via Zoom.

Financial Aid administrators will be available to answer questions about your financial aid eligibility and may be able to use professional judgement to assist you.


Valley CARES Application Still Available
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented both Kalamazoo Valley and our students with unprecedented challenges. In consideration of this, the college created the Valley CARES Emergency Assistance Fund. The Valley CARES Emergency Assistance Fund provides limited emergency financial support to students who have experienced unexpected technology/living expenses related to the coronavirus. The Valley CARES Emergency Assistance Fund application can be found in your MyValley account, by selecting Valley CARES Application, under "My Links." Eligible students can receive up to $500 for Covid-related expenses while Valley CARES funds are still available. 

Please email the Financial Aid office or call 269.488.4340 with any questions.

  Public Safety
Traffic Alert
Beginning Monday, June 21 O Avenue between 6th and 8th Streets will be closed for construction. Seek an alternate route.

Juneteeth: Celebration of Freedom
Juneteenth Celebration of Freedom Takes Place June 19
Juneteenth Celebration of Freedom, a live-streamed event, will be viewable on Facebook from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, June 19 at SoulArtistryLLC.

This annual celebration to commemorate the history of Juneteenth, organized by Soul Artistry LLC, features some of Kalamazoo's most prominent Black creatives with dance, music, poetry and more.

Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. Dating back to June 19, 1865, Juneteenth was established by African Americans and is observed annually in remembrance of emancipation. more

Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Mental Health First Aid
A Mental Health First Aid class is being offered for students, faculty and staff from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 22. The training is being held via Zoom and will be facilitated by Integrated Services of Kalamazoo.

The terms "mental illness," "mental health," and "mental disorders" are tossed around freely in today's society, and yet many of us aren't clear about their meanings or relevance. In this seminar, you will acquire the basic knowledge and skills to respond to an individual in distress.

Note: As we offer this virtually there is a two-hour pre-class work requirement. This pre-class work needs to be completed approximately 3 to 5 days ahead of the date of the virtual training. Once you register for the virtual training, the information on how to access and use the learning management system will be sent to you. Please confirm registration by contacting Trice Batson by the end of the day today.

Kalamazoo Valley Women's Basketball Open Tryouts for the 2021-22 Team. Must be a high school graduate. Must bring valid physical to tryouts. Face covering must be worn. Coach Felicia Thomas. Office phone: 269-488-4446. Cell phone: 269-599-7818. Email:
Photo of several young professionals in business attire
Need a Job? Career Coach Can Help
If you're looking for a job, Kalamazoo Valley has a tool to assist you. Career Coach is a free online tool anyone can use to explore, prepare for and find the right career. The Career Coach assessment tool identifies a person's interests and matches those to potential career areas. Using that information and a simple keyword search, job seekers can learn about the employment prospects for a variety of careers, wage information and current job postings in the area.
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries- In-Person Access to Textbook Reserves Has Returned!
Have you missed being able to use the reserve copies of your textbooks? Maybe you missed that solid feeling of a physical book and its crisp pages?  Or perhaps you miss having a quiet place to read? Good news! The library has made physical copies of textbook reserves available for use. Most are available for a three hour loan during the library's open hours.
Just follow a few simple steps:
  • Come to the library's front desk
  • Provide library staff with your class number and instructor or the book's title
  • Make sure to have your Valley ID available to check out the book
Please be aware that we do not have a copy of every textbook. If you would like to search for a book's availability, please see our page on Textbook and Course Reserves for instructions and other helpful information. If you are unable or uncomfortable coming to campus to use reserves in person, library staff will continue to offer curbside pick up service for a limited number of pages per book at the Texas Township Campus. Please contact the library to inquire about this service. 
Virtual Assistance:
Visit us online
Call 269.488.4380 (TTC)
Zoom by appointment, please email to schedule.

Summer Hours 2021
Virtual Hours:
Monday - Thursday  |  8:00 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Chat with a college librarian 24/7
Library Open Hours:
Texas Township Campus Library (TTC)
Monday- Thursday  |  8 a.m. - 5 p.m.*
*Closed from 8 - 9 a.m. on Tuesdays for staff training.

Arcadia Commons Campus Library (ACC)
(located in Anna Whitten Hall, Room 321)
Monday  |  8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Tuesday  |  9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesday - Thursday  |  8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

 Valley Food Share

Need Food? Valley Food Share Can Help
Valley Food Share is an initiative designed to meet the immediate food needs of Kalamazoo Valley students. Through the program, currently enrolled students can pick up a box, or a "share" which includes food grown locally and sourced through our own Food Innovation Center as well as nonperishable items from Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes, to take home. The college has provided students with shares once a week for the last year.

Valley Food Share distribution is currently a drive-thru service on Thursdays between 2 - 4 p.m. alternating between the Food Innovation Center and the Texas Township Campus. You will receive an email each Thursday afternoon with a link to sign up for a box of food for the next week. If you come by car, we ask that you remain in your vehicle and the share will be placed in your trunk by college employees. If you come on foot or on a bicycle, please wear a face covering.

If you have any questions, please email

Student Services

Need Assistance? Student Services can Help!
Students who need assistance should contact the departments below to schedule:

  1. Virtual appointments
  2. In-person appointments
Call or email for an appointment so that we can best serve you. You can also self-schedule your appointment through MyValley. Click on "Schedule an Appointment with Student Services" under My Links.

As a reminder, the college adopts summer hours from May 17 through August 13. Hours are as follows: Monday - Thursday | 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., with a limited number of student services open until 7 p.m. on Tuesdays.

Student Services Contact List
Admissions, Registration and Records: or 269.488.4281
Advising and Counseling: or 269.488.4040
Apprenticeships: or 269.488.4873
Bookstore: or 268.488.4030
Financial Aid: or 269.488.4340
Internships: or 269.488.4635
IT (Computer) Help Desk: or 269.488.4250

Kalamazoo Promise Services: or 269.488.4515
KVAAP: or 269.373.7946
Life Resources: or 269.488.4040
Office of Early/Middle College & Dual Enrollment: or  269.488.4509
Office for Student Access: or 269.488.4397
Pay Station: or 269.488.4162

Prior Learning: or 269.488.4873
Student Employment Relations: or 269.488.4040
Student Strengths Development: or 269.488.4040
Student Success Services: or 269.488.4040
Transfer Resource Services: or or 269.488.4040
Testing Center
    (TTC): or 269.488.4235
    (AWH): or 269.373.7800
Tutoring: or 269.488.4397
Veteran Services: or 269.488.4040

All students and guests who schedule in-person appointments are required to adhere to strict safety measures.
  • Face coverings must be worn properly at all times.
  • When possible, proper social distancing of a minimum of six feet must be observed.
  • Frequent hand washing along with the use of hand sanitizer.
  • Completion of a daily health assessment prior to arriving on campus. 

Kalamazoo Valley Community College
6767 West O Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070
Kalamazoo Valley