Calling Kalamazoo Valley Creatives: Submissions Accepted for Ned Foskey Poetry Prize Contest
Are you a writer? A creative? Kalamazoo Valley's annual Ned Foskey Poetry Prize Contest is a fantastic opportunity to show off your work.
Ned Foskey was a tutor in Kalamazoo Valley's Writing Center and the contest was established by his family to honor his memory and the students who he enjoyed helping.
Entries in the annual Ned Foskey Poetry Prize Contest are being accepted until April 1, 2025. All Kalamazoo Valley students are eligible to enter.
Prizes are: first place, $150; second place, $100; and third place, $75.
Students may submit up to three previously unpublished poems. Poems must be typed. Student's name should not appear on the poems themselves. Poems and an accompanying cover page should be dropped off at the faculty reception desk on or before the deadline or mailed to: Ned Foskey Poetry Prize, English Department, Kalamazoo Valley Community College, 6767 West O Ave., PO Box 4070, Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070.
Mailed entries must be postmarked by the deadline. If you would like confirmation that your mailed entry has been received, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope or postcard.
Entries will not be returned, so please keep a copy. All winners and honorable mentions will be invited to read at the Ned Foskey Poetry Prize Reading on Friday May 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Center for New Media in downtown Kalamazoo.