American Mosaic: The African American Experience: Features access to full-text content from more than 400 titles, 3,000 slave narratives, over 2,000 images, 5,000 primary sources, and 250 vetted web sites (no journal articles) on the black experience from its African origins to the present day.
American Mosaic: The American Indian Experience: Offers access to an online library, featuring more than 150 volumes of scholarship and reference content, hundreds of primary documents, and thousands of images (no journal articles) about America's Native Peoples.
Britannica School - High: High School and adult. Primary sources for quick facts and in-depth information on history, geography, people, places, science, and much more. Biographies, world atlas, countries comparison, articles and interactive resources are available.
Countries, Peoples, Cultures: (Salem Press)
Countries, Peoples & Cultures offers valuable insight into the social, cultural, economic, historical and religious practices and beliefs of nearly every country around the globe. Available Volumes include Central and South America; Central, South, & Southeast Asia; East Asia & the Pacific; Eastern and Western Europe; The Middle East; Africa; and North America & the Caribbean.
CultureGrams Online: Local perspectives on more than 200 countries, detailing daily life and culture, including history, customs, and lifestyles.
Daily Life Through History: Covers countries around the world & American daily life and customs including food and cooking, celebrations, clothes, romance, work, religion, housing, language, social customs, and more. Includes electronic books & other sources, but not journal articles.
World Folklore & Folklife: Covers topics such as myths, proverbs & sayings, urban legends, music, and fairy tales from cultures around the world. Includes electronic books & other sources, but not journal articles.