Science and Engineering

Chemical/Physical Sciences

Associate of Science

Program Information

Chemistry is the study of the properties of and interactions between matter and energy. Chemistry is a science central to all other fields of science and is a necessary background for the study of pharmacy. Physics is the study of the science of matter and energy, and their properties and interactions in fields including mechanics, acoustics, optics, heat, electricity, magnetism, radiation, and atomic and nuclear science. Physics is the science of how things work. This degree program is designed to transfer to the majors of chemistry, pharmacy, or physics.

Transfer Notes: Chemistry majors have options to concentrate in either general chemistry, biochemistry, geochemistry, business-oriented chemistry, or secondary education/chemistry. The biochemistry option requires additional biology courses.

Pharmacy majors should consult with a counselor or advisor for transfer options.

Physics majors may concentrate in either general physics or biophysics. Physics majors should complete mathematics courses through the calculus sequence.

Kalamazoo Valley also offers an Associate of Applied Science in chemical technology. Students who complete the chemistry course sequence of CHM 120, CHM 130, CHM 220, and CHM 230 should consult with a counselor or advisor regarding the option of completing the AAS degree.