College Closed January 22nd
The college is closed for business January 22nd. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.
Kalamazoo Valley Community College

InFocus: News for Kalamazoo Valley Community College Students

October 20, 2020


Perseverance is the word I am using frequently during this mid-semester period at Kalamazoo Valley.  I am well aware of the great effort required to focus on your studies as you balance life’s challenges.  Remember you are not alone as you pursue your dreams of securing a college education.

Perseverance is also the word I use as I describe our efforts related to keeping the college healthy and safe for you and our faculty, staff and visitors.  We remain diligent in our deep cleaning and sanitizing efforts in classrooms, labs, public spaces and other high traffic areas.

I have been very clear about our expectations for the use of face coverings, safe social distancing, hand washing, sanitation, daily health screenings and other required protocols to help minimize the spread of germs and disease on our campuses. These protocols remain in effect. If you need a refresher, this information can be found on the college website.

Creating a safe and healthy environment at the college is a shared responsibility. Practicing public health safety recommendations every day, both on and off campus, will help to keep us all safer, all of the time. Thank you.


Signature: L. Marshall Washington
L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D.

profiles in student success
Students: Tell Us Your Story
We know that you take many different paths to get here and you all face unique challenges. We’d like to share your stories in a new feature called Profiles of Student Success. We plan to use these articles on social media, in this newsletter, on the website, and in printed newsletters and promotional campaigns. Fill out the questionnaire and return it to

College to Host December 20 Drive-Thru Commencement Celebration

To honor its Fall 2020 graduates as well as those students who attained their degrees last spring, Kalamazoo Valley is hosting a December 20, 2 p.m. Drive-Thru Commencement Celebration in the Texas Township Campus parking lot. The event is being held as an alternative to the traditional gathering at Western Michigan University’s Miller Auditorium. Due to safety precautions put in place to guard against the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), the college is not hosting large, indoor events.

Graduates who choose to participate in the event will be invited to park their cars and will then be routed across the flag pole entrance to receive their diplomas and certificates. Dr. Washington will provide brief congratulatory remarks. Plans are being made to have the event broadcast live on a local radio station. “Over the past six months we’ve all been challenged to be flexible and adaptable and to find new ways to teach, learn and achieve success,” Dr. Washington said. “While we wish we could celebrate together with no restrictions, we’re confident that this approach will convey our pride and gratitude to our graduates.” Event details will be posted as they are confirmed at

Artists Needed!
Art and new media students are encouraged to participate in the Arts Council's Nov. 6, 2020 Art Hop - The Student Showcase. The exhibition will be uploaded to Facebook on Nov. 6 from 5 – 6:30 p.m. and to the Arts Council website under the Art Hop page approximately 10 days following the Facebook event. more  

Metro Bus Announces Reduced Service
Metro's fixed route buses began reduced service on Oct. 12 due to a staff shortage as a result of COVID-19 related reasons. The fixed route buses will operate hourly from 6:15 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. Monday through Saturday. No buses will be operating on Sunday until further notice. Schedules are available online at, on Facebook (under Metro Transit) and at the Transportation Center downtown. Route 12-Duke will not be in operation during this time.
Financial Wellness Survey
Trellis – a non-profit company that helps students succeed in college – sent all Kalamazoo Valley students a survey yesterday. Completing this survey will help develop policies that better serve you and your classmates as you move toward graduation. Also, students who participate will be entered into a national drawing to win a $100 Amazon gift card (25 total gift cards are being given away). Please complete the survey if you haven't already done so!
Student Life and Engagement
The Office for Student Life and Engagement is here to connect you with a number of events in our new virtual space. From meeting with transfer colleges, to making a budget, to learning about your strengths - our office offers learning opportunities outside the classroom. Meet new people and connect with campus contacts to make your college experience count. Upcoming events include:

Oct. 22 | Strengths Community Connections | 3 - 5 p.m.
Strengths Community Connections - Know your top 5 Strengths, but still wondering what it looks like to apply them to your daily life and goals intentionally? Join us for story-telling and conversations of real-world application with local community members who incorporate what they do best every day. RSVP to get the Zoom link.

Oct. 27 | Strengths Discovery Days | 10 - 11 a.m.

Oct. 29 | Strengths Discovery Days | 3 - 4 p.m.
Discover your natural talents during this event that will explore what the Clifton Strengths assessment is, and how it can benefit you academically, professionally and personally. You will learn next steps and receive a unique code to take the assessment to learn your Top 5 areas of natural talent! RSVP to get the Zoom link.

Nov. 3 | Transfer Tuesday | 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 
Are you unsure of what four-year college or university you want to attend after you complete your academic goals at Kalamazoo Valley? Connect virtually with college and university admission representatives at Transfer Tuesday.
  • Ferris State University University | 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. | RSVP to get Zoom link
  • Grand Valley State University | 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. | RSVP to get Zoom link
  • Siena Heights University | 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. | RSVP to get the Zoom link
  • Eastern Michigan University | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. | RSVP to get the Zoom link
  • University of Michigan | 4 -5 p.m. | RSVP to get the Zoom link
Nov. 4 | Western Wednesday | 10 - 11 a.m.
Future Broncos! Connect with admission representatives and advisors from across the WMU university systems. RSVP to get the Zoom link.

Nov. 5 | Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention | 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Join us for a presentation about local resources regarding drug use, abuse and how to navigate making good choices. RSVP to get the Zoom link.

Admissions, Registration, and Records
Celebrate National Transfer Student Week
Did you know that more than 50 percent of Kalamazoo Valley students transfer to a four-year college or university after goal completion at Valley? The third week of October celebrates transfer students across the country. What's your transfer story? Share your story on social media. #thrivingthoughtransfer. Read about other transfer stories here

Learn more about transferring to a four year college or university by attending one of the many Transfer Tuesday events sponsored by Student Life and Engagement (see article above) or contact Ezra Bell for more information.

Advising and Counseling
Is this Anxiety?
Anxiety is a normal part of everyday life. For most people, anxiety is a natural reaction to stress that can help a person stay alert and focused, motivate them to action, and stimulate problem solving. An anxiety disorder occurs when these feelings of nervousness, worry or fear become long-lasting, out of proportion to the situation and/or difficult to control. Dealing with this type of anxiety can interfere with daily life, strain relationships, and/or cause significant emotional or physical distress. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental disorders experienced by Americans and one of the most common mental health issues on college campuses.

To view mental health resources, visit The Jed Foundation at or call the counseling office in Student Success Services at 269.488.4040.

Financial AidScholarships Available
The Financial Aid Office is currently promoting scholarships sponsored through the Kalamazoo Valley Foundation for the 2021 Winter Semester. To view and apply for Kalamazoo Valley Foundation-Sponsored Scholarships go to The deadline to submit an online scholarship application is Nov. 6, unless noted otherwise. Applications will not be returned for missing information.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Financial Aid Office by phone at 269.488.4340 or by email at

Kalamazoo Valley Libraries: Inform Yourself about Current Issues
The Kalamazoo Valley Libraries - at Texas Township (TTC), Arcadia Commons (ACC), and online  - are here to provide you with the up-to-date information you need.
Elections are coming up, and you have questions about the issues facing the candidates. You need details about topics that may be complicated or unfamiliar to you. Where do you look for reliable information?
Instead of sifting through endless Google results, try searching the Libraries’ Current Issues databases. Our databases compile articles from a variety of resources and viewpoints to give you accurate information about the issues. Before Nov. 3, be sure to look at our Voting 101 guide, which is full of information about candidates, elections and the voting process. And, if you’re looking for today’s headlines, check out our Newspaper databases. Use your MyValley login to access these free resources from off campus. Reach out if you need help with searching, that’s what we’re here for! 
Contact us:
Visit us online at
Call: 269.488.4380 (TTC) or 269.373.7848 (ACC)
Chat with a college librarian 24/7:
Follow us on Instagram:@kalamazoovalleylibraries
Locations and Hours
Texas Township Campus Library (TTC)
Upper Level Open Only
Monday - Thursday, 7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Arcadia Commons Campus Library (ACC)
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Need a Job? Career Coach Can Help
If you're looking for a job, Kalamazoo Valley has a tool to assist you. Career Coach, Kalamazoo Valley Community College’s online job board, matches job seekers with careers based on their personal interests and skills.
Career Coach is a free online tool anyone can use to explore, prepare for and find the right career. 
The Career Coach assessment tool identifies a person’s interests and matches those to potential career areas. Using that information and a simple keyword search, job seekers can learn about the employment prospects for a variety of careers, wage information and current job postings in the area.

Follow us on Social Media: Instagram @KzooValley Facebook @KalamazooValleyCommunityCollege Twitter @KVCC

Texas Township Campus
6767 West O Avenue
PO Box 4070
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070