College Closed January 21st
The college is closed for business January 21st. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.

Job Search Tools

Researching the Job Market

One of the most important steps in launching a successful career is the job search. Assistance is available every of the way. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the following services:

Resume and Cover Letter Critiquing – Students can schedule an appointment or take advantage of drop-ins to develop a resume and cover letter before approaching potential employers.

Interviewing Skills and Advice – Not sure what to say or how to say it? Be prepared for job interviews by having a practice interview with one of our career and student employment advisors.

Internships – Gain work-related experience in your specific area of study by enrolling in an internship. You will receive college credit toward your degree or certificate program while learning valuable on-the-job training. Internships can be paid or unpaid experiences.

Recruitment Events – The Kalamazoo Career Fair, one of the area's largest career fairs, is held at the Kalamazoo Valley Community College's Texas Township Campus every March. Top employers come together to meet face-to-face with applicants applying for hundreds of jobs around Michigan.

Workshops – A number of employability workshops are held throughout the year. Topics covered include: how to build a LinkedIn profile, dressing for success, developing an elevator pitch and networking.

Establishing Professional Habits

Establishing professional work habits, maintaining a positive attitude and staying current with technology are essential tools in maintaining your career longevity in the ever-changing work environment.

Top Ten Rules for Workplace Etiquette

Reflecting/Evaluating Your Future

Your career development is a lifetime process. Life transitions will dictate when and how often you will circle through this process. It is important to assess how each position is meeting your individual and professional needs in using your strengths, personality, interests and values.
Even if you are employed, we encourage you to continue taking classes at Kalamazoo Valley. It is always smart to evaluate your circumstances and determine whether additional education or training is needed. In the 21st century, the way you are going to maintain employment is through constant and continued education and training. Career and student employment advisors are available to assist you with your re-evaluation and reflection of your career direction.

Web Resources

The internet provides a number of resources to assist you in your job search. Check out the following employment websites: