Career Coach: This career tool allows students and job seekers to explore careers, take an interest assessment, build a resume, explore local demand for jobs as well as information on employment trends, pay and future career projection estimates.
Occupational Outlook Handbook: The Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes this nationally recognized source of career information that describes working duties and activities, working conditions, required education or training needed, earnings, and job outlook.
Salem Press Careers: Includes career overviews and biographies of industry leaders that will be of interest to those with career aspirations in a wide variety of in-demand fields.
Survey of American Industry and Careers: Salem's six-volume Survey of American Industry and Careers provides in-depth overviews of 112 core North American industries and related jobs and careers.
Workforce Skills for 21st Century Success: Workplace writing, communication and math skills. Resume writing and interviewing tips. Computer skills including Microsoft Word, Excel and Windows. Test prep for a variety of careers including electrician and nursing.