News - Next safeTALK Training is Aug. 17 at the Texas Township Campus

Next safeTALK Training is Aug. 17 at the Texas Township Campus

Kalamazoo Valley is hosting safeTALK suicide intervention training on Thursday, Aug. 17 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Rooms 4370 and 4380 on the Texas Township Campus.

safeTALK training helps participants recognize a person with thoughts of suicide and connect them with resource people who can help them. These resources could include health care professionals, first responders or crisis line workers, among many others who have suicide intervention training.

safeTALK participants will learn to:

  • Notice and respond to situations where suicide thoughts may be present
  • Recognize that invitations for help are often overlooked
  • Move beyond the common tendency to miss, dismiss, and avoid suicide
  • Apply the TALK steps: Talk, Ask, Listen, KeepSafe
  • Know community resources and how to connect people to them

The training is open to faculty, staff and students. For more information or to register, contact Trice Batson,, or Cat March,