College Closed January 22nd
The college is closed for business January 22nd. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.


Faculty and Staff

Encourage Use of Student Services on Campus

Students are more likely to attend events and use career services when you encourage them.

We appreciate your support in promoting the following services
Request a Career Presentation
Customized Career classroom presentations are available for any of the following Request a Student Employment Presentation
Customized employment classroom presentations are available for any of the following
Classroom Tools and Career Advising Resources
Interacting with Employers
Kalamazoo Valley Community College is a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). NACE provides the resources below for its member colleges. Please look at the Faculty Guide to Legal and Ethical Standards in Student Hiring, your guide to interacting with employers. If you have questions regarding what you should and should not do, please contact Career and Student Employment Services.

Faculty and staff may be contacted by employers directly seeking "the brightest and best" students to fill job openings, apply for scholarships, or participate in programs. We encourage you to refer all such contacts to our office. Career and Student Employment Services strives to meet the employers' requests while also abiding by employment guidelines for equal access to employment.

Additional suggested actions
If you receive a request for student referrals, you can, of course, notify students who have declared an interest in such positions and encourage them to apply. You may also consider announcing the opportunity to your classes or distribute the job description via a listserv.

However, for your protection, as well as that of the College, the initial request from the employer should be sent to the college career center so that the position can be posted openly for all qualified candidates.

There are practical reasons for these actions
  1. You may not know or remember the names of all students who could be interested in such a position. When you provide only a few names without also broadly publicizing the position through the career services office, you are not maintaining "a fair and equitable recruiting process" and are vulnerable to charges of discrimination.
  2. If an employer asks for the name of the top student in a class you taught, remember that there is a difference between providing the names of students who excelled in a job-related class and restricting awareness of an opportunity to just a few. Every qualified candidate interested in the opportunity should be able to apply; it is the employer’s responsibility to decide who would be the best fit for the bona fide qualifications.
  3. The career services office may have an existing relationship with the requesting employer or the specific individual who contacted you, or may wish to expand its relationship to enhance student opportunities. By contacting the career services office, you can facilitate appropriate follow-up and help develop future prospects.
  4. As you may be aware, employers have received attention in the past for recruiting, employment, or on-the-job safety practices that do not necessarily meet the College’s standards. Interaction and potential placement of students in such an environment poses a high potential for inappropriate student exposure and the possibility of public scrutiny.
  5. Confusion or misunderstandings may occur when an employer works with more than one campus office on the same issue and serves to undermine the focus on securing students with viable employment.
  6. It is convenient to both employers and students to have a central, consistent resource for job opportunities (a viable career services office) that publicizes open jobs to multiple majors.
  7. Students who receive regular announcements about job openings from faculty may think the announcements represent all of the current opportunities for their major. Students may miss employers that conduct on-campus interviews, receive resume referrals, and post their positions through the career services office. Students who don’t use the expertise of the specialists in the career services office also miss opportunities for assistance with resumes, interviewing, and other job-search issues.

Employers may request to visit your class to speak about career topics relevant to your course content. Please contact our office if you would like to have an employer visit your class.

Employer Site Visits
The internship coordinator visits employers to discuss their need for talent, qualifications and skills for interns, and building college/employer relations. Please contact our office if you are interested in participating on an employer visit or if you know of an employer we should be contact.

Employer Information Sessions
Some employers like to schedule information sessions to discuss their company with students, faculty and staff. The visit is usually more successful if we can partner with faculty and staff. Please contact our office if you are interested in partnering.

Serving as a Reference for Students
NACE offers guidelines and samples for providing references for students. More information can be found at