College Closed January 22nd
The college is closed for business January 22nd. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.

Read the latest KV focus

Kalamazoo Valley Community College creates innovative and equitable
opportunities that empower all to learn, grow and thrive.

March 15, 2023

Greetings College Community,

March is Women's History Month. This monthlong celebration of women's contributions to history, culture and society has been observed annually in the United States since 1987.

The actual celebration of Women's History Month grew out of a weeklong celebration of women's contributions organized by the school district of Sonoma, California in 1978. A few years later, the idea had caught on within communities, school districts and organizations across the country. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter issued the first presidential proclamation declaring the week of March 8 as National Women's History Week. Some years later, the National Women's History Project successfully petitioned Congress to expand the event to the entire month of March.

Kalamazoo Valley Community College has benefited from women leaders, including Paige Eagan, Ph.D., provost and vice president for instruction and student services; Board of Trustees Chairperson Lucinda M. Stinson; and Jenny Ott, faculty member and chairperson of the academic leadership council. Additionally, nearly 600 women currently serve in roles throughout the college as faculty, staff and administrators.

Kalamazoo Valley's celebration includes hosting a luncheon for faculty, staff, students and community members on March 21. Four noteworthy women - Director of Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement and Fire Science Programs at Kalamazoo Valley Community College Karen Rivard; Kalamazoo Valley alumna and Executive Director of Read and Write Kalamazoo Kandace Lavender, E.D.; community philanthropist Lynn Zhang, CEO of Zhang Financial; and the Hon. Carolyn Williams - will be honored at the luncheon and will participate in a panel discussion.

Please plan to attend this luncheon. I encourage you to bring one of our students with you. Use the link provided in the story below to make your reservation by the end of the day.

Recognizing the achievements of women in all facets of life, including our homes, workplaces and in our communities, has a huge impact on the development of self-respect and new opportunities for girls and young women.


signature: L. Marshall Washington
L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D.

P.S. As a reminder, the college is closed on Friday, March 17.

office of the provost


Updates from the Provost
Punxsutawney Phil seemed to be correct about six more weeks of winter when he viewed his shadow back in February. I'm hoping that all are enjoying their version of spring recess this year. It is important for each of us to take a few moments to fill personal buckets to be able to continue to bring our best every day for our students. Thank you for all you do in serving our community.
  • Class registration for summer semester is in full swing.
  • An updated college Facts at a Glance sheet is now available. It can be downloaded here and is located in the "About" section of the college website. Did you know that 75% of our annual student body is now part-time?
  • Invitation for students to participate in this year's CCSSE (Community College Survey of Student Engagement) will be sent via email after spring recess. Information from this national survey helps us to benchmark with other like-institutions, note perception areas for improvement and celebrate a number of items our students feel we are doing well.
  • Holistic Application Meets Strengths - Advising and counseling and student engagement are partnering to offer group advising and strengths sessions to help support and educate our health career students on the new Holistic Health Careers Application. Invitations are going out to students who are eligible to apply this spring. Sessions are scheduled on two Thursdays, March 30 from noon - 1 p.m., and April 6 from noon - 1 p.m.
  • Thinking about resources to assist in being culturally responsive to our diversifying student population? Kalamazoo Valley Library Services would like to remind you of some resources that we have to assist. There are two main sources: Countries, Peoples & Cultures (from Salem Press) and Culture Grams Online. Go to KVCC --> KVCC Libraries --> Articles & Research Databases --> World Cultures & Religion Databases
  • Pay Station and Financial Aid offices are merging into Student Financial Services and will be located in the former Financial Aid office. The operational merge will begin on April 3.
  • Mark your calendars: Faculty Summit will be held April 28 and the 88th Commencement Ceremony takes place on April 30!

summer time
Mark Your Calendars: Summer Hours Return in May
Each year, the president, with input from the cabinet, may consider and review the summer work schedule. With an eye toward energy conservation, moderating cooling costs and benefiting employees, it has been determined that the college will adopt a four-day workweek during the period below:
Summer Hours
May 12 - Aug. 4, 2023
Monday - Thursday
7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
(With 1/2 hour for lunch)

We are well aware that information technologies, facilities services, public safety, financial services and other departments with evening hours will adjust schedules to ensure coverage of important functions.
In cooperation with the department supervisor, individuals may be able to adjust their four-day workweek schedule to Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Employees who have earned paid vacation time will take that time in half-day blocks (4.5 hours) or full-day blocks (9 hours). This is pro-rated for employees working less than 40 hours per week.
Maintaining exemplary services for our students and guests throughout this summer work schedule is a high priority. For additional questions, please contact Amy Reynolds, director of human resources, at x4576 or Thank you in advance for your efforts.

cougar cafe

Spring Break Food Service - TTC
The Cougar Café will be open during spring break, March 13 - 16.  Grab-and-go items will be available along with coffee and other beverages. 

Hours are Monday through Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

The Coffee Den and Subway will both be closed.


Women's & Men's Basketball Teams Close Season at NJCAA Semifinals
Congratulations to the Cougar women's and men's basketball teams for their hard work at the recent National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Region 12 District C Tournament semifinals. While both teams had highly successful seasons in 2022 - 23, ultimately, they ended their seasons over the weekend by falling to their respective challengers in the final games. The women lost to Delta College on March 11 by the score of 59 - 43. The men lost to Macomb Community College on March 12 by the score of 71 - 56. 

Both teams still remain champions in each of their Western Conferences in the Michigan Community College Athletic Association by finishing No. 1. The women's team finished with an overall record of 17 - 10 and 10 - 2 in the conference. The men's team finished with an overall record of 23 - 7 and 10 - 2 in the conference as well. 

"I am extremely proud of the student-athletes and coaches from each team and am excited to see how the teams shape up for 2023 - 24," said Athletic Director Russ Panico. 

human resources
Job Postings
The following full-time positions have been posted for both internal and external applicants:
  • Vice President for Information Technologies
  • Associate Vice President for College Advancement & Executive Director of the KVCC Foundation
  • Associate Director of Corporate Training - Groves
  • Associate Director of Financial Aid - TTC
If you or someone you know is interested, visit Kalamazoo Valley's job board and search available jobs. Please contact Human Resources if you have questions or need assistance creating an applicant account.
faculty success center
Navigating Outlook Email 365
Are you missing important emails, like this e-newsletter? It could be because of the default settings in your email box. Check out this short video from the Faculty Success Center that shows you how to adjust your setting to ensure that you don't miss important communications from the college.
four one eight restaurant and Havirmill cafe
418 Restaurant and Havirmill Cafe Schedules
The student-run Havirmill Cafe and 418 Restaurant in the Marilyn J. Schlack Culinary and Allied Health Building are now open.

Monday through Thursday
Open through April 13 (closed March 13 to 17 for spring recess)
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Lunch service only. Reservations not needed.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday by reservation only.
Through April 13 (closed March 13 - 17 for spring recess)
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. for fine dining lunch service. Call 269.548.3239 for reservations. Please follow the Havirmill Cafe Facebook page and the 418 Restaurant Facebook page for up-to-date information.

business and finance office
March 31 Payroll Time Sheet Submission and Approval Adjustment
The campus will be closed on Friday, March 17 for the spring recess closure. As a result, the time sheet submission and approval deadlines have been modified. Time sheet submissions will now be due at 5 p.m. on Monday, March 20 and time sheet approvals are due at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 21.

If you are a full-time hourly employee that is regularly scheduled to work on Friday, March 17, you would record this time on your time sheet at "time off paid" (TOP).  If you are not regularly scheduled to work on Friday or are a part-time employee, no hours should be entered for this date on your time sheet.

Additionally, the pay period for the March 1 payroll time sheet is a three-week pay period, so be sure to enter your hours worked for all three-weeks (pay period is Feb. 26 - March 18).

Please make the necessary arrangements to ensure that your time sheet approvals are completed prior to the deadline. As a reminder, the Banner Self-Service application can also be accessed off-campus by logging into the Employee Portal at

Please contact the Payroll Department with questions. You may call Anita Gonzales at x4872 or Molly Riley at x4239 or send an email to

image is a simplistic illustration of diverse series of women in profile. text reads women's history month.
Kalamazoo Valley Celebrates Women's History Month
In celebration of Women's History Month, the college is hosting a luncheon for faculty, staff, students and community members. Four noteworthy women - Director of Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement and Fire Science Programs at Kalamazoo Valley Community College Karen Rivard; Kalamazoo Valley alumna and Executive Director of Read and Write Kalamazoo Kandace Lavender, E.D.; community philanthropist Lynn Zhang, CEO of Zhang Financial; and the Hon. Carolyn Williams - will be honored at the luncheon and will participate in a panel discussion.

March 21
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Texas Township Campus
Room 4240
Associate Vice President for Student Development Services Nkenge Bergan will serve as the emcee for the panel discussion that follows lunch. Honorees will be asked to speak about what a day set aside to honor women means to them. Kalamazoo Valley President L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D., and Provost and Vice President for Instruction and Student Services Paige Eagan, Ph.D., will offer remarks. Please RSVP here.

photograph of a camera.
Photographer on Campus for Headshots
Are you in need of a professional headshot? Join us on March 22 at the Texas Township Campus in the lower level of the Student Commons between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Appointments are in 10-minute increments. If interested, please sign up here. Questions? Contact
president's office
Lunch with the President
President Washington invites faculty and staff to join him for a casual lunch gathering in the private dining room of the downtown Kalamazoo Marilyn J. Schlack Culinary and Allied Health Building at noon on March 22 or April 6. Choose only one date, please. Space is limited to 15 attendees for each session and registration is required to attend. We anticipate that additional dates will be available later in this academic year. Click here to make your reservation for March 22. Click here to reserve your spot on April 6.
time together teach talk tech
Time Together: Teach | Talk | Tech - March 24
Register now for the March 24 Time Together: Teach | Talk | Tech, which will cover "Pronouns and Transgender Identities" presented by Cat March and "Creating Your Canvas Profile: From Pronouns and Biography to Title and Website Links" presented by David Kobb. If you have questions, please contact Sherry Postula at or x4289.
Image is of several raised hands, each a different, bright color. Text over image reads Volunteer.
Volunteers Needed for Naturalization Ceremony
On March 24, the college will host a Naturalization Ceremony for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Department. The hourlong ceremony will begin at noon in the Dale B. Lake Auditorium. Please consider volunteering to help greet our guests. The Naturalization Ceremony Volunteer sign-up link is located in the Workplace tab of My Valley under Volunteer Opportunities. Due to space limitations, this event is not open to the general public. Contact Mya Vassal for more information.
office of diversity and inclusion
Lunch and Learn: Systems and the Five Faces of Oppression

March 27
Noon - 1 p.m.
CAH Room 247

This session will be a continuation of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion Lunch & Learn Series enabling participants to build the DEI skills employers and supervisors are looking for in the workplace.

This month's topic is "The Five Faces of Oppression and a Systems Analysis." Let's unpack the five faces of oppression and talk about systems of power, including:
  • An introduction to Iris Young's Five Faces of Oppression
  • An introduction to a systems analysis of oppression
Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by email to or

Kalamazoo Valley is hosting safeTALK suicide intervention training on April 7 from 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the Culinary and Allied Health building. safeTALK training helps participants recognize a person with thoughts of suicide and connects them with resource people who can help them. These resources could include health care professionals, first responders or crisis line workers, among many others who have suicide intervention training.

safeTALK participants will learn to:
  • Notice and respond to situations where suicide thoughts may be present
  • Recognize that invitations for help are often overlooked
  • Move beyond the common tendency to miss, dismiss and avoid suicide
  • Apply the TALK steps: Talk, Ask, Listen, KeepSafe
  • Know community resources and how to connect people to them
The training is open to faculty, staff and students. For more information or to register, contact Trice Batson,, or Cat March,
international student services
image is an illustration of diverse collection of hands meeting in the center of the frame, giving a sense of community and cooperation.
International Spring Showcase Tuesday, March 28

Come and celebrate the diversity and culture our international students bring to the Kalamazoo Valley campus community!


11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. I Student Commons (TTC)
The Cultural Showcase will celebrate the diversity of cultures found at Kalamazoo Valley. This showcase will include tables where students, faculty and staff may display their culture. How you want to display your culture is up to you! You will also have the opportunity to share a dish from your selected country and include artifacts, souvenirs or anything else you can easily display on a table. Large tri-fold boards will be available for those who need them. Space is limited to 20 display tables. If you are interested in hosting a table, please fill out an interest form by clicking here. For more information, contact Kristina Pudasaini.   

2 - 3 p.m. | Room 4240 (TTC)
The panel will feature Kalamazoo Valley international students. They will be asked questions from the audience about their culture and their experience as an international student in the U.S. Light refreshments to be served.

5 -7 p.m. | Room 4240 (TTC)
Come and join Kalamazoo Valley Community College's international students for a buffet-style dinner, but with a twist, as cultural dishes are shared from around the world!

kalamazoo valley community college retirement party.
Save the Date - Retirement Party

The college will recognize recent retirees at a retirement celebration April 19 from 3:30 - 5 p.m. in Room 4240. Please mark your calendars to celebrate the contributions of your colleagues.
academic programs
image is a photo of a woman wearing a colorful shirt.
Author and Valley Alumna NoViolet Bulawayo Speaks April 7
Kalamazoo Valley Community College alumna NoViolet Bulawayo, the author of "We Need New Names" and "Glory," is returning to the college for special programs on April 7. Her first book, "We Need New Names," was recognized with the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award, the Pen/Hemingway Award, the L.A. Times Book Prize Art Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction, the Etisalat Prize for Literature, the Fred Brown Literary Award, the Betty Trask Award, the Barnes and Noble Discover Award (second place) and the National Book Foundation "5 Under 35" Fiction Selection.

"Glory," her second novel, was published last year to rave reviews. Bulawayo moved to the United States from Zimbabwe and graduated from Kalamazoo Valley in 2003. She completed her education with a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing at Cornell University. There, she was a recipient of the Truman Capote Fellowship. She also was a Stegner Fellow at Stanford University, where she formerly taught as a Jones Lecturer in Fiction.

At 6 p.m. at Anna Whitten Hall, Bulawayo will present a reading from "Glory." At 6:45 p.m., she will be available to sign books at the Center for New Media. Copies of "Glory" will be available in advance at the Texas Township Campus Bookstore and at other local retailers. Copies of the book will also be available for sale on April 7 during both programs.

"We're so proud of NoViolet and her accomplishments. We're pleased that she's returning to share her talents with us. We hope students and members of the community will come out to welcome this amazingly gifted author," said Dean of Instruction for Liberal Arts Billy Reynolds.

Anna Whitten Hall and the Center for New Media are located on the college's Arcadia Commons Campus in downtown Kalamazoo. Parking is available in the Eleanor Street parking ramp.

Image is a photo of a variety of vegetables in a pile. Text to the white space to the right reads Food 4 Thought culinary student competition
April 13 Cooking Competition to Pair Culinary Students with Kalsec Food Scientists
The second annual Kalsec Food for Thought cooking competition will be hosted by Kalamazoo Valley Community College from 5 to 7 p.m. on April 13 at the Marilyn J. Schlack Culinary and Allied Health Building in downtown Kalamazoo. Culinary arts students have been invited to submit appetizer recipes and explanations of how they relate to food science. Applicants who qualify to participate in the contest will be paired with a research chef or food scientist from Kalsec to create an appetizer to be sampled by guests at the event.

Kalsec, based in Kalamazoo, is a global leader in the development of natural taste and sensory solutions, natural colors, natural food protection and advanced hop products for the manufactured food, beverage, nutritional and pharmaceutical markets.

Event participants will be entitled to a variety of appetizers and two drink tickets. Tickets to the event will be available through the Kalamazoo Valley Community College Foundation at: Proceeds from the event will help fund culinary scholarships to provide the highest level of educational opportunities for students.

Kalamazoo Valley Alumni Pus Taps on tuesday
Alumni Taps on Tuesday
This is your invitation to join us on Tuesday, April 11 for a special "alumni edition" of Kalamazoo Valley Community College's Taps on Tuesday.

Taps on Tuesday is held in the college's 418 Restaurant in the Marilyn J. Schlack Culinary and Allied Health Building at 418 E. Walnut St. on the Bronson Healthy Living Campus in downtown Kalamazoo.

Just $10 per person provides you access to delicious student-chef created tastings and two beverage tickets. All proceeds benefit the scholarship fund for culinary and brewing students.

The event, hosted by the Kalamazoo Valley's Alumni+ group, is designed to help you reconnect with friends and learn more about all the great things happening at the college. Plus, the 2023 Distinguished Alumni will be announced that evening during a short program. Kalamazoo Valley culinary and brewing graduates will also be honored that evening.

If you completed even one class, you are a part of the Kalamazoo Valley Alumni+ family! Everyone is welcome - we are all friends of Kalamazoo Valley Community College.

No advanced registration required. Join us for Taps on Tuesday, special Alumni edition on April 11! The fun starts at 4:30 p.m. For more information, visit
The official kalamazoo valley community college cougar bookstore
A photo of a black KVCC Bookstore gift card resting on a pile of blue fabric.

Reward Your Graduate with a Bookstore Gift Card
A gift card makes an ideal present for your Kalamazoo Valley graduate. You can purchase one in ANY amount. A Bookstore gift card will always be liked because celebrants do the choosing of what they want, from books, art supplies, backpacks to a variety of Cougar apparel and so much more. The purchase ensures graduates leave the college with a memento of their time here. Act soon, as commencement is around the corner on Sunday, April 30. The Texas Township Campus Bookstore is open Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

what's happening at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum. the kalamazoo valley museum is operated by kalamazoo valley community college and is governed by its board of trustees.

Image is a photo collage of three people. the first person is standing in a forest with a banjo tucked under their arm. the second is of a person standing before bright, solid color wall and holding an unusual stringed instrument. the this is of a sharply dressed individual performing a dance move in a dance studio.
Folk Music Trio Performs April 1 at Texas Township Campus
Just when you thought the Fretboard Festival was over comes a bonus concert starring an award-winning folk music trio at 6 p.m. Saturday, April 1 at Kalamazoo Valley Community College's Dale B. Lake Auditorium at the Texas Township Campus. Expect a lively performance of music, dance and folk traditions featuring acclaimed artists Jake Blount, Laurel Premo and Nic Gareiss, who've been lauded by the New York Times, MTV and National Public Radio. They'll dive deep into the history of Americana music through a mix of familiar and arcane traditional songs, using their years of experience as performers, educators and scholars. Tickets are just $5. Buy them online at and in person at Kalamazoo Valley Community College's Bookstore in advance, or at the door on the day of the show, which is organized by the college's Kalamazoo Valley Museum. View videos of the performers and read more about them at the website. A pre-concert lecture is planned at 5 p.m.
2023 kalamazoo valley foodways symposium

Food and Media Explored at April's Foodways Symposium
Mark your calendars for the 2023 Kalamazoo Foodways Symposium. This annual community celebration of the history and heritage of food and food systems in Southwest Michigan, sponsored by Kalamazoo Valley Community College, will take place in April. This year's theme is "Food and Media." The public is encouraged to attend the free event. Food media authority Emily Contois, Ph.D., will deliver a virtual keynote kickoff address on Monday, April 10, 6 - 8 p.m. An outdoor celebration follows on Saturday, April 15 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in downtown Kalamazoo at Kalamazoo Valley Community College's Food and Innovation Center, featuring food trucks, art, demonstrations, youth workshops, planting activities, live music and a special foraging session by Gabrielle Cerberville, a.k.a. @Chaoticforager. For a full list of activities, times and virtual keynote registration details, visit The Foodways Symposium is sponsored by Kalamazoo Valley Community College and its Kalamazoo Valley Museum, with support from the KVCC Foundation.
Image is an illustration of the silhouettes of several children skipping and running toward a photo of a large brick building with the words Kalamazoo Valley Museum. Text over the image reads Spring into the Museum.

Museum Plans Mind & Body Theme for Spring Break
Tune up your mind and body at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum for spring break. The museum will offer fun, free activities to support mind health for both children and adults, from March 28 through April 1. Enjoy a performance by Crawlspace Comedy Theater and learn some improv skills. Children and their caregivers can learn yoga and breathing techniques. There's also journal making and calming crafts, plus mindfulness games on all three floors. Then drop by the new, interactive "Mental Health: Mind Matters" exhibit while on the third floor to continue the mind-body journey. Participate in empathy-building activities, understand your emotions and more. Visit for activity dates and times. Admission is free to these events, all exhibits and to the museum. Planetarium shows are $3.

Kalamazoo Valley Community College
6767 West O Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070