College Closed January 22nd
The college is closed for business January 22nd. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.

kv focus plaus

read the latest kv focus
Kalamazoo Valley Community College creates innovative and equitable
opportunities that empower all to learn, grow and thrive.

June 5, 2023

Greetings College Community,

June 14 will mark the one-year anniversary of the adoption of the college's new mission statement: Kalamazoo Valley Community College creates innovative and equitable opportunities that empower all to learn, grow and thrive.

The mission statement is the college's formal, public declaration of its purposes. It serves as a guide for institutional decision-making and provides the flexibility necessary to respond to the needs of the community.

Since its adoption, I have been very pleased to note how our mission is being woven into the very fabric of our organization. The mission statement informed the creation of the strategic plan, which drives our key performance indicators and ultimately our unit and department plans, programs and activities.
This mission statement provides clear direction for our work together. As we continue to anticipate and plan for the future, I invite you to focus on our mission. Thank you for creating innovative and equitable opportunities for all.

I anticipate a bright future for the college, our students and their families and the communities we serve.


signature: L. Marshall Washington
L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D.

president's office
Long-Time Board of Trustees Member Passes Away
Long-time college Board of Trustees member T. Kenneth Young, 92, passed away May 22. Young was on the board for more 30 years serving as the board's chair, vice chair and treasurer. In addition, he served a term as a board member of the Association of Community College Trustees.
Young was born in Detroit on June 27, 1930, the son of the late S. Kenneth and Laura Belle (Cockburn) Young. He graduated from Kalamazoo Central High School in 1949 and went on to earn a bachelor's degree from Western Michigan University. He served his country honorably in the United States Army. He was employed as a financial planner for Northwestern Mutual for 58 years. A memorial service to celebrate his life was held on Thursday, June 1. Click here to read the full obituary.

office of the provost

Barbering and Cosmetology Inquiries
As previously announced, the college is working with the West Michigan College of Barbering and Beauty to launch cosmetology and barbering programs at Kalamazoo Valley.

During this transition period, we ask that any inquiries or requests for information be routed to Mark Dunneback, dean of instruction assigned to program development. Please forward all calls and emails to Allison Boerema at x4373 and She will work with Mark to coordinate responses.

enrollment management

kalamazoo valley community college everyone belongs here
College Participates in Pride Festival

Thank you to everyone who volunteered to represent the college at Saturday's Kalamazoo Pride Festival at the Arcadia Creek Festival Place. Thousands people attended the two-day festival.
twelfth juried alumni+ art show
Alumni Art Show Winners Announced

Kalamazoo Valley's Twelfth Annual Juried Alumni+ Art Show opened at the Center for New Media on June 2 at 5:30 p.m. This exhibition is a way to showcase artwork created by the college's talented alumni. The art show is sponsored by Kalamazoo Valley's Alumni+ program, which was launched in April 2010 as a way for graduates, former students and supporters of Kalamazoo Valley to stay connected to the college and each other. For a list of winners click here. See photos from the event here.
wellness and fitness center

Pool Summer Hours
See the sunrise and get a few laps in before you start your day!

Beginning today, Monday June 5 through Thursday June 30, the pool will be open:
Monday 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Tuesday 6 - 8 a.m.
Wednesday 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and 3 - 6 p.m.
Thursday 6 - 8 a.m.
The pool is open to Kalamazoo Valley employees and students currently enrolled in classes.

How to access the pool:
  • Go to the lower level under the basketball courts.
  • Check in at the window between the locker rooms.
  • You will need your valid Valley ID and have completed the Wellness and Fitness Center Orientation.
Additional amenities are the full-service locker room with lockers and shower towels available upon request. Questions? Call the Wellness and Fitness Center front desk at x4184. Hours for July will be posted soon.

New Video-Led Classes Start Today
Work out on your lunch break with new video-led classes in TTC Room 6040. Give yoga, spinning and kickboxing a try. Instruction will be displayed on television monitors. There will be no in-person instructors. See the schedule here.

Use of the pool and participating in fitness classes require completion of a brief Wellness and Fitness Center orientation. If you have not completed the orientation, no problem! It only takes a few minutes. Inquire at the Wellness and Fitness Center front desk in TTC Room 6060.
food innonvation center

ValleyHUB Plants Spruce Up TTC Flowerbeds
Staff from the Food Innovation Center spent time at the Texas Township Campus weeding flower beds and planting a variety of annual flowers that were grown in the FIC's greenhouse. The new plants should add lots of color throughout the summer months. The extra plants included cosmos, daisies, caster beans and more. Learn more about the ValleyHUB and its offerings here.

People bent over working in a garden bed filled with iris flowers. The gardeners appear to be doing maintenance or weeding work along a flower bed that borders what looks like a parking lot. White and yellow irises are visible in the foreground. In the background, you can see lamp posts and parked cars.
Two people tending to a garden bed filled with pale pink and yellow iris flowers. The gardeners are kneeling and working among the iris plants. Behind them is tall ornamental grass and a curved driveway or path. The image is taken on a sunny day, showing a well-maintained landscaped area with green lawn and natural landscaping features.

marketing department

Call for Entries: 2023 - 2024 Student Planner Due Today
It's time to submit your department's events and important dates for inclusion in the college's 2023-2024 Student Planner. This printed piece will serve as a compass for campus engagement as students navigate through the academic year. If your department has any events for the planner, please submit all information by the end of the day today. Click here to access the submission form. For questions, contact Khadijah Kabbani.
A person in a black leather jacket and Kalamazoo Valley Cougars t-shirt stands behind a display table at what appears to be a community event or fair. They are smiling broadly with arms outstretched in a welcoming gesture. The table displays various promotional materials including brochures, coloring pages, a frisbee with 'KV' logo, small rocks, and potted plants. Vendor tents and other displays are visible in the background. The display has blue and yellow accents, matching Kalamazoo Valley's colors.
Join the Fun at the Kalamazoo Farmers Market this Summer

Volunteers are needed to represent the college at the Kalamazoo Farmers Market this summer. Kalamazoo Valley will be present on the third Saturday of each month and is looking for volunteers to engage with the community. Multiple departments have teamed up to offer themed activities that highlight the college's accredited programs. Community members can meet faculty and staff, learn more about the college and enjoy summer fun. Join us on any of the following dates:
  • June 17 | 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
  • July 15 | 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
  • Aug. 19 | 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
  • Sept. 16 | 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Volunteer opportunities are available in one-hour increments. Click here to sign up. Kalamazoo Valley's tent will be located in the central courtyard of the market. For questions, contact Rachel Bair.
employee engagement and wellness committee
Staff and Administrator Excellence Awards

Kalamazoo Valley Excellence Awards will be presented to highlight the outstanding work of Kalamazoo Valley staff and administrators. The awards recognize those who have a demonstrated record of exceptional work in support of the college mission. Full-time, part-time employees and paraprofessionals are eligible. Awardees will receive a plaque and award gift and will be honored at the college faculty and staff award ceremony at the 2023 Fall Summit and at a special luncheon. Learn more.

Nominations must be submitted by June 29, 2023.

office of diversity and inclusion

suicide alertness for everyone
Kalamazoo Valley is hosting safeTALK suicide intervention training on June 13 from 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in Room 128 in Anna Whitten Hall on the Arcadia Commons Campus in downtown Kalamazoo. safeTALK training helps participants recognize a person with thoughts of suicide and connect them with resource people who can help them. These resources could include health care professionals, first responders or crisis line workers, among many others who have suicide intervention training.
safeTALK participants will learn to:
•	Notice and respond to situations where suicide thoughts may be present
•	Recognize that invitations for help are often overlooked
•	Move beyond the common tendency to miss, dismiss and avoid suicide
•	Apply the TALK steps: Talk, Ask, Listen, KeepSafe
•	Know community resources and how to connect someone with thoughts of suicide to them for further suicide-safer help.
The training is open to faculty, staff and students. For more information or to register, contact Trice Batson,, or Cat March,
Summit: together is better. Kalamazoo valley community college
Call for Proposals
The Fall Summit will be held Aug. 30 and 31 and presenters are needed! Has your department embraced new practices or procedures that others could benefit from knowing? Do you have a skill, talent or activity that others might enjoy? Do you have something to share with the college community? Everyone at the college is invited to submit a proposal for the Fall 2023 Summit. Submit your proposals by July 14.
phi theta kappa honor societyA large group photo of approximately 25 people standing outside in a parking lot on a sunny day. The group appears to be part of an organized event or gathering, with participants wearing casual attire and many in sunglasses. Two large pine trees are visible in the background, along with parked cars. One person has a jogging stroller. The group is standing together on asphalt with yellow parking lot lines visible.
PTK Charity Walk Raises More Than $1,300 for Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes
Kalamazoo Valley Community College's chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), the international honor society for two-year colleges, raised more than $1,300 in donations for Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes at the second annual PTK Charity Walk on May 11. The event was held at the Texas Township Campus and garnered 46 donors and 40 participants. Community members from throughout the college were present, including Kalamazoo Valley President L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D., and Provost and Vice President for Instruction and Student Services Paige Eagan, Ph.D. More

The official kalamazoo valley community college cougar bookstore
Bookstore Offers Low-Cost Shipping for Online Orders 
Did you know the Bookstore can ship your web order to you anywhere in the U.S.A., from Allegan to Albuquerque, for only $5? Order any time of day or night on its website at! No need to make a trip to campus just to pick up items purchased online when UPS can deliver your order to your door.  

what's happening at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum. the kalamazoo valley museum is operated by kalamazoo valley community college and is governed by its board of trustees.
image is brightly colored lines and lettering. text reads the queen light show from mercury with love.
Planetarium Show Shares Queen's Biggest Hits in June
Eleven of Queen's biggest hits, such as "Bohemian Rhapsody," "Another One Bites the Dust" and "You're My Best Friend," have been paired with incredible full-dome graphic visuals to create a memorable planetarium experience. The 38-minute "The Queen Light Show: From Mercury With Love" will be presented every Saturday at 3:30 p.m. in June. Watch the trailer now. The show is intended for grades five and up. The cost is $3, with free general admission to the museum. Click here to buy tickets and to learn more about the show.

A promotional poster for a Juneteenth Black Film Fest featuring a vintage photograph of performers at the Harlem Cultural Festival against an orange background. The central figure is singing at a microphone, wearing a white and black outfit. 
Detailed transcription:
Free movie & discussion.
A powerful film about the legendary, little-known Harlem Cultural Festival of summer 1969, which celebrated African-American music, culture & fashion.
5 - 8 P.M. | FREE
Kalamazoo Valley Museum
230 N. Rose St., downtown Kalamazoo
✓ Sundance Film Festival
✓ Academy Award
[PG-13 rating shown]
[Kalamazoo Valley Museum logo and website:]
The poster features a vintage photograph from what appears to be the 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival, with performers in white outfits against a vibrant orange background. The design uses bold typography and has a textured, slightly distressed aesthetic that gives it a vintage feel while remaining modern and engaging.
Image is of a flyswatter over top a dark splatter, three house flies  are scattered about the image. Text reads Splat! The buzz about flyswatters
Get the Buzz about Flyswatters at New Exhibit Opening June 17
A unique exhibit featuring more than 3,300 flyswatters from overseas collector Iza van Riemsdijk opens June 17 at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum. "Splat! The Buzz About Flyswatters" tells the history of this household object and how it became an important tool against communicable diseases spread by flies. You can meet van Riemsdijk at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, June 17, when she delivers a talk about her collection. Entry is free to the exhibit, the talk and to the museum.

campus connections

100 Free Things to Do in Michigan Will Keep You Adventuring Year Round  

Maranda's Weekend Fun Guide  

A local college will pay you to take summer classes  

101+ Summer Activities for Kids in SWMI for Warm Weather Fun 

Live Poetry: Marion Boyer & Barbara Sabol 

Kalamazoo Valley Community College
6767 West O Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070