New Student Orientation
Welcome to Kalamazoo Valley Community College! New students are required to attend New Student Orientation. At orientation you will meet individually with an advisor or counselor to select your first semester of courses. We will walk you through the registration process, demonstrating how to search for courses and register. You'll also be introduced to the Kalamazoo Valley campus and the services available to support your education. Orientation lasts three hours.
To schedule an in-person orientation, please click here.
Please note, you must have test scores on file or have completed the Guided Self-Placement questionnaire on the college’s application for admission to attend orientation.
All students are required to attend an in-person orientation prior to registering for their classes. If you are unable to attend an in-person orientation due to extenuating circumstances, please email Miranda McDowell at .
If you have any questions, please email Miranda McDowell at .