Emergency Procedures
- Assess the situation and call 9-1-1 or KVCC Public Safety at 488.4911from any phone or campus emergency phone to report injury accidents.
Provide Emergency Responders with the following information:
- What occurred
- Where it occurred
- Any known injuries
- When it occurred
- Who was involved
An active shooter describes one or more armed persons whose only objective is to cause serious injury or death to as many persons as possible.
How To Respond When An Active Shooter/ Active Violence Is In Your Vicinity
Normally there is no pattern concerning which victim will be selected by the intruder. However, there are certain things you can do to minimize your chances of becoming a victim. Incidents of this type tend to escalate very quickly and will require the immediate response from armed law enforcement officers to contain and stop the incident. In the following guide you will find certain suggestions that faculty members, students, and staff can take if you are ever confronted with a situation of this nature. Remember to stay calm, follow these simple steps during an emergency and your chance of being a victim can be greatly reduced.
Quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life. Students are likely to follow the lead of instructors and staff during an active shooter situation.
- Have an escape route and plan in mind;
run away from the violence, outside of
building, or to a safe area - Leave your belongings behind
- Keep your hands visible
- Lock/Barricade room with Furniture
- Stay in an area out of the active shooter's view,
behind walls, cabinets, etc. - Stay Calm, calm others, quiet, silence cell phones
- As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger
- Attempt to incapacitate the active shooter
improvising weapons and attacking aggressor - Act with aggression and throw items at the active shooter
When it is safe to do so, call 488.4911 (KVCC Public Safety) or 911. Red Phones (inside) or Blue Phones (outside) will dial directly to KVCC Public Safety.
How To Respond When Law Enforcement Arrives On The Scene
Information you should provide to law enforcement or 911 operator
- Location of the active shooter
- Number of shooters if more than one
- Physical description of shooter/s
- Number and type of weapons held by the shooters
- Number of potential victims at the location and any known injuries
Assistance you can provide others
- Remain Calm, help re-assure others to do the same
- Assist any seriously injured by controlling bleeding; use Tourniquets provided in AED cabinets
How you should react when law enforcement arrives
- Law Enforcement's first priority will be to respond to the threat. Evacuation will begin once the scene is safe.
- Remain calm and follow officer's instructions
- Immediately raise hands and spread fingers
- Keep hands visible at all times
- Avoid making quick movements toward officers such as attempting to hold onto them for safety
- Avoid pointing, screaming, and/or yelling
- Remain Calm, help re-assure others to do the same
- Do not stop to ask officers for help or directions when evacuating, just proceed in the direction from which officers are entering the premises
- Law Enforcement will first conduct a methodical search of the building, do not leave safe space until directed.
- Public Safety will notify everyone when the incident is over and coordinate all evacuation, medical care and investigations
This information sheet was prepared with information from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- If you receive a bomb threat, remain calm. Keep the person talking as long as possible.
- Get as much information as possible. Ask specific questions as indicated on the bomb threat checklist.
- Do not hang up the phone. Use another phone to call Public Safety 488.4911 by picking up a red (interior) or blue (exterior) phone.
- Do not use cell phones or two way radios as these may set off bombs.
- Public Safety will determine if an evacuation will be conducted.
- Under no circumstances should an untrained faculty or staff member attempt to locate or move a suspicious device or package.
Use the back of Kalamazoo Valley Community College's Emergency Response Reference Guide to record information about the bomb threat.
Campus emergency phones are a crime deterrent because they are highly visible and easy to access. The phones provide peace of mind for parents, students, employees and visitors on campus. Persons that observe suspicious activity or crimes in progress can activate any of the emergency phones that dial directly to KVCC’s Department of Public Safety.
Emergency phones on or around the exterior of all KVCC buildings are blue in color and dial directly to KVCC Public Safety.
Emergency phones inside all KVCC buildings are red in color and dial directly to KVCC Public Safety.
Civil Disturbances include riots, demonstrations, or assemblies that have become significantly disruptive.
- Assess the situation.
- Call 9-1-1, KVCC Public Safety 488.4911, or pick up any campus emergency phone for any life-threatening emergency or disturbance.
- Avoid provoking or obstructing demonstrators.
- Secure your area (stay inside; lock your doors if possible).
- Continue normal routines (if possible).
- Stay away from windows and doors.
- Prepare for evacuation or relocation (KVCC Public Safety will advise).
An emergency situation exists near a KVCC campus. In these situations, a lockdown of facilities may be necessary to protect the campus population.
- All classroom doors will be closed and locked when the alarm is activated
- All people in open areas, hallways, eating areas will move immediately to a secure room
- No secured area will be opened until 'All Clear' is made by the alarm system
How To Respond If You Notice An Emergency Situation
- Immediately notify Kalamazoo Valley Public Safety by picking up a red (interior) or blue (exterior) phone.
- Notify persons in the area of an Emergency Lockdown situation
- Direct people to a safe and secure area in close proximity to their current location.
- Secure doors to work areas and or classrooms in assigned areas of responsibility.
- Follow all directions from Public Safety Personnel. This is a serious situation; following direction quickly is important.
- Maintain lockdown status until notified by appropriate Public Safety authority that the emergency condition no longer exists.
- Inspect work area for damage from the violence as necessary as conditions permit.
- Coordinate with Public Safety start up procedures as necessary.
- Listen to audio alarm with voice communication
- Immediately leave the building at the nearest exit, in a safe, orderly manner. Bring your personal belongings, close doors, evacuate in groups, with your group provide assistance for those with physical disabilities, and do not use elevators
- Move away from the building at least 100ft. or past light poles with green stripes, in parking lots
- Wait for the 'All Clear' from the alarm system prior to re-entry of building
If you discover a fire or explosion follow the checklist:
- Pull the nearest Fire Alarm. Move towards nearest exit.
- Call Public Safety 488.4911 if possible by picking up a red (interior) or blue (exterior) phone.
- Secure your area, lock fire files, and close windows and doors.
- Evacuate the building at the nearest exit, and take all personal belongings. Exit the building and go past the light poles with the green stripe or 100’ away from the building.
- Wait for “All Clear” signal over the Emergency Response Team.
- Evacuate the flooded area.
- Contact KVCC Public Safety at 488.4911 or pick up any campus emergency phone.
- Use extreme caution around electric wires, appliances, equipment, etc.
- Secure vital equipment and chemicals.
- Do not return to the building unless you have been given instructions by KVCC Public Safety to do so.
Chemicals, substances, and materials that can cause harm to humans, animals, or the environment
- All rooms with hazardous materials are marked
- Any questions or exposures to hazardous materials please contact Public Safety immediately at 4911
How To Respond If You Discover A Hazardous Material Incident
- Any spill of hazardous substance shall be reported to Public Safety 488.4911, by picking up a red (interior) or blue (exterior) phone.
- Public Safety will notify the proper agency for follow up.
- Notify persons of the protective actions they are to take.
- Check work areas to ensure that everyone has received instructions.
- Ensure that non duplicated vital records located within the unit are preserved.
- Coordinate unit shut down procedures as necessary.
- If protective sheltering is recommended by Public Safety, direct personnel to close all windows and doors and to remain indoors until it is safe to go outside.
- If evacuation is recommended, direct persons to the nearest exit and safely away from the building past the green striped light poles or 100' from building.
- When reporting, be as specific as possible about the nature of the material.
- How much spilled
- If there are injuries, how many
- Location of incident and injuries
- After Public Safety gives the order, coordinate unit start up procedures as necessary.
How To Respond To A Medical Emergency
- Call Public Safety 488.4911 to respond and assist with the medical problem.
- Call 911 from any college phone if it is potentially life-threatening or by picking up a red (interior) or blue (exterior)phone.
- Do not move the person unless he or she is in danger.
- Render first aid if qualified.
- Wear protective gloves and avoid contact with potentially infectious bodily fluids.
- If you are exposed to bodily fluids, notify Public Safety personnel.
AED/Bleeding Control Kits
- At TTC, inside all main entrances
- At ACC & BHLC, one located on each floor
- All emergency evacuation maps have AED location
Mental health emergencies include:
- A person's statements involving harm to self or others
- Strange / destructive behavior
- Severe emotional behavior
If you come in contact with a mental health emergency:
- Call 9-1-1 or KVCC Public Safety at 488.4911 or pick up any campus emergency phone.
- Remain calm...keep the person talking…call other resources to assist.
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- Call KVCC Student Success Services Counseling Center at 488.4040 from any phone.
Remain calm and notify KVCC Public Safety at 488.4911 from any phone if still available.
If you become trapped or hear of someone trapped in an elevator follow the check list:
- If you become trapped in an elevator, use the emergency phone to communicate to Public Safety Department, If you have cell phone call Public Safety 488.4911
- When you contact Public Safety, advise them the name of the building, location within the building, where the elevator car is stopped, and if a medical emergency exists.
- If the phone in the elevator does not work, push the alarm button until you hear help is on the way.
- Remain calm, and try to calm others.
- DO NOT attempt to exit the car unless directed to and assisted by Public Safety personnel.
- DO NOT try to force open the elevator door.
- DO NOT try to exit the elevator through the service hatch.
- Elevators have mechanical safety brakes that will operate in all situations even during power failure.
Severe weather can include hazardous conditions produced by thunderstorms, including damaging winds, tornadoes, large hail, flooding and flash flooding, and winter storms associated with freezing rain, sleet, snow and strong winds.
- Listen to audio alarm with voice communication
- Go directly to designated emergency shelters
- All emergency shelters have yellow/black signs on the outside of room and inside on the door
- Wait for 'All Clear' before leaving shelter
How To Respond If You Are Notified Of Serious Weather
- Public Safety will issue notification if a severe weather/tornado warning is issued by the National Weather Service for the immediate area.
- Secure area, lock fire files, secure doors.
- Go directly to designated emergency shelter location; take personal belongings. All shelters are marked on evacuation maps and yellow signs below room number.
- Area leaders and Public Safety will assist in directing all students and visitors to nearest emergency shelters.
- Public Safety will activate the emergency alarm giving weather instructions to all occupants in the building.
- If major power outage occurs, stay calm. Remain in shelter area until further instructions from Public Safety.
- Wait in shelter area for “All Clear” signal over the Emergency Alarm System.
Severe Winter Weather
- President or designee will determine college closings.
- Notify personnel of their early dismissal due to the weather conditions.
- Check work areas to ensure everyone has evacuated.
- Public Safety will maintain traffic and access control as necessary.
Some characteristics of suspicious packages and envelopes include the following:
- Inappropriate or unusual labeling
- Excessive postage
- Handwritten or poorly typed addresses
- Misspellings of common words
- Strange return address or no return address
- Incorrect titles or title without a name
- Not addressed to a specific person
- Marked with restrictions, e.g. “Personal,” “Confidential” or “Do not x-ray”
- Marked with threatening language
- Postmarked from a city or state that does not match the return address
- Appearance
- Powdery substance felt through or appearing on the package
- Oily stains, discolorations or odor
- Lopsided or uneven envelope
- Excessive packaging material such as masking tape, string, etc.
- Other suspicious signs
- Excessive weight
- Ticking sound
- Protruding wires or aluminum foil
If packages like this are found, contact KVCC Public Safety at 488.4911 or call 9-1-1.
If you discover a crime in progress, follow the checklist:
- Do not attempt to apprehend or interfere with a crime in progress except in self-defense.
- Be a good witness, and try to get a detailed description of the suspect.
- If a vehicle is used, try to get a detailed description of the vehicle.
- Call Public Safety as soon as possible with all the information 488.4911 by picking up a red (interior) or blue (exterior) phone.
- Render first aid if qualified to any injured victims.
- Remain on scene if safe to do so, until contact is made with a Public Safety officer.
- If you are notified of an emergency, cooperate with Public Safety and evacuate as requested.