Strengths Video Examples

Achiever - Pam Alcera

Activator - Become a Person of Action Now

Adaptability - Jason Mraz - Living in the Moment

Analytical - Moneyball (breaking biases)

Arranger - Jack Canfield: Planning Your Day

Belief - Nike "I Can Do This"

Command - The Blind Side – Practice Scene

Communication - Muhammad Ali's greatest speech

Competition - Michael vs. Mia

Connectedness - Russell Simmons

Consistency - What is Fairness?

Context - History Buffs Uncover...

Deliberative - How to Make a Good Decision

Developer - My Favorite Teacher

Discipline - How to Organize a Desk

Empathy - RSA Shorts – The Power of Empathy

Focus - Goal Setting: How to Keep Focused...

Futuristic - The Future is Ours

Harmony - Conflict Resolution Online Course

Ideation - Cool, Strange and Unusual Inventions

Includer - Sesame Street: Mila Kunis: Include

Individualization - Life of Brian

Input - Short Circuit

Intellection - What people think about in the shower

Learner - What type of Learner are you? Strategic

Maximizer - Those Things You Were Born to Do

Positivity - The Power of Positivity

Relator - How to build Trust

Responsibility - Active Nation - Responsibility

Restorative - Thinking Outside of the Box

Self-Assurance - Decision to make

Significance - JFK - Peace Corps

Woo - People in Your Neighborhood ('77)