Art & New Media/Applied Art and Media Technologies Pathway

Amy Gill Portrait

Amy Gill
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

Heidi Parmelee Portrait

Heidi Parmelee

Business/Computer Information Systems Pathway

Apryl Scheffler-Martin Portrait

Apryl Scheffler-Martin
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

Amy Shreve Portrait

Amy Shreve
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

LaSonda Wells Portrait

LaSonda Wells

Kenny Plont Portrait

Kenny Plont
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

Education/Human Services/Social Science Pathway
English/Humanities/Liberal Arts Pathway

Aaron Williams Portrait

Aaron Williams
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

Kenny Plont Portrait

Kenny Plont
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

Health Careers Pathway

Chris Stroven Portrait

Chris Stroven

Ben Herbert Portrait

Ben Herbert
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

Natalia Carvalho-Pinto Portrait

Natalia Carvalho-Pinto
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

Industrial Trades Pathway

Nate Anderson Portrait

Nate Anderson
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

Public Service Pathway

Charles Heidelberg Portrait

Charles Heidelberg
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor,
Veterans Services

Sustainable Food Systems/Culinary/Brewing Pathway

Amy Gill Portrait

Amy Gill
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

Chris Stroven Portrait

Chris Stroven

Associate in Science Transfer Students

Nate Anderson Portrait

Nate Anderson
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

Jeff Stone Portrait

Jeff Stone
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

Undecided Students

Nate Anderson Portrait

Nate Anderson
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

Jenny Buysse Portrait

Jenny Buysse

Amy Gill Portrait

Amy Gill
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

Apryl Scheffler-Martin Portrait

Apryl Scheffler-Martin
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

General Studies

Natalie Lovely Portrait

Natalie Lovely

Heidi Parmelee Portrait

Heidi Parmelee

Amy Shreve Portrait

Amy Shreve
Academic and Career
Pathway Advisor

Chris Stroven Portrait

Chris Stroven

LaSonda Wells Portrait

LaSonda Wells