Cabinet Members Operating Policy - 5010

Acceptable Use Policy for the Internet and the KVCC Computer Network

Kalamazoo Valley Community College has made available to its students, faculty, staff and administrators certain electronic technology. This policy is applicable to any member of the KVCC community, whether at a KVCC facility or elsewhere, and refers to all electronic technology resources, whether networked, stand-alone or shared.

The use of this technology is a privilege and must fall within acceptable use as outlined in the rules of this policy. KVCC has the right to monitor the use of the electronic technological system. KVCC may revoke individual access any time appropriate use is violated. Nothing in this policy shall preclude separate "conditions of use" from being implemented by units of KVCC or by KVCC with respect to portions of its electronic technology resources. Such conditions of use shall be deemed to supplement, rather than replace, this policy.


KVCC reserves the right to log Internet use and to monitor electronic mail space utilization by users. This means that there should be no expectation of privacy with respect to use of the computer systems. KVCC may, at its discretion, review the sites and programs accessed by individual students, faculty, staff and administrators, as well as the messages sent or received. Such monitoring may be conducted without any notice.

In addition to the conduct set forth more fully below, KVCC specifically deems as just cause for disciplinary action up to and including non-reappointment, discharge, dismissal, suspension, expulsion, termination and/or legal action for

  1. violation of copyright, patent, license agreement, or contract,
  2. interference with the intended use of electronic technology resources, including, but not limited to, by denial of service attacks or other hacking activities,
  3. any attempt to gain unauthorized access to information, and
  4. any unauthorized invasion (or attempted invasion) of the privacy of others.

KVCC Rights and Responsibilities

Kalamazoo Valley Community College is responsible for the management of the structure, hardware and software that it uses to allow access to information technologies for educational and other purposes. These include:

  1. Assigning and removing user accounts on the network(s);
  2. Maintaining and repairing equipment that comprises the network(s);
  3. Selecting software that the network will support;
  4. Communicating the Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy;
  5. Defining the rights and responsibilities of users;
  6. Providing resources that support the mission of KVCC; and
  7. Providing training opportunities on the use, care and application of information technology, including training in new technologies, software and media as they are acquired and put into use.

KVCC does not take responsibility for resources located off-site or actions taken by the users that do not support the purposes of Kalamazoo Valley Community College. Nor does KVCC take responsibility for losses incurred by typical technology failures due to intruders, or to freaks of nature.

Kalamazoo Valley Community College will periodically make determinations on whether specific uses of the Internet and/or KVCC network are consistent with the acceptable use policy.


KVCC equipment includes, but is not limited to, computers, drives, printers, scanners, networks, video and audio recorders, cameras, photocopiers, telephones, modems and other related technological resources. Software includes, but is not limited to, computer software, and print and non-print resources. Networks include, but are not limited to, all voice, video and data systems, including KVCC's internal network and the Internet.

Prohibited Activity

Individuals are prohibited from:

  1. Using technology available through Kalamazoo Valley Community College for personal or private business, or product advertisement or political lobbying or for incurring financial commitments on the Internet.
  2. Using technology to disrupt the activity of others, to harass or discriminate against others, to gain unauthorized access to computer systems or programs or to plant any type of virus in any computer system or program.
  3. Using profanity, obscenity, discriminatory language, vulgarities or other inappropriate language or graphics.
  4. Revealing any personal, confidential or private information about other individuals such as home addresses, phone numbers, etc.
  5. Communicating that they are someone else, or that they are representing someone else or that they are representing Kalamazoo Valley Community College.
  6. Using someone else's account number or password or allowing someone else to use their account number or password.
  7. Using the system to obtain or to disseminate pornography as it is defined by the United States Supreme Court.
  8. Ordering or making a commitment to pay for any goods or services without proper authorization.
  9. Violating any federal or state copyright or unfair trade law.
  10. Violating any federal, state, local or common law, criminal, statute or laws.
  11. Conducting any activity that exposes KVCC to potential litigation or expenses or violates any other KVCC rule or regulation.
  12. Violating any libel or slander laws.
  13. Installing Institutionally-owned software on personally-owned computers unless the Institution's software agreement with the licensor permits such use.

In addition, KVCC staff are prohibited from troubleshooting, repairing or installing software on an individual's personally-owned computer.

Rights and Responsibilities

Users of Kalamazoo Valley Community College equipment have the right to:

  1. Use all authorized hardware and software, when available, for which they have received training to facilitate learning.
  2. Access information from outside resources which facilitates learning and enhances education information exchanges.
  3. Access to the extent properly authorized, KVCC networks and the Internet to retrieve information that facilitates learning and enhances educational information exchange.

Users of KVCC equipment are responsible for:

  1. Utilizing technology only for facilitating learning and enhancing educational information exchange consistent with the educational mission of KVCC.
  2. Maintaining the privacy of passwords and are prohibited from publishing or discussing passwords.
  3. Keeping all inappropriate materials, inappropriate text files, or files dangerous to the integrity of KVCC's network, equipment and software from entering the Institution via the Internet.
  4. Keeping hardware and software from being removed from KVCC premises without prior written consent.
  5. Maintaining the integrity of the e-mail system and making only those e-mail contacts which facilitate learning and enhance information exchange.
  6. Keeping all food and drink away from KVCC computers, printers, etc.
  7. Adhering to all copyright laws and guidelines and avoiding plagiarism.
  8. Adhering to the rules, including network etiquette, established for the use of hardware, software, labs and networks within KVCC and through remote access.

Response to Violations

Response by KVCC to activities of students in violation of this policy will be in accordance with the Kalamazoo Valley Community College disciplinary procedures as outlined in the student handbook. Response by KVCC to activities of faculty, staff and administrative personnel in violation of this policy shall be in accordance with the respective contractual, collective bargaining or other employment-related remedies, including, but not limited to, possible termination.