College Closed January 22nd
The college is closed for business January 22nd. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.

KV FocusPlus

Kalamazoo Valley Community College creates innovative and equitable
opportunities that empower all to learn, grow and thrive.

Happy Holidays

Summit Together is Better Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Today is the Last Day  to Register the Winter 2023 Summit
It's time to register for the Winter 2023 Summit! The Summit will take place on the Texas Township Campus Jan. 5 starting at 8 a.m., with check-in beginning at 7:30 a.m. outside of the Auxiliary Gym. The college will reopen at 1 p.m. The faculty Summit continues from 1 - 5 p.m.

As a security best practice, logging into certain college systems (such as email and MyValley) will soon require an extra step to verify your identity using a mobile app, phone call or text message. This extra step at login is called multi-factor authentication or MFA. Our new registration system is one that requires MFA.

To set up MFA and register for the Summit, click here. If you have registration questions, please call Halea Kasishke at x4183.

In response to current events, please note, a last-minute breakout session has been added to the Summit schedule: Let's Discuss ChatGPT: The AI Writing Essays, Code and More with Molly Pfaff will be offered at 9:40 a.m. The session will  look at a new and radically improved artificial intelligence (AI), called ChatGPT, that is being used by students and professionals in all disciplines to generate viable essays, functional computer code, creative writing and answers (both correct and incorrect) to questions of all kinds. Since it attracted over one million users its very first week, we must assume students in all classes and subjects may start using it this semester. So where does that leave instructors? Join us for a demo of ChatGPT, followed by a nuanced, round-table discussion of the pros, cons and implications of AI for Winter 2023 classes and the future of higher education.

For catering and printing purposes, registration is required by end of day today.

Instruction and Student Services
Important Updates from the Provost
Academic Standing communications will be sent out to students on Dec. 22 following fall grade roll.

Changes to the Authorization for Registration Exception (ARE) form:

  • After the instructor completes the electronic ARE form, it will be routed to the student via Dynamic Forms. The student has the opportunity to approve the registration and provide details about other courses they would like dropped or withdrawn. The form will then be routed to ARR for processing. This change will allow for the student to provide consent to registration activity/changes.
Curriculum (approved by BOT this month):
  • Course and/or program changes in Biology, Education, Medical Assisting and Nursing 
  • New Courses in Biology, Education and Energy System Technology 
  • New Program in Energy Systems Technology (Certificate of Achievement)
  • Community College Student Survey of Engagement (CCSSE) will return in Winter 2023 and it will be in an online format
Faculty, in preparation for Winter 2023, please remember to: 
  • Post your class schedules and office hours on office doors (this helps students and your colleagues)
  • Use the monthly cut/paste notes for students with your Canvas course site

Student Services Winter 2023 Snapshot Sheet will be available for distribution during the Summit in January.

Information Technology
Information Technologies Support
The IT help desk is staffed and available to provide assistance between semesters. Remote support will be available Dec. 26 - Dec. 30 and then beginning again on Jan. 2. During this time, return calls will happen between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
To access that support during the holiday break:
Email -
Call - 269.488.4498 (leave a voicemail)

Email Conversion to Outlook 365
The email conversion from Zimbra to Outlook 365 has begun and will continue over the next weeks. The Information Technologies team is facilitating the transition department by department. Following the student grade submission deadline of Dec. 21, faculty mailboxes will be moved. You will have to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to access your Outlook email.

If you completed your Jan. 5 Winter Summit registration, your MFA is already configured. If you have not, there are videos and instructions below for installing the options for MFA:
Training and how-to videos:
Video 1 - Set up MFA using Microsoft Authenticator app on a smartphone (written instructions)
Video 2 - Set up MFA using Microsoft Authenticator app on a smartphone (video)
Video 3 - Set up MFA using text or phone call
Click here to set up MFA.

The help desk is staffed and available to provide assistance, should you have questions. Remote support will be available Dec. 26 - Dec. 30 and then beginning again on Jan. 2. During these days, callbacks will happen between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
To access that support during the holiday break:
Email -
Call - 269.488.4498 (leave a voicemail)

Onsite support will be available Jan. 3 when we return after the holiday break.

Human Resources
Extended Absence Greetings
Before you leave for break, remember to activate the extended absence greeting features available on your college email and voice mail. Use the suggested copy below:

Thank you for contacting Kalamazoo Valley Community College. Our offices will close for holiday break beginning Friday, Dec. 23 and remain closed through Monday, Jan. 2, 2023. College business offices will reopen on Tuesday, Jan 3. Information and many services are available at Winter Semester 2023 classes begin on Monday, Jan. 9. Thank you.

Health and Safety
As you spend time away from the office this holiday season, be aware of recommended health and safety practices. There is still time to seek out out and receive vaccines and boosters. Once you return to campus, remember keeping the entire college community safe and disease free is a shared responsibility. 
Kalamazoo Valley Community College
6767 West O Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070

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