Come to the Alumni Art Show
Kalamazoo Valley's Twelfth Annual Juried Alumni+ Art Show opens at the Center for New Media on June 2 at 5:30 p.m. This exhibition is a way to showcase artwork created by the college's talented alumni. The art show is sponsored by Kalamazoo Valley's Alumni+ program, which was launched in April 2010 as a way for graduates, former students and supporters of Kalamazoo Valley to stay connected to the college and each other.
An awards program for winning entrants begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Center for New Media in room 120. Show judges are area professionals who come from a variety of disciplines and whose expertise enables them to deliver expert, but impartial, determinations.
Participants need not have been an art student, nor do they have to reside locally to enter and win. Previous show entrants have come from a variety of academic backgrounds (law enforcement, accounting, and medical coding) and locales including Rhode Island, Arizona, and Wyoming.

The event is sponsored by Bell's Brewery.