College Closed January 22nd
The college is closed for business January 22nd. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.

KV FocusPlus

February 15, 2022

Dear College Community,

February is Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month. Kalamazoo Valley Community College's CTE programs provide students with respected, hands-on training that can be applied to real world, in-demand careers. Nearly 54% of jobs in Michigan require some skills training or certificate - more than a high school diploma, but less than a four-year degree.*
We are proud of Kalamazoo Valley Community College's history of preparing students for these important careers. Especially during this month, I extend my appreciation to the dedicated faculty members and support staff who make this training possible. I would also like to draw attention to those who work diligently to make apprenticeship and internship opportunities available for our students.
The past two years have proven beyond any doubt that Kalamazoo Valley is an essential leader in the region. The college provides access to affordable, high-quality higher education for people from all walks of life, including the technical and professional trades. Thank you!


Signature: L. Marshall Washington
L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D.

*Office of Employment and Training Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity.

CTE Month: Celebrate today, own tomorrow. Join us in celebrating career and technical education month!
February is CTE Month
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer recently declared February as Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month. All month long, the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, Workforce Development (LEO-WD) will be promoting the month on social media.

Check out these videos that highlight some of the college's CTE programs in Machine Tooling, Welding and Electrical Technology.

Join LEO-WD on Monday, Feb. 28 at 2:30 p.m. for a panel discussion celebrating CTE month. Hear from CTE experts and students as they discuss the exciting opportunities available when participating in career and technical education. Register for the event here

Black History Month
Celebrating Black History Month 2022
It was in 1964 when the author James Baldwin reflected on the shortcomings of his education. "When I was going to school," he said, "I began to be bugged by the teaching of American history because it seemed that that history had been taught without cognizance of my presence."

Baldwin's thoughts echoed those of many before and after him. Half a century earlier, when Carter G. Woodson had the same frustration, he set the foundation for what would become today's national Black History Month, observed each February.

"If a race has no history, it has no worthwhile tradition. It becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated," Woodson said of the need for such study.

In 1926, Woodson and others launched a "Negro History Week" to bring attention to his mission and help school systems coordinate their focus on the topic. Woodson chose the second week in February, as it encompassed both Frederick Douglass' birthday on Feb. 14 and Abraham Lincoln's birthday on Feb. 12. More about Black History Month.

Fulbright Scholar Program

Apply Now for the Fulbright Scholarship
The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers awards for U.S. citizens to teach, research and conduct professional projects in more than 130 countries. College and university faculty and administrators, as well as professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers and many others can join the more than 400,000 Fulbrighters who have come away with enhanced skills, new connections and greater mutual understanding.

Interested faculty and professionals are encouraged to visit its website where you will find program details, application guidance and other resources. Those interested can also view current opportunities in the Catalog of Awards, join a webinar or attend an office hour for live application assistance.

The application deadline is Sept. 15, 2022. Applicants must be U.S. citizens.

Student Life and Engagement

Advisors Needed!
Help our students get involved on campus by becoming an advisor for one of the college's many student clubs and organizations. Advisors are needed for Dance Club, Soccer Club and Gaming Club. All three have students interested in participating but need an advisor to make it happen. Responsibilities include facilitating scheduling and attending meetings and events. Time commitments vary depending on the club. Faculty or staff interested in being an advisor should contact Coty Dunten.   

Four one eight restaurant. Havirmill Cafe
The 418 Restaurant and the Havirmill Cafe are Open to all College Employees 
The 418 Restaurant is open by reservation only with seating times between 11  a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Contact Yvonne Cooley at 548.3203 or Terri McDonald at 548.3205 to make a reservation.  

The Havirmill Cafe is open from 7 a.m. - 1 p.m. with lunch service starting at 11:30 a.m. All food items are packaged as grab-and-go and there is limited seating in the cafe for lunch. You will find hot meals, sandwiches and salads based on a weekly menu theme. There is also fresh produce from the Food Innovation Center available to purchase. Reservations are not needed for the cafe, which is open Monday - Thursday.

At this time, daily menus are not posted. There are a lot of open spots for reservations in the 418 Restaurant. We would love to see you to help support the students.


Kalamazoo Valley Libraries: Academic Integrity Assistance, Sports & Recreation Collection and Study Spaces
Academic Integrity
Kalamazoo Valley's students are expected to model the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity, and the libraries are here to help. It may not always be obvious to students how to properly credit the sources they use in an academic paper to avoid plagiarism and comply with formal rules of scholarly communication. Library staff are standing by to help them understand those requirements and avoid pitfalls that may lead to unintentional breaches of academic integrity. Please encourage them to visit our format and citation experts to keep their papers safe from errors of attribution and make sure that they are in top academic condition. Students can also reach us by phone or email, or schedule a Zoom meeting with us. Our 24/7 library chat service means they have a library professional available to assist them at any hour.
Sports and Recreation Collection
The Texas Township library has a wide selection of athletic titles waiting for you on its shelves. Enjoy biographies and background stories involving your favorite sports or improve your own skills. Whether you are into weight training, football, basketball, baseball, swimming or something else, the library has something for you. Also included with the sports section are recreational titles - so you can kick your chess game up a notch or learn new skills to enhance your next camping trip. Visit the library and see all we have to offer!
Study Spaces
Are your students looking for a good place to pass time on campus? The library is the ultimate hangout for study and relaxation. At the Texas Township Campus there are plenty of tables, cubicles and comfy chairs overlooking scenic woods, or students can isolate themselves at a study table in the bookshelves or in one of our first-come, first-serve group study rooms. There are also cozy study accommodations downtown at Anna Whitten Hall library. Both libraries offer computer workstations with color and black-and-white printing.
*We appreciate you following Kalamazoo Valley's safety protocols and practicing social distancing when you visit us.
Visit us online
Call 269.488.4328
Chat with a college librarian 24/7:
Zoom by appointment, please email
Follow us on Instagram @kalamazoovalleylibraries

Admissions, Registration, and Records

Employee Registration Opens March 4
Employee registration for the Summer 2022 semester will be March 4 - 6. Full and part-time employees may request access to online registration for themselves and/or their dependents through 4 p.m. on Friday, March 4.

To request access:
  1. Send a new message with "Employee Registration" as the subject. It must be from a "" address.
  2. List the name and Valley Number or birth date for each admitted person who will be registering.
  3. We will add authorization to each person's record and reply to confirm.
  4. Beginning March 4, each authorized individual may log into My Valley, select "Register" or "Drop Classes" from My Links and register.

If you miss this opportunity, you may still register following the standard registration schedule for all students beginning Monday, March 7.

Payment for Summer 2022 must be submitted by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5. Please email the Admissions, Registration and Records office at, or call x4281, if you have questions.

Kalamazoo Valley Museum

Historic Kalamazoo Boxing Academy Exhibit Now Open
Explore the personal stories of the boxers and trainers at the "The Forgotten Fighters of the Kalamazoo Boxing Academy" exhibit at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum, which the college operates in downtown Kalamazoo. It runs now through Sept. 18. Many big names in boxing got their training with the Kalamazoo Boxing Academy! Admission is free to the museum and to the exhibit. The museum is located at 230 N. Rose St. It is now open for limited hours, Tuesday through Saturday, 10 - 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 - 3 p.m. Preregistration at is recommended. Walk-in slots are available, but entry is not guaranteed if capacity is reached.


Ten New Releases in Virtual Storytelling Festival 
Watch the 10 latest digitally-recorded tales in the Kalamazoo Valley Museum's online Storytelling Festival! Hear about Valentine's Day, 9/11, Kenyan celebrations, how time itself is celebrated and more, including a folktale from the British Isles. The stories may be viewed, anytime for free through early May. The festival's nine-month series on "A Celebration of Time" has been exploring festive traditions since October. All stories remain posted for three months from the date of premiere. Next up: The series concludes with stories about Easter and Passover released March 20.

The Gilmore

Ticket Discount to the 2022 Gilmore Piano Festival ON SALE NOW
Kalamazoo Valley is proud to be a partner of the 2022 Gilmore Piano Festival, a world-renowned music festival that brings the top classical and jazz pianists to West Michigan venues every two years. As a benefit of our partnership, staff and faculty qualify for a 15% ticket discount to most* in-person Festival events. The Festival Artist Lineup is now available.
How to order:
• Online at The Gilmore's Ticket Site

  1. Login or Create an Account
  2. Select a concert
  3. Before selecting your seats, go to the upper right-hand corner and click on promo code and enter KVCC22 and then click on APPLY PROMO CODE

• Visit the Community Box Office at the Epic Center, located at 359 S. Kalamazoo Mall in downtown Kalamazoo, or call 269.250.6984 and mention the Promo Code. Hours: Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. & Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Festival events are April 8 and April 24 - May 15.

* Festival events not eligible for the 15% discount: Herbie Hancock, Opening Week Dinner and Pink Martini. Events presented by partner organizations are also not eligible for this discount. They include Farmers Alley Theatre, Battle Creek Symphony, Jackson Symphony Orchestra, Lansing Symphony Orchestra, Franke Center for the Arts, Saugatuck Center for the Arts, South Haven Performances Series and the Vicksburg Performing Arts Center.  

Protect yourself and loved ones. Get you flu vaccine today.

Kalamazoo Valley Community College
6767 West O Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070

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