News - Donate to Winter Food Drive to Help Restock the Food Pantry

Donate to Winter Food Drive to Help Restock the Food Pantry

Student Development Services is partnering with Phi Theta Kappa and the Art and Animation and Gaming clubs to restock the food pantry program available to all Kalamazoo Valley Community College students. The drive will collect canned and non-perishable items through April 22. Click here to view needed items. Collection bins are located across each of the college's campuses at the following locations:

Groves Campus Main Lobby

Anna Whitten Hall Main Lobby

Center for New Media Main Lobby

Culinary and Allied Health Building Main Lobby

Texas Township Campus:

  • Student Development Services
  • Wellness and Fitness Center
  • The Library
  • The President's Office
  • Student Commons Service Desk

For more information, contact Miranda McDowell.