November 3, 2020
Recent media reports about the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) underscore the importance of the health and safety precautions already in place at the college. I have been very clear about our expectations for the use of face coverings, safe social distancing, hand washing, sanitation, daily health screenings and other required protocols to help minimize the spread of germs and disease on our campuses. Thank you for continuing to observe these protocols for your own safety and for the health and safety of others. Additional information is available at
As we look forward to the end of the semester, I encourage you to remain focused on your goals. Even in ordinary times, completion of a degree or certificate requires determination. My advice for success includes staying in close communication with your instructors, completing all of the assigned homework and being an active participant in all of your classes, whether in person or online.
Keep a close eye on your college email account. You will continue to receive important messages with information you need to complete the semester and you will continue to receive this student newsletter with important insights and updates about your time at the college. If you need assistance, reach out, the entire college is mobilized to help you. Call 269.488.4040 to make an appointment with Student Success Services or make an appointment online through your MyValley account.
Winter semester begins Jan. 11. Kalamazoo Valley will offer a mix of face-to-face and virtual/remote classes, similar to the current schedule. It is important that you act now and register for classes so that you can be sure of securing the courses you need to help you move toward your goal. We admire your ability to be flexible. Be assured that the college will remain flexible, too, as we face challenges together. We know you will have a strong finish to the end of the semester.
As a reminder, if you haven't already voted - please get out and vote today!

L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D.

Events Scheduled for Futures for Frontliners
Did you leave your house to go to work between April and June of this year? If you did, you could qualify for the Futures for Frontliners scholarship program which gives essential workers who kept our state going free community college tuition.
If you think you might qualify, fill out the application at As someone who is already pursuing an education at Kalamazoo Valley, why not see if you can continue going to school for free? Don't wait! The application deadline is December 31, 2020.
The college is hosting several special events to answer questions about the Futures for Frontliners program and to help get you registered for winter semester classes. RSVP for one of the following events:
NOV. 4 | 10 AM - 4 PM | Texas Township Campus
NOV. 17 | 10 AM - 6 PM | Texas Township Campus
DEC. 1 | 10 AM - 6 PM | Anna Whitten Hall
DEC. 8 | 12 PM - 6 PM | Texas Township Campus
Call 269.488.4303 if you have questions about Futures for Frontliners at Kalamazoo Valley,

Winter Tuition is Due Nov. 10
As a reminder, tuition is due by 7 p.m. on Nov. 10 or your classes will be dropped. To see if you have a balance and pay your bill online, log into your MyValley account.
If you are unsure how you will be able to pay for the upcoming semester or have questions about your financial aid, consider the following:
- Apply for financial aid by completing the FAFSA. If you have already applied, you may have outstanding financial aid requirements. Please refer to your MyValley account to review any unfulfilled requirements. You can do this by selecting “My Links” and clicking “Financial Aid Information.”
- Split up your tuition payments by signing up for the payment plan.
- Meet with a financial aid advisor to discuss additional options. You can schedule an appointment by calling 269.488.4340.
If you have additional questions about your account balance or paying your bill, please email the Pay Station or call 269.488.4292.
2020 1098-T Information
2020 1098-T forms will be released by January 31, 2021. To help ensure your 1098-T form is able to be completed properly, please review your MyValley account to verify that your address information on file with us is current.
Steps to review your address on file with Kalamazoo Valley:
- Log on to your MyValley account
- Click Banner Self Service from the left hand menu
- Click the Personal Information button
- Click the option to View Address(s) and Phone(s)
If any of this information listed on the screen is not correct, please complete and submit a Personal Information Update Form with the Admissions, Registration and Records office.
We will also be sending emails by November 20 to your college email address if your record is missing tax payer identification (social security number) information, as this information is required to complete the 1098-T form. If you receive an email from us requesting this information, it is important that you follow the steps in the email so your 1098-T form is not delayed. If you do not receive an email, no action is required from you.
Questions regarding the Personal Information Update Form should be directed to Admissions, Records and Registration at or 269.488.4281. Questions regarding the 1098-T form should be directed to the Pay Station at or 269.488.4292.
The 1098-T form reports what you were billed in tuition expenses at a college or university. All colleges and universities are required by the Internal Revenue Service to provide you with this information.

The Office for Student Life and Engagement is here to connect you with a number of events in our new virtual space. From meeting with transfer colleges, to making a budget, to learning about your strengths - our office offers learning opportunities outside the classroom. Meet new people and connect with campus contacts to make your college experience count. Upcoming events include:
Nov. 3 | Transfer Tuesday | 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Are you unsure of what four-year college or university you want to attend after you complete your academic goals at Kalamazoo Valley? Connect virtually with college and university admission representatives at Transfer Tuesday.
- University of Michigan | 4 -5 p.m. | RSVP to get the Zoom link
Nov. 4 | Western Wednesday | 10 - 11 a.m.
Future Broncos! Connect with admission representatives and advisors from across the WMU university systems. RSVP to get the Zoom link.
Nov. 5 | Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention | 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Join us for a presentation about local resources regarding drug use, abuse and how to navigate making good choices. RSVP to get the Zoom link.

Drop-In Advising & Counseling
Have a quick question? Need to confirm your winter classes? Advising and counseling have virtual drop-in appointments every Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. (last sign in at 5:30 p.m.). No appointment is necessary! Simply call 269.488.4040 to get in the virtual line and wait comfortably at home for a call from an advisor or counselor. Winter semester starts Jan. 11, 2021 - are you ready?

Need Extra Science Help? Tutoring is Available
All Kalamazoo Valley science classes are supported by tutors. If a science class is online, tutoring will be remote through ZOOM. If a class is held in person, students can have a face to face appointment in the Learning Center. Tutoring is by appointment during regular Learning Center hours from 9 a.m. -7 p.m. Monday -Thursday and 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Fridays. Tutor availability for each class depends on the individual tutor's schedule. Appointments are for 30 minutes, but can go longer if needed and if the tutor is available. Students can schedule an appointment by calling the Learning Center front desk at 488.4397 or emailing Tutoring is available in many other subjects. For a complete list, visit
Scholarships Available
The Financial Aid Office is currently promoting scholarships sponsored through the Kalamazoo Valley Foundation for the 2021 Winter Semester. To view and apply for Kalamazoo Valley Foundation-Sponsored Scholarships go to The deadline to submit an online scholarship application is Nov. 6, unless noted otherwise. Applications will not be returned for missing information.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Financial Aid Office by phone at 269.488.4340 or by email at

Get Focused: The Virtual Summit
Building Bridges Through Education (BBTE) is an education and workforce development initiative through the West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce with the goal of connecting, educating and preparing Latino college students to successfully enter the workforce. Through this program, students are given the opportunity to engage and participate in a series of programs/workshops that will assist in reaching their career goals. On November 19, 2020 BBTE will hold its second “Get Focused: The Virtual Summit.” Kalamazoo Valley Latinx students are invited to attend, free of charge, using the discount code: wmhcc202. Students will have an opportunity to hear from the keynote speaker, Dr. Angélica Gutiérrez, participate in sessions, and network with other college students.

@kalamazoovalleylibraries: Follow Us on Instagram
The Kalamazoo Valley Libraries -- at Texas Township (TTC), Arcadia Commons (ACC), and online -- are also on Instagram.
Stay current with happenings at the Libraries by following us @kalamazoovalleylibraries. You’ll find practical information as well as fun ways to connect with us.
- Looking for a good book?#bannedbooksweek #bookrecommendations
- Need to know semester break hours?#semesterbreak #newhours
- Curious about how libraries work? #behindthescenes
- Need ways to deal with the stresses of 2020? #destress #stressrelief
- Still looking for voter information? #vote2020 (or Voting 101)
Contact us:
Visit us online at
Call: 269.488.4380 (TTC) or 269.373.7848 (ACC)
Chat with a college librarian 24/7:
Follow us on Instagram:@kalamazoovalleylibraries
Locations and Hours
Texas Township Campus Library (TTC)
Upper Level Open Only
Monday - Thursday, 7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Arcadia Commons Campus Library (ACC)
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

The Veteran Services department is hosting a number of upcoming events for our student veterans.
Resume Writing for Veteran Students
- Wednesday, November 4: 5 - 6:30 p.m. Click here for the Zoom link.
- Thursday, November 5: 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Click here for Zoom link.
Interviewing for Veteran Students
- Monday, Nov. 16: 5 - 6:30 p.m. Click here for the Zoom link.
- Tuesday, Nov. 17: 10 - 11:30 a.m. Click here for the Zoom link.

Need a Job? Career Coach Can Help
If you're looking for a job, Kalamazoo Valley has a tool to assist you. Career Coach, Kalamazoo Valley Community College’s online job board, matches job seekers with careers based on their personal interests and skills.
Career Coach is a free online tool anyone can use to explore, prepare for and find the right career.
The Career Coach assessment tool identifies a person’s interests and matches those to potential career areas. Using that information and a simple keyword search, job seekers can learn about the employment prospects for a variety of careers, wage information and current job postings in the area.
Financial Wellness Survey
Trellis – a non-profit company that helps students succeed in college – recently sent all Kalamazoo Valley students a survey. Completing this survey will help develop policies that better serve you and your classmates as you move toward graduation. Also, students who participate will be entered into a national drawing to win a $100 Amazon gift card (25 total gift cards are being given away). Please complete the survey if you haven't already done so! The deadline is November 9.

Deadline for December New Media Showcase Submissions is Nov. 24
You’re invited to submit artwork for inclusion in the Center for New Media’s Virtual New Media Showcase 2020 which opens on December 4 during Art Hop.
Art in the virtual exhibit will be created by current ART and ANM students and will be displayed and archived on the CNM's Facebook and Instagram accounts at
https://www and
Entries will be accepted until 2 p.m. on Nov. 24, 2020. All entries must represent digital art/design works and not be created with traditional media. Entries must be formatted for electronic submission following the virtual exhibit Guidelines and Gallery Requirements flyers. The electronic Call for Entries form must be submitted with the artwork. Up to three entries may be submitted. To access the forms, go to
Entries previously entered in any Kalamazoo Valley exhibit are not eligible. Kalamazoo Valley has the right to withhold placement of any piece into the art show.
For more information contact Cindy Parks at

Students: Tell Us Your Story
We know that you take many different paths to get here and you all face unique challenges. We’d like to share your stories in a new feature called Profiles of Student Success. We plan to use these articles on social media, in this newsletter, on the website, and in printed newsletters and promotional campaigns. Fill out the questionnaire and return it to

College to Host December 20 Drive-Thru Commencement Celebration
To honor its Fall 2020 graduates as well as those students who attained their degrees last spring, Kalamazoo Valley is hosting a December 20, 2 p.m. Drive-Thru Commencement Celebration in the Texas Township Campus parking lot. Students invited to participate will receive an e-invitation on Nov. 6.
Event details will be posted as they are confirmed at