College Closed January 21st
The college is closed for business January 21st. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.
Student Strengths Development

Student Strengths Links

Student Strengths Development

Schedule an Appointment

Student services are available via phone, email, virtual meetings and in person (by appointment only) during regular business hours.

If you need assistance, please contact the following:

Admissions, Registration and Records: or 269.488.4281
Financial Aid: or 269.488.4340
Student Development Services: or 269.488.4040
Counseling and Advising: or 269.488.4040
Tutoring: or 269.488.4397
Library Services: or 269.488.4380
IT Help Desk: or 269.488.4250
Pay Station: or 269.488.4292
Bookstore: or 269.488.4030
Office for Student Access: or 269.488.4397
KVAAP: or 269.373.7946
Apprenticeships: or 269.488.4873
Prior Learning: or 269.488.4873
Internships: 269.488.4635

Overview of Strengths

“A strength begins with a talent […] a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied. A great number of talents naturally exist within you, and each of them is very specific […] Your talents empower you. They make it possible for you to move to higher levels of excellence and fulfill your potential. […] A talent represents a capacity to do something” (Clifton and Anderson, 2002, P. 6).

Strengths are developed talents. Strengths are neither innate nor totally dependent on our heredity, but can be discovered and developed so that they bring us stability and persistence. “A strength is the ability to provide consistent, near-perfect performance in a given activity. […] strengths are produced when talents are refined with knowledge and skill” (Clifton and Anderson, 2002, p. 8). The key to building strength is to identify your greatest talents, which are likely found within your Signature Themes, then refine them with knowledge and skills.

The Clifton Strengths for Students Program is based on several major psychological, social, and organizational development theories. The Clifton Strengths for Students principles can be classified into the following headings: definition and measurement of talents and strengths, motivational implications, and role of environment in developing strengths and enhancing development and productivity (Braskamp, 2008).

Schedule an Appointment with Student Strengths

What is Clifton Strengths for Students?

Clifton Strengths for Students is a tool that provides you as a student with the opportunity to develop strengths by building on your greatest talents -- the way you most naturally think, feel, and behave as a unique individual. This assessment has currently helped students similar to you at more than 600 schools and universities to discover, develop, and apply their Top 5 Greatest Strengths.

With Clifton Strengths for Students, you will be provided with the tools to:

  • Discover your greatest natural talents
  • Improve your grades and increase your learning by making the most of your talents
  • Determine a rewarding career path based on your unique talents
  • Maximize your potential by focusing on your Strengths instead of your weaknesses

Want to discover your top 5 Strengths?

Set up an appointment with the Student Strengths Development Office at:

The online assessment will take anywhere between 30 to 45 minutes to complete. Following this, a Strengths discussion will be scheduled to provide detailed information regarding your unique Strengths and how you can constructively utilize them everyday.

Already taken Strengths?

If you've already taken the assessment, you can log in at: Clifton Strengths for Students to retrieve your Top 5 results and print reports. You will need your user id (email address) and the password you created.

Have you had a strengths discussion?

A Strengths Discussion is a one-on-one advising session designed to affirm your talents and take specific action to develop and apply them. To schedule a Strengths Discussion contact Student Strengths Development: 269.488.4045 or