College Closed January 21st
The college is closed for business January 21st. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.

Prior Learning Assessment Policy

Acknowledge the Knowledge

Acknowledge the knowledge from your past and earn college credit today!

Prior Learning Assessment Policy

To be eligible for Prior Learning assessment a student must have a KVCC application on file and be actively seeking a certificate or degree. Before meeting with the PLA Office, a student must first meet with an Academic Counselor to establish a Program of Study. Credit for Prior Learning is only available for courses which are in the student's current Program of Study.

The PLA Office will advise students of the PLA options and help them select which assessment option is best. The PLA Office will uphold PLA policies and coordinate the process between the student, Faculty, and the Admissions, Registration and Records Office.

KVCC follows the academic standards of the Council of Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) when assessing prior learning experience:

Prior learning credit may be specific course credit, an elective credit in a specific area or it may be a general elective. Program requirements should be reviewed to determine how PLA credits will apply toward graduation.

Successful completion of a portfolio or proficiency exam will result in appropriate course credit posted to the student's transcript.  A credit grade (CR) will be awarded for proficiency exams and a numeric grade will be assigned for portfolios evaluated at a 2.0 or better grade level.

PLA credit will be awarded by semester based on when the completed portfolio is submitted or the proficiency exam is requested. The semester the credit is earned will be determined following the time frame listed below.

Submission Dates

Fall Semester: July 1 - October 31
Winter Semester: November 1 - March 31
Summer Semester: April 1 - June 30

*Additional time should be allowed for awarding PLA credits during the Summer semester because assessment is dependent on the availability of evaluators.

Students will be allowed up to 45 prior learning credits toward an Associates Degree and up to 15 prior learning credits for a Certificate. Students must complete 15 credit hours of registered classes at KVCC to be awarded a Certificate or Associates Degree.

The credits awarded are granted toward a KVCC degree. KVCC does not guarantee the credits awarded through the prior learning assessment method will transfer to other institutions. All institutions reserve the right to review credits to determine how awarded credits apply at their own institution.