May 26, 2022
Dear Students,
I thank you for your patience as the college continues to make progress in our network systems restoration process. Throughout this situation, the security of personal information has been a top priority. We understand the concerns that you may have related to this incident. Everyone should continue to utilize best practices and be vigilant regarding the protection of personal information.
As students, faculty, staff and instructors return to one of our college campus locations, they should reset passwords to access college email and connect to the internet. Access to Canvas and MyValley have also been restored. We are in the process of restoring other college business systems.
Additional information about how you can access college services is available in the Frequently Asked Questions section of this communication below.
We have made progress in reaching this point and we will continue to support faculty and instructors working with you to achieve your educational goals. Thank you.

L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D.

Network Systems Restoration Frequently Asked Questions
What is really going on?
Kalamazoo Valley Community College has been the victim of a security incident related to our network systems affecting the college website, voicemail, Canvas and email. We are working to understand and address the full extent of this situation with college staff, outside third-party experts and the authorities.
Has my personal information been compromised?
Throughout this situation, the security of personal information has been a top priority. We understand the concerns that our students and employees may have related to this incident. Everyone should continue to utilize best practices and be vigilant regarding the protection of personal information.
If my information was compromised, what will the college do to protect me?
If information was compromised, the college will take the necessary steps to protect you through a third-party monitoring system.
When are online classes going to start again?
Online courses and the online portions of blended courses resumed Tuesday, May 24. Access by visiting https://kalamazoo.instructure.com/ or through MyValley.
My class was supposed to start May 23. What's happening?
The start of the second 12-week of summer semester classes (online, in-person and blended classes) previously planned for May 23, began Tuesday, May 31.
What about my classes that start in June? Have those start dates changed?
Additional details related to various summer semester parts-of-term will be communicated through student email.
How can I pay my tuition?
As progress is made on our security incident investigation, implementation of additional security measures and restoration of network services, a restart of the payment system will occur soon. We will communicate with you through email to let you know when specific services are available and new tuition due dates.
Can I still drop first 12-or 14-week classes for a full refund?
Yes, you will be able to drop your classes for a full refund. As we work to restore all network services, additional details will be forthcoming. We will communicate with you through email to let you know when specific services are available.
When are the down systems estimated to be restored?
As progress is made on our security incident investigation, implementation of additional security measures and restoration of network services, a restart of all systems will occur soon. We will communicate with you through email to let you know when specific services are available.
How do I reset my password?
You can reset your password by visiting the campus computer lab.
How can I reset my password if I am working from home?
To reset your password, you need to come to campus.
How can I access Canvas?
You can access Canvas by visiting kalamazoo.instructure.com or through MyValley. Use your Kalamazoo Valley login to access.
How can I access my email?
You can access your email by visiting www.gmail.com and entering your Kalamazoo Valley credentials or through MyValley.
When will DegreeWorks be available?
As progress is made on our security incident investigation, implementation of additional security measures and restoration of network services, a restart of the DegreeWorks system will occur. We will communicate with you through email to let you know when specific services are available.
How can I speak to an advisor to plan for fall?
Staff are available to meet with students in person, over the telephone and via Zoom. Please call 269.488.4040. You may experience extended wait times as our systems are still not completely up and running.
When can I register for classes?
As progress is made on our security incident investigation, implementation of additional security measures and restoration of network services, a restart of the registration system will occur. We will communicate with you through email to let you know when specific services are available.
Can I still apply for financial aid?
Yes! Visit www.fafsa.gov to apply. If you need help, stop by the Financial Aid office or call 269.488.4340.
I need help! Who can help me?
Staff are available to meet with students in person, over the telephone and via Zoom. Please call 269.488.4100 to schedule an appointment. You may experience extended wait times as our systems are still not completely up and running.
What am I supposed to do about my homework? It was due last week.
Please know that your course instructors are eager to connect with all of the students again and we will continue to support faculty working with students on assignments, deadlines and instructional time.
I contacted my instructor. I haven't heard back. What's up?
Our email system was down from May 16 through May 23. Please resend your email and expect a response within 48 hours.
Should I withdraw? I haven't turned in my coursework.
No! Please know that your course instructors are eager to connect with all of the students again and we will continue to support faculty working with students on assignments, deadlines and instructional time.
When will I get my financial aid refund?
The first refunds for Title IV students will be disbursed as scheduled to eligible students. You are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid office if you are considering changes to your summer class schedule as this may affect your eligibility. We also strongly encourage you to ask contact the Financial Aid office if you are expecting a refund of financial aid.
I've submitted documents to the college and haven't heard back.
Our systems have been down and we are still currently unable to receive documents. Contact the department you submitted the documents to for further instructions.
Will I still receive my diploma or certificate or requested transcript?
Yes! Diplomas have been ordered and are in the mail. As we work to restore all network services, all requested transcripts will be sent.
I applied for a health careers program. When will I hear?
Notification regarding health career applications will be sent by June 15. We anticipate being able to notify students by that date.
I need to accept my Merit Scholarship and can't access the website.
The deadline to accept the Merit Scholarship has been extended until June 3. You can email enrollment@kvcc.edu to accept your scholarship.
Am I still registered for fall classes?
If you registered prior to May 16, you are still registered for the fall semester.