College Closed January 22nd
The college is closed for business January 22nd. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.
News - Gradfest Scheduled for Dec. 4, 5

Gradfest Scheduled for Dec. 4, 5

Are you graduating in December? Be sure to stop by Gradfest Wednesday, Dec. 4 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Anna Whitten Hall or Thursday, Dec. 5 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Texas Township Campus cafeteria. You can pick up your graduation tickets as well as Kalamazoo Promise, veterans and honor cords. In addition, you can buy regalia from the Bookstore, decorate your graduation cap, pose for a professional headshot and more.