Hope and Perserverence

Hope and Perserverence

By Katherine Wolf

Langston Hughes, an African American living in the 1900s, provides a message of hope and perseverance in his poem "Mother to Son." Through a short poem, Hughes shows that although life throws curve balls, one can overcome them and become successful. Throughout this analysis, I hope to convey the life of Langston Hughes, the messages, its relatability, literary devices, and what readers can take away from it.

Langston Hughes crafted multiple literary works, but who is the man behind the pen? On February Pt, James Mercer Langston Hughes was brought into this world when racism was very prominent. Growing up, Langston was cared for by his grandmother as his parents separated. Eventually, he went to stay with his mother for some time, then moved to be with his father. He first discovered the art of poetry in high school as he found it an escape from his past. History .com states, "Hughes said he often used reading to combat loneliness while growing up" ("Langston Hughes"). Later, the Harlem Renaissance was introduced to him, which was fundamental in his life as it led him to write poetry for other African Americans. He became a social activist and used his creativity to support African Americans who were treated unjustly. Sadly, prostate cancer overcame him, causing him to die in 1967. Langston Hughes has impacted many African American individuals throughout his literary works, specifically in his poem "Mother to Son."

In the poem "Mother to Son," Langston provides a powerful message to his audience. Hughes shows the love a mother has for her son and it is quite touching. As I mentioned in the paragraph above, Hughes wasn't raised by his mother. Their relationship was affected by his parents' divorce. Throughout this poem, it seems that Langston Hughes wanted this motherly love and advice all along. In the beginning of this poem, Hughes writes, "Well son; I'll tell you: Life for me ain't been no crystal stair" (1-2). This line conveys the meaning of the poem on how the mother has struggles in her life and how racism has affected her. Although she mentions her struggles, the mother shows perseverance by stating, "But all the time I'se been climbin' on, and reachin' landin's, and turnin' comers" (9-11). She is encouraging him that no matter what life throws at him, to be strong and courageous. Throughout the poem, Hughes states that her stairs have been dark and rough, while others have been "crystal stairs." Langston's poem provides a powerful message, which audience can relate to.

Throughout the poem, the mother has experienced many tribulations but has shown how to persevere which many can relate to. Specifically, the poet shows the mother overcoming her obstacles when she states,

"So boy don't you tum your back.
Don't you set down on the steps
'Cause you finds it's kinder hard.
Don't you fall now-
For I'se still goin', honey, I' se still climbin, "' (14-19).

During life, many individuals will face obstacles that can be challenging to overcome. An example of this would be COVID. Individuals each experienced a challenge whether it was mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or physically. This virus led many people to lose hope. The world was experiencing lock down and many people felt like it would never end. Now since COVID has been diminished people came out as warriors. We persevered and fought through a hard obstacle. We kept going, just like the mother in this poem. Although it was rough, we kept moving on. Langston Hughes wrote this poem in 1922, and society can still relate to it today. Not only did Hughes make the poem relatable, he also used different types of literary devices to help the readers to fully grasp the message.

Multiple literary devices can be found in the poem "Mother to Son." One example includes the use of image as Hughes creates two contrasting pictures. In the beginning the reader can image a crystal stair, but then the image changes as they mention dark, old, cold, and worn stairs. Hughes states,

"Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
It has tacks in it
And splinters
And boards tom up
And places with no carpet on the floor-
Bare" (2-6).

Through imagery readers can use their five senses. The sense that sticks out in this line is touch. The audience can feel the cold, rough floor as they imagine themselves climbing the stairs. The splinters and tacks represent how walking through life has been through the mother. Many things have caused her pain, but she overcame it. In comparison those who experience crystal stairs have had an easier walk-through life. Another literary device that can be found in "Mother to Son" includes juxtaposition. The comparison of a crystal staircase and an old, worn staircase shows juxtaposition as both of these stairs contrast each other. Some individuals' life is easier than others. Additionally, Langston Hughes uses the literary device: metaphor. Specifically, the poet compares a crystal stair to those who don't experience racism. In contrast Langston Hughes shows how racial discrimination includes hard, rough, dark stairs. Along the same lines of metaphors, symbolism can be found. In "Mother to Son" different types of stairs symbolize people's different experiences of life. Due to the poem being short, but moving few literary devices can be found. Though this poem is short, Langston Hughes included a variety of literary devices and information as to what the audience can learn from this.

Langston Hughes provides insight as to what the audience can take away from his poem "Mother to Son." What readers can gather from "Mother to Son" is that through an obstacle you can push through it and succeed. Though many people will treat individuals horribly, being one's, true self helps them thrive and overcome negativity. With perseverance and hope one can accomplish all of their goals. Additionally, from Langston Hughes perspective stay close with loved ones. In this poem he shows motherly love and advice that he never received. Having people who support allows people to accomplish your goals even more.

The story of the author, the meaning of the poem, the relatability, literary devices, and the take-aways can all be discovered within the poem "Mother to Son." Though it was written in 1922, it is still applicable to readers today. Langston Hughes wanted everyone to know the importance of accomplishing goals despite the barriers. No matter what one has experienced throughout life perseverance is key.

Works Cited

Hughes, Langston. "Mother to Son." Poetry Foundation, 2002, www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/l!-7559/mother-to-son. Accessed Oct. 23, 2023.

"Langston Hughes." "Langston Hughes," History.com, 10 Aug. 2023, www.history.com/topics/black-historv/langston-hughes. Accessed Oct. 23, 2023

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