Services We Provide
Access Card Activation
New employees will need to submit a request for their room access needs, making sure to include proof of approval from their direct supervisor, to .
Replacement cards do not require access request. Access levels automatically transfer to new card within 24 hours.
Event & Room Setups
All event setups are processed through the Event Scheduler who processed your room reservation.
Hard keys will be provided for desks, file cabinets, and full-time faculty/staff offices without an identification card reader on the door. Requests for hard keys must include proof of approval from direct supervisor, and the details of the type of key requested. All hard key requests must be submitted to .
Property Disposal
A Property Disposal Form must be completed with required signatures and submitted to the Director of Purchasing.
Records Destruction
A Certificate of Records Disposal must be completed with required signatures and submitted to the Custodial Supervisor for the campus where the records to be disposed of are stored.
Recycling Services
Most offices and classrooms have been provided blue paper recycle cans. These are emptied as needed. Glass, plastic, and metal can be put in the disposal units located throughout the College’s halls. Facility Services has containers for batteries, light bulbs, and larger metal objects.
Special Cleaning Requests
All other requests for Custodial Services must be submitted via the Work Request form.