News - Enter the English Department's Story Prize Contest by April 9

Enter the English Department's Story Prize Contest by April 9

Contest Guidelines:

Submit one story - 10 pages, 12-point font, typed and double-spaced.
Your name should not appear on the story. Submit a cover page (find form online: at that includes your name, Valley number, address, phone number, and the title of your story.
Please drop off your story with cover page to Anna Whitten Hall for English instructor Ike Turner. You may also email your submission to him at .
Entries will not be returned, so please keep a digital copy.

First Place: $150
Second Place: $100
Third Place: $75

Deadline for Submission is April 9, 2024.

For more information please contact Isaac Turner, or 269.373.7827.

View Entry Form here View Poster here