General Information Databases

KVCC Library Links

General Information Databases

Kalamazoo Valley Libraries This database is provided by the Michigan E-Library. For off-campus access, please use your MyValley login and password. This database is also available to Michigan residents at
Academic Search Complete: Designed for academic institutions, this database is a leading resource for scholarly research. It supports high-level research in the key areas of academic study by providing journals, periodicals, reports, books and more.
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries This database is provided by the Michigan E-Library. For off-campus access, please use your MyValley login and password. This database is also available to Michigan residents at
Associates Program Source: This database provides full-text coverage for subject areas relevant to two-year college programs.
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries This database is provided by the Michigan E-Library. For off-campus access, please use your MyValley login and password. This database is also available to Michigan residents at
Britannica School - High: High School and adult. Primary sources for quick facts and in-depth information on history, geography, people, places, science, and much more. Biographies, world atlas, countries comparison, articles and interactive resources are available.
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries Freely accessible - no login required
Directory of Open Access Journals: Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, covering all subjects and many languages.
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries This database is provided by the Michigan E-Library. For off-campus access, please use your MyValley login and password. This database is also available to Michigan residents at
eBook Academic Collection: A large selection of multidisciplinary e-books representing a broad range of academic subjects. Includes titles from Oxford University Press, MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, Harvard University Press and many others. Additional academic publishers include Elsevier, Ashgate Publishing, Taylor & Francis, Sage Publications and John Wiley & Sons.
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries This database is provided by the Michigan E-Library. For off-campus access, please use your MyValley login and password. This database is also available to Michigan residents at
eBook Public Library Collection: General reference collection featuring titles for both adults and kids. Covers topics ranging from self-help and fitness to cooking and personal finance.
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries Some e-books in this database are provided by the Michigan E-Library. For off-campus access, please use your MyValley login and password. This database is also available to Michigan residents at
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries This database is provided by the Kalamazoo Valley CC Libraries. For off-campus access, please use your MyValley login and password
Gale Virtual Reference Library: GVRL is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research in business, environment, history, medicine, nation & world, and science.
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries This database is provided by the Michigan E-Library. For off-campus access, please use your MyValley login and password. This database is also available to Michigan residents at
Humanities Source: A valuable full-text database covering literary, scholarly and creative thought. It provides full text, indexing and abstracts for the most noted scholarly sources in the humanities.
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries This database is provided by the Kalamazoo Valley CC Libraries. For off-campus access, please use your MyValley login and password
JSTOR Archival Journals: JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries This database is provided by the Michigan E-Library. For off-campus access, please use your MyValley login and password. This database is also available to Michigan residents at
Newspaper Source Plus: Includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines. Also offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries This database is provided by the Kalamazoo Valley CC Libraries. For off-campus access, please use your MyValley login and password
ProQuest Central: Thousands of articles in all subject areas; many include full-text, graphics and images.
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries This database is provided by the Michigan E-Library. For off-campus access, please use your MyValley login and password. This database is also available to Michigan residents at
Referencia Latina: Esta base de datos en español de texto completo cubre una amplia gama de temas adentro y fuera de la académico. Ofrece contenido de una variedad de fuentes, incluidos libros de referencia, revistas de interés general e informes de salud.
(This full-text Spanish-language database covers a broad array of subjects inside and outside academia. It offers content from a variety of sources, including reference books, general interest magazines and health reports. Daily updates ensure availability of the most current articles from a dozen prominent newspapers from 10 Latin American countries.)